When has the pebble distraction worked for you?

I find it useful when I'm healing someone after unhooking and the killers approaching. I throw the pebble the oppisite way and urban evasion away. This makes the killer think they failed a skill check and they always get confused. I say always, this is the first day they'll soon learn.


  • TheMidnightRidr
    TheMidnightRidr Member Posts: 600

    Cool idea, poor in practice in my opinion

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    You'd have to throw it near a gen that you've tapped or at a window vault to misdirect them away from your hiding spot.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Use Bond and throw it at other survivors.

    DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Wait we can throw pebbles
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Usui said:
    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

    Maybe you should ask why they are tunneling.

    And no, "they just suck" is not an acceptable answer.

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

    I know that its counterable. (i for my, play for fun so im going always for the rescue guy and not the rescued) so that everyone has a chance. I rarely tunnel or chase the same person until he dies.
    And guess what: I have emore success when im NOT tunneling!

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

    I know that its counterable. (i for my, play for fun so im going always for the rescue guy and not the rescued) so that everyone has a chance. I rarely tunnel or chase the same person until he dies.
    And guess what: I have emore success when im NOT tunneling!

    Doubtful, but ok. Take some time to record stats

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

    I know that its counterable. (i for my, play for fun so im going always for the rescue guy and not the rescued) so that everyone has a chance. I rarely tunnel or chase the same person until he dies.
    And guess what: I have emore success when im NOT tunneling!

    Doubtful, but ok. Take some time to record stats

    What do you mean by "record stats"?

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The pebble will be the ultimate survivor perk from now on.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

    I know that its counterable. (i for my, play for fun so im going always for the rescue guy and not the rescued) so that everyone has a chance. I rarely tunnel or chase the same person until he dies.
    And guess what: I have emore success when im NOT tunneling!

    Doubtful, but ok. Take some time to record stats

    What do you mean by "record stats"?

    use strategy, play 