A question for Supernatural Fans

If they were to add a Supernatural Chapter, who would the killer be? I have seen a few episodes for fun but never enough to see the antagonist. I know there are two protagonist Sam and Dean which both look really badass, do you guys think they will fit into the DBD realm?
Never really thought about it before but Sam and Dean would make a great addition to the survivor cast! But I don't think there would be a killer. If anything it stands separate from everything else, like Ash from Evil Dead.
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I am not a supernatural fan, but I used to watch it with my cousin each now and then. As far as I remember there was no specific antagonist for the most part, it was just random demons. Sam and Dean would make for some neato survivors though, I have an idea of what their perks could. be.
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There are many antagonists so i really dont know. But i would love a Supernatural chapter!
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Amara and Chuck are just too high level on the totem pole. Maybe the Empty too, but I'd love to see him in his shadowy form.
Michael, Lucifer, & Hell many of the characters also touch on religious icons, which BHVR said they wouldn't do in the past, but uh... Plague. Plus this latest tome has some Pagan and East Asian spiritual charms. Found that interesting.
Which outside of the religious ones, that just leaves the British Men of Letters and Vampire/Werewolf clans. Dick Roman feels too small of a character... heh. In the same way putting actual God or Lucifer would be too big.
Maybe Asmodeus? Idk. It's actually hard to peg a good villain that doesn't outweigh the entity or is just too minor of a character. Lilith? Gabriel?
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If they were to add a killer from the main villains, the only one I could see fitting in the game would be Dick Roman. Most of the others are powerful supernatural beings whose powers range from stuff like telekinesis and pyrokinesis to ending all of existence, and they would have to be neutered almost completely to be even remotely balanced.
If not from the main villains, they could just add one of the generic monsters like a Wendigo or a Werewolf, nothing too original or scary.
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There was a specific antagonist, it just didn't become obvious until later on.
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Can you imagine Amara in DbD, if she were accurately portrayed?
Power: The Dark
Permanently wipe out everything in the DbD universe.
"God was the Light. I am the Dark." -Amara
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Lucifer. Unless you dive deeply into the problem of evil.
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The End: Final Chapter.
"The book cover would be a tombstone that simply reads 'Winchester.'" -Chuck, Season 15
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They said they are not going to do paragraphs anymore, since queue times are extended for the other side. So they would need a killer :(
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I figure either Dick Roman or Azazel.
For Azazel, I suppose his ability would be akin to something like supernatural speed or strength. I imagine it would be something like Ghost face/Myers. Actually I have a few ideas for Azazel! i.e he has to "stalk" you for a certain amount of time (uninterrupted) and it could put you into the injured state, and it has a cooldown until he can use it again. His main attack I suppose would be to hit you with a weapon (I think in John's body he attacked Dean with a crowbar or a fire poker), and his mori would be to lift the survivor into the air by the neck and they would burst into flames and be thrown to the ground.
Though I don't have many ideas for the leviathan aside from his mori being something to do with the weird mouth thing.
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Well then it couldn't be someone overly powerful like Lucifer. I imagine it would probably either be old yellow eyes, or Crowley.
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Azazel is too powerful. He'd have to be nerfed so hard it'd be like playing a bodybuilder and calling him "Superman".
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You think demons aren't powerful?
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What do you mean? Old yellow eyes is the demon that killed Sam and Dean's mother, and Crowley is the king of hell. They're both demons.
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Azazel was probably the least powerful of all of the "main enemies" they faced. He set some ladies on fire, scary.
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Prolly a monster from the first season or 2.
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I know who they are. My point is that demons are too powerful to be put in the game without being nerfed too heavily.
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Oh I was just talking about this! Supernatural is the chapter I wanna see most. Dean would be my forever main, and Castiel as a legendary skin would be cool.
for killer, maybe the scarecrow? I think he’d be pretty creepy. Or the wendigo with the map being the underground caves.
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Yellow eyes was my thought.
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I'd say Lilith. I mean Lucifer would obviously be bigger and probably a better choice, but if they want to avoid the religious overtones of Lucifer. Lilith would also be a female killer, which we desperately need.
Supernatural Chapter
Killer: Lilith
Survivors: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
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Azazel scared every demon that walked the Earth (and some that didn't), which is how he kept them all in line. He didn't just set women on fire after pinning them to the ceiling.
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I miss the time when they went up against different crestures every episode. It very quickly became just about Demons and Angels and I lost interest after season :/
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I'm guessing you were at season 4 or 5, right?
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That's why I said it wouldn't make sense for them to have Lucifer but I think demons are fair game. Besides it's kind of hard to make a point of demons being too powerful when you have the likes of Freddy Krueger and Pyramid Head in your game.
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Halfway through 6! Huh, I guess autocorrect decided it wanted to take my number.
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The early seasons were really fun for sure. I think a lot of shows suffer from weaker seasons if the show is dragged out for too long, which happened to SPN a few times lol. But with all that monster hunting, they’d fit right in with DBD. Similar to Ash and Bill 👍
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Demons in Supernatural would wipe the floor with those guys. Hell, we already had a Freddy Kruger-esque villain and he was just a plain old human.
