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  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I never use DS, I have almost no issue with tunnelers.

    Equip DS and/or kindred if you feel like you encounter that playstyle too often.

    Borrowed time doesn't hurt either.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    The reason you don't have issues is likely because killers fear DS. I remember I was basically tunnelled every single game before the DS rework.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    The reason is because I don't see a lot of tunnelers even when there's no obsession.

    And when I do see them, having an obsession doesn't really matter.

  • Member Posts: 5,873
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I'm sure you know more about what happens in my games than me pal...

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Nah, of course not, but I probably know more about typical killer behaviour.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Actually, no. That makes me sound like a narcissist. But that's off of my experience of playing. I apologise if I offended you, @Weck.

  • Member Posts: 963

    How dare killers hookrush and complete their objective faster

    Only survivors are allowed to genrush, according to the 234th rule

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, yeah, when you send false reports, nothing will happen. "Tunneling" isn't reportable, just like "gen rushing" isn't reportable.

  • Member Posts: 395

    I was in jail for less than that, so it seems a lottery if a mod catches you or not

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2020

    Leaving the game is punished and tunnelling isn't. Am I missing something here?

  • Member Posts: 14,901

    Yeah tunneling is just a scumbag strategy and actually just denies the tunneled surv to get any points other than Boldness... but it is considered to be a legit strategy and reporting it is actually itself a bannable offence iirc, so you really shouldn’t do it (if it’s not always the very same killer that always only tunnels you; that would be grieving but it’s very possibly not the case here)

  • Member Posts: 994

    This strategy is only for low lifes. I rather lose the game than do this scummy "strategy". It could understand if a newbie killer does it, but there are actually red and purple rank, they know exactly how ######### that is for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,328
    edited June 2020

    Ph counters DS tho :/

    And DS is also hidden behind a paywall :/

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    If you're the one being tunneled BT does hurt, because it only helps others and doesn't improve your own chances of surviving and / or not getting tunneled, at the same time as taking up a perk slot that you could have used for something else that actually benefits you as a solo player, not your "team" especially if they're all garbage.

    Not to mention, if the killer finds out you're the guy running BT getting all these successful unhooks, he's more likely to focus on you to get you out of the game to make his job easier and the rest of the team who's left harder pressed to make successful saves.

    So no, BT probably not a good option if you're being repeatedly tunneled consistently in your matches.

    Instead choose perks that directly benefit you and help you survive. Instead of Borrowed Time I would suggest unbreakable, so you can't be slugged, in combination with Decisive where there's a decent chance you'll be left on the ground, it's a pretty disgusting combo.

    Other "selfish" perks you can use if you have no faith in your team and the killer is tunneling you:

    Self-Care - as much as people will tell you it's detrimental to the team, it's still one of the best self-preservation perks out there (just make sure not to self-care when you should be doing something else like fixing a generator that's almost done or saving a teammate who's almost dead)

    Inner Strength - Alternate option you can pick instead of self-care but it's got it's limitations especially if you have trouble finding totems. When you've got it though, it works and it's a good self-sustain / self-preservation perk.

    any exhaustion perk: Adrenaline is a pretty good pick for self-preservation but if you're not sure if you're going to get use out of it Balanced Landing or Lithe are good picks too. Head On if you know you can use it properly, you can go with Dead Hard but good killers have been getting wise to DH antics for awhile now and it's slowly becoming less viable because good killers will counter it by baiting it out once they know you've got it. If you don't have those the classic Sprint Burst is always an option

    Kindred - It's a multi-purpose perk. It activates whenever you're hooked so obviously it helps your team make safer saves and prevents nightmare scenarios where everybody thinks somebody else is getting the save and nobody gets you. It also gives you a lot of map awareness of where your team is so you can get a quicker heal, finish a generator with someone else, and it also let's you know where the killer is and what direction they headed in after they got a hook (or if they're camping).

    Spine Chill - huge perk that can save your butt in multiple circumstances. Most obviously it's a game changer going up against stealth killers or killers using stealth perks (like the recently released Trail of Torment), but also helps against basically any killer, when it lights up and it stays lit for a couple seconds that's your queue to gain some distance and dip. Gives you a bit of extra reaction time for high mobility killers like Hillbilly or Oni too who tend to show up very quickly and abruptly. Plus you get slightly faster vaulting speed depending on what tier you've got the perk at. Can't recommend this perk enough.

