Really?? Adrenaline isn't paused when in a cage...

it activates and does nothing for you. Just why? There's already no perks that work with cages :/
But hey, Moris work. :]
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Don't worry! Surely there is some killer main already explaining why is it a good thing!
22 -
Silent Hill chapter is looking more and more rushed every day it passes, between massive game breaking bugs, regular bugs, mechanic oversights (cages interactions with perks), awful new map and crappy looking effects (the barbed wire when tormented looks awful and trenches are very rough in the edges among other things).
I dont know if they had another chapter prepared and had to delay it (Candyman movie being delayed forcing them to delay the chapter too or something like that) or the Covid pandemic messed their working schedule or wathever but SH feels even more rushed than Leatherface or Ghostface.
10 -
Well it's either working as intended or another oversight.
And I think it's an oversight because Adrenaline says
"Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it should take effect and will activate when freed."
unless being put in a magical floating cube apparently isn't being "disabled"
17 -
I remember Adrenaline means to activated if only when you have a chance to start it. Im sure they will fix that later.
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So, a counter so some of those pesky second chance perks. Can't have that! 🤣
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Adrenaline is hardly a second chance perk. Think of it more as a reward for completing all the generators.
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Can't wait to see people like you cry after they make it impossible to mori after a cage 😄
7 -
I think it's clearly an oversight. Even if intended, it should be paused while in a cage.
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I think someone missed the joke... maybe I'm also missing this as being a joke too?
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Oh, it's totally a second chance perk. Down on the ground and vulnerable to being picked up and hook? SECOND CHANCE! Killer chasing you, about to land the final blow? SECOND CHANCE! Just call it what it is. No shame in it.
6 -
Its probably just an oversight, but I wish it wasn't. The fact that Adrenaline can be "on hold" to begin with, is one of the most ridiculous and frustrating aspect of the perk.
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The only thing I agree with you on is the barbed wire effect on screen looking bad cause yeah it is extremely low quality however the rest makes sense besides the bugs which always come. Trenches would be extremely hard to make amazing looking and what we got is actually really good so I don't see the problem with them. The cages interactions with perks is because of how they're designed all I think they should do is make it so it doesn't work with moris and thats it.
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The trenches on the borders look bad, especially on shorter trenches or when a survivor cuts them in two, the new borders are missing polygons and have jagged looks with empty space and flat lines. Also smaller trenches leave weird looking debris nearby which looks really bad and out of place.
Overall the trenches look like they were build witn lego blocks and when you get rid of one block (either a survivor walking over it or dissapearing because they are too close to a prop) the new borders dont readjust to look round, they just look like someone took out one blocky piece.
While this is from the PTB Ive seen this on live too, the red circles mark places where polygons are missing, also the closer puddle lower part looks too jagged.
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Considering cage wasn't counting as a hook (may have been fixed I haven't played in a bit) it could be a reason as to why.
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Not sure what you mean. There was an issue related to BP, but cages are not supposed to count as hooks, that's their whole deal. They're a different way to progress the sacrificial stages.
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IMHO they should reworked cages to be something completely separate from hooks.
- Cage clock is 120 seconds. This clock is shared between all survivors.
- Survivors do skill checks the entire time they are in the cage. Each skill check gets harder and harder (to a max) and will slow down the cage timer by 20% for 10 seconds.
- Survivor has a 1/100 chance to get a very difficult red skill check that, if successful, will make the survivor free themselves from the cage.
- Each survivor caged speeds up the cage timer by 25%.
- When a generator is completed or a survivor is hooked while another survivor is in a cage, the cage timer will speed up by 25% for 15 seconds.
- Once the cage timer falls below 12.375% remaining (15 seconds at base speed), the killer can execute any survivor with torment. This is signaled to survivors with a red UI effect instead of a black one.
- Rescuing a survivor from the cage will remove torment.
- Rescuing a survivor from a basement hook will remove torment upon being rewarded with a safe hook rescue.
- Both the survivor that recues a caged survivor and the recently uncaged survivor will be immune to torment for 10 seconds if tormented survivors can be executed.
- Survivors do not see the cage for the first 10 seconds after it spawns.
- Rescuing a survivor from the cage more than 10 seconds after it spawns will give the killer a special notification of the rescuing survivor's location.