Well, it got better. The main issue is that demons and angels are really a much bigger threat than, say, a werewolf. Gotta raise the stakes (which they did up until season 11, then they went down until season 13-ish, and are currently at their highest since season 11).
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Oh yeah of course, but he wasn't like all powerful. The Leviathan, Lucifer, Amara, Abbadon, Cain, Michael, Chuck- I'd even consider Demon Dean more powerful, he somehow managed to escape runes and ######### specifically made for demons.
It would be interesting to see a Survivor Dean and Soulless Sam as killer though, albeit I'm not sure everyone would be happy with that
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Totally! I miss the times they went up against ghosts and #########, they only faced one wendigo for like the entire show- which was what? 15 seasons long? To say I was disappointed was an understatement.
But yeah, their show would really fit in! And it'd bring a lot of publicity to the game, since SPN has... A HUGE fandom
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Obviously he wasn't all-powerful. Even Amara isn't all-powerful, and she's the most powerful being in all of existence. Chuck is, well, Chuck. Not really a fair comparison, it's like comparing an atom to the sun. Among the demons, however, Azazel was definitely one of the most powerful. Demon Dean and Cain don't count because their invulnerability came from Amara.
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I always thought the seasons of supernatural should only be 13 episodes long. That way the story never meanders and the pacing stays tight. But because they had to fill 22 or 23 episodes, there would be so much filler that would find Sam and Dean having to tackle a random case because they currently lost all leads on the season's big bad. Losing the leads happened so often that it became downright laughable! 😄
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Yeah, like when they lost track of Amara. How do you lose the most powerful being in existence? That's just insane!
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Suppose so. Still, there are definitely more powerful villains and such, and as far as I remember Azazel didn't rule over the demons, that was Crowley, although I could be wrong. Also, Dick Roman was like king of the leviathans or something. Maybe one of the alpha vampires then? I'm not sure, but I'd be happy with even just a Bunker Map and Sam and Dean as survivors.
Also, I think my ideas were pretty good :)
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Lmao. You’re not wrong. But hey, Sam and Dean are used to “dying” over and over but never staying dead. They’d fit right in with dying on repeat in DBD, they’ve already lived that lifestyle 😂
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Azazel did rule over the demons, even if he never officially served as King of Hell. Casey mentioned that he held all the demons together, despite being a tyrant (or maybe because of it).
Also, there's only one Alpha per monster species. That's what Alpha means, it's the first of the species. The Alpha Vampire would be a good fit, I always felt he was underutilized. He's gotta be well over a million years old, since he was around before humans discovered fire.
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That makes sense actually, I can picture him being a tyrant to the point of people following him out of fear.
Also, the alpha vampire was really good! I thought he should have lasted a lot longer and shouldn't have been taken out by some random hunters that were thousands of years younger than him. He should definitely have been more powerful than they portrayed him.
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I would probably say the leviathan since angels aren't the right fit and demons would probably be too OP, and most of the other stuff are actually either not very important to the story or might be harder to put into the game without compromising too much on their balance. On the other hand though they could probably get away with adding them the same way they added ash since the killer would be harder to pull off and they could probably give some sort of skin to some killers so that they resemble something from the show like give the demogorgon a leviathan skin or wraith a skin that looks like a ghost from the show or something else on that line
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Where did you find this information? I mean I believe you, I’m just curious now.
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1 of the brothers is probably gonna be a legendary skin... hopefully not...
The killer would either be the yellow eyed demon or literal satan.
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I’m late to the party here, but I was looking through to see if anyone else wanted Supernatural added to the game. Happy to see I’m not the only one!
I think the wendigo or yellow eyed demon wouldn’t be a bad idea. Not sure if they’d make one brother a legendary skin, but I hope not. The bunker for a map might be cool, or as someone else mentioned, the caves where the wendigo kept its victims.
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She looks too much like a survivor IMO. There has to be something from the Supernatural Universe thats more....Monster like....
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Well, there's the literal monsters. You could have a Djinn, for instance, although that'd probably get the game banned in certain countries.
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Hey that’s actually a really neat / unique idea. I figure they’d go with like, the most iconic monster of the series but I honestly don’t know what that is.
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That would be either a wendigo, a werewolf, or a vampire. Depends on who you ask.
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One of the few monsters on the show I could see fit, would be Leviathan. On top of that they could finally work in one of those Disguise yourself as a survivor powers people have been clamoring for.
You're the leviathan, your power is (SFADFASDinsert) Your base form at the start of the match is a black oozy humanoid figure with an extremely low terror radius, you target a survivor similar to the way ghostface stalks, and after stalking them for a few seconds or even better you transform into a random survivor on their team instead of them, you change into them, skin and all along with the move speed adjustment. While transformed into a human you emit no terror radius. To attack a survivor in this form your mouth bursts open your movespeed picks back up and your next attack is an instant down, after hooking someone you go back into your base form. And maybe you can't transform while someone is looking directly at you for the sake of balance or something. And maybe they could play around with that theory a bit. Figure out what to do when you're not in the leviathans transformed state etc.
It could in theory be a really amazing power and noticeable character chapter from the show.
Also Leviathans considering their power level in supernatural would be the only ones I could respect getting slapped in the face by a pallet as being a valid means to slow them down.