    Other somewhat notable self-preservation perks: Dark Sense, Camaraderie, Distortion, Urban Evasion, Iron Will

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    It's ok. People have different experiences while playing the game, you base your views on your experience, and I base my views on my experience. It's just how it goes.

    I mean... if you wanna go full lone wolf go ahead. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

    But you want someone with bt to unhook you right? So why not reciprocate?

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    I won't need BT if I've got kindred to make my own saves (when I'm being saved) safe to begin with

    Also, isn't playing solo ALREADY a lone wolf game???????

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited June 2020

    Some anti tunneling strategies.

    Don’t heal directly under the hook.

    If you use the BT body block and then separate the killer likely has only you in his sight so calculate the risk of such a play based on how many times you have been hooked

    Flash light clicky and butt dance taunt mean chase me please curb that behaviour between hooks

    don't go straight back to the almost complete gen two seconds after being unhooked next to said gen.

    Take a moment to assess your surroundings post hook before trying to gen rush as the killer may still be in the area.

    Realise it is advantageous for killers to tunnel someone down so try avoid that as best as possible.

    Run DS and other second chance perks to facilitate escape.

    if all else fails accept that some games go south and don’t take it to heart.

    It isn’t a game where we all go sing kumbaya around the fire together If you are found again, expect you may get hooked again or at best slugged. Stop expecting to get away.

    As killer I try not to hook the just unhooked but often some bad play results in a second down and that choice to slug or hook again. If gens a popping off like mad ima gonna hook whoever is hookable when no other targets are available for a slug double down.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Also realise your map awareness may differ from the killers. If all the pallets have been used up in an area and the killer has to choose between survivor heading into a weak zone vs survivor heading into a much stronger zone then the weak zone will likely be the target regardless of previous hooks.

    sorry this is a lot but I find when I’m tunneled or lose survivors it’s usually because I screwed up somehow and the opponent capitalised on it.

    also the caps key is on the left ;)

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Tunnelers either tunnel the weakest of the bunch, the first person they hooked, or someone who was being an annoying #########. Dont be one of those 3 and your chances of being tunneled reduce significantly

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    I get called a tunneler by survivors who play incredibly stupidly i.e. running in circles/the open after being unhooked without healing. When I play killer I'm going after the weak link that's visible instead of trying to find the person that unhooked and then hid when they should have been protecting the unhookee. Or I'll have someone unhook in my face and expect me to chase them instead of the injured person just standing right there. If the unhooker is injured when they unsafe unhook in front of me I will let the person who was just on the hook go. The only time I will outright and with malicious intent tunnel someone is when they sit and flashlight blind me back to back or run around clicking their flashlight looking for attention.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    We are talking in general or against tunnelers? Because I said to use bt in case of tunnelers.

    I mean, in the game in general you don't need bt, or ds, or unbreakable, or any perk really.

    It's still a team game even if you solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Are you reporting people for "tunneling?" If so, don't. It's not a bannable offense.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    You know you can't get banned for tunneling and camping, right? You're putting yourself in danger of being banned if you put out false reports lol

  • Member Posts: 158

    Geez πŸ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 650

    The devs of this game care so little about the cacophony of voices sick of tunneling, that they introduced pro-tunnel killer DLCs back to back. So do not assume anything will ever be "done" about tunneling. I would encourage you to at least mini-report at the end of each match, just to get your voice and view heard. Also, click the "rate the match" bubble. With enough feedback maybe change will roll down the pipe, but I sincerely doubt it. The report system as far as I have seen does nothing and goes nowhere but hope springs eternal, right? DbD already peaked and is winding down, a bummer because it used to be a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 352

    You should look on the bright side pal. Maybe the Killer isn't tunneling you to be an [BAD WORD]? Maybe the Killer sees you as a high priority target? Sometimes it's because you're injured yes, however with others they may think you're good at wasting they're time. So they want you sacrificed as fast as possible.

    Feel flattered alittle is all I'm saying.

  • Member Posts: 222

    FOR REAL on playstation 4 yesterday every other game was face campers it really makes the game stale and boring I got off a few times and back on still face campers everywhere. BORING ps4 is harder to play on than pc too so its funking bullshite

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    Bold of you to assume Tunneling is bannable, its not.

    Just calm down instead of yell about this blasted topic, if the killer goes for 1 survivor, thats almost no pressure on gens so survivors just get out for free

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