- Killer does not see the cage aura. When EGC triggers, the killer will see the cage aura 10 seconds after it spawns.
- The cage clock automatically drops to 0 when the last survivor has torment and at least 1 exit gate is open.
- Rework Crimson Ceremony Book: Now reduces the cage timer to 100 seconds.
So then the idea is to always have someone in a cage to tick down the timer. You may want to tunnel that one guy, but you can't take big chunks out of the timer like you currently can with hooks. You just pick someone to tunnel into the cage and just focus on caging for 105 seconds. Then you can kill anyone that was tormented. It encourages survivor to focus on the cage to lose as little time as possible and with the gen/hook bonus you can punish them with hooks or for gen rushing instead of doing the cage first.
Post edited by thesuicidefox on0 -
Dirty 6th chance perks get caged and do you pennace.
Working as intended and its a very good thing.
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It's strange that they try to balance the game and perks around the existing killers, then release a killer that just voids a lot of perks if he decides to cage someone. DS doesn't work, WGLF doesn't work, We'll make it or BT neither and now Adrenaline too. I guess some of them not working is alright, but others are not ok. Adrenaline being wasted should not be a thing and WGLF should give you stacks anyway, since the perk doesn't have any other use.
5 -
Think of cages then as more of a reward for the killer for you aimlessly running into his ground ability.
It can be avoided and therefore a counter to cages.
4 -
I'm fairly certain these aren't meant to work with the cages. At least BT anyway, not sure about that WGLF but I don't think so for that either
But I'm more than certain that the Adrenaline thing is something that they overlooked, of all perks that should definitely still work like normal.
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In my opinion, if the survivor is hooked or caged, they should be healed after being saved within the first 5 seconds of Adrenaline activating.
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So even though the cage is a hook state it is really not treating it as being on a hook.
Yeah especially with Adrenaline it clearly states 'Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled when it triggers and will activate upon being freed.'
So I guess a cage is not counted as 'disabled'. Well then next time I am caged I'll just float myself over to the exit...oh wait.
Severe miss on BHVR part.
3 -
I know in PTB they were to act like "hooks" for emblem points but they were not. I do not know if this would cause an issue with perks (coding) but its a guess.
I don't know the first thing about coding so I honestly cannot say.
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We found em', Pop!
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Either everything with the hook tag should work, or nothing with the hook tag should work with cages .. I fancy myself slowly becoming a PH main and I think this should be the case. The mori isnt an issue to me since PH gets a mini mori on 3rd hook redgardless. But this wishy washy hook guessing game is annoying. Trench collision is buggy as hell, i am fine with it not working on gens or switches but honestly every little thing trips them up. Also from a purely selfish standpoint, having the blast be a cone instead of a line would kinda be fun and still give survivors a chance to dodge them.
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I swear either the devs haven't thought about the cage mechanic more than 2 minutes or they are just ignorant af. Or another thing: they made thaz way on purpose so people would buy the dlc just so they can nerf it when they made enough money out of the silent hill licence
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You get the Speed Boost IN the cage?
Day by day, I'm starting to get the feeling that this DLC was rushed.
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Lmao it's sad and funny at the same time because it's actually reality you predicted
Imagine saying adrenaline is second chance. Adrenaline isn't a reward for failing bur actually SUCCEEDING finishing the objective. But what am I trying to explain to an ignored and biased killer main, there is no point.
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Here are MY thoughts on the cages:
While I do not agree with them being the same thing as hooks, I can understand it. But with that being said, the whole "hook perks don't work on cages" thing is simply outrageous at this point. Maybe some perks not working, yes, but all? Hell no.
Moris shouldn't work. Period. That's.. ridiculous. Especially since borrowed and ######### like that doesn't work on cages.
Here are some perks (Killer & Survivor) I think should work on cages AND hooks:
!. Borrowed Time & DS. Since so many people started playing Pyramid Head and took the chance as a free pass to tunnel, Borrowed should work. Same goes for DS.
!. WGLF and BBQ (maybe not the aura reading part, though. idk, i see pros and cons.) We.. want our BPS. Especially since survivors generally get a lot less BPS than killer, the fact that WGLF doesn't work is big sad :(.
!. Camaraderie. To make your friends suffer through skillchecks. Endlessly.
!. Second Wind. I don't see a problem with this perk. It would be balanced either way imo.
Perks that SHOULDN'T work with cages:
!. Devour Hope. Don't think I need to explain this one.
!. Pop. This was controversial, for me. At first I thought it would be fine- then I thought about it. If he downs someone next to a near-finished gen and immediately sends them to a cage, he can immediately pop it. Which would.. be very sad.
!. DS. I know I said this should work in cages, but at the same time- it shouldn't. I think there should be very specific conditions for it. (I.E, if the killer is right there when you get saved it gets activated and stays activated. Something like that. IDK. But at the same time that might not work.. DS is a weird concept for me.
2 -
It's more than that. FL saving doesn't work, sabotage plays won't work, boil over and all the other wiggle perks won't work.
The cage mechanic is absolutly overkill, it counters way to many things at once and on top of that the killer can still use his mori after 1st cage? Excuse me? Whoever designed this should get fired.
4 -
I'm not arguing that this Adrenaline issue is necessarily good but is it really that surprising that Adrenaline didn't go off during a game? I mean, you're consciously bringing in a high risk high reward perk that has a niche use but a powerful effect, just like Deliverance. If you don't get a safe unhook before you get first hooked, Deliverance won't work either. Maybe just don't bring in perks that have a chance of not activating if you don't want to deal with something like that.
Once again, I'm not saying it's necessarily good that Adrenaline doesn't pause in a cage, but we've already established that pretty much every perk that interacts with hooks doesn't work on a cage. The only exception I can think of is when people use a mori, but I don't really know what to say about that. Maybe it only really considers perks when making that difference, or maybe BHVR is going to rewrite the mori description to accurately state that it works after a survivor has lost a "hook state" instead of only being put on the hook, I don't know what's the deal with that. I'm just saying it makes sense that since hook perks aren't working, that Adrenaline wouldn't pause as if you're on hook. Even if you're crawling around helpless on the ground it still picks you up, so it seems like it only really considers being hooked when deciding whether the perk pauses or not.
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Unlike BT, DS, BBQ, etc. there's nothing in the wording of Adrenaline to imply its delayed healing is hook-only, so either change Adrenaline's description to be hook specific or make it work with cages.
It doesn't really seem like a huge deal if they keep it like this, though. One killer can (after meeting certain criteria) use their power (at a very specific point in the match) to deny one survivor's ability to use one specific perk. Wow, pls nerf
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I dont think that they made it on purpose. But I also dont think that they really thought about the Cage-Concept. It is a cool idea, that is for sure, but PTB Day 1 people were already raising their concerns about this mechanic.
And honestly, I like Pyramid Head and think its cool that he is in the game, but it would be really sad if he becomes a Killer who is notorious for tunneling and where players might even DC or Hook Suicide to get ouf ot the game.
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This is also something I don't get.. 1st hour of PTB playtesting and the playerbase noticed many issues. But the devs who worked on it for months aren't noticing the issues? So weird.
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They don't operate like hooks, so no it wont stop the timer.
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I understand Adrenaline, because it doesn't work with regular hooks, but perks like Borrowed Time and We're Gonna Live Forever don't, and I don't understand that.
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I dont think they worked on it for months, or at least not many people worked on it for months.
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Adrenaline doesn't state anything about hook mechanics to proc. I think this was overlooked and should most definitely work on cages.
Unfortunately perks like BT and WGLF have specific wording that relates to Hooks; ergo, no hook = no perk. I don't think that was an accident on the devs part. I think they wanted to try and shake up the meta a little bit, but that still doesn't mean the mechanics are working as intended.
I'm of the mind that WGLF and BT should absolutely still work with Cages. DS? Maybe not, I'm 50/50 on it; but I really like what @Snowstruck said about it ~ DS only procs if the Killer is nearby Cage. Would obviously have to be more specific but I think that's a good direction to go.
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It’s a bug
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Big survivor brain time. That's the whole point of the cage, Einstein. Countering survivors meta perks. L2P without these crutches
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But killer doesn't get benefit of bbq, pop, myc or any other perks like that either. So it makes sense if DS, borrowed and adrenaline don't work either. However i think killer shouldn't see aura of caged survivor
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Bubba was literally given Billy’s addons, how much more rushed could he have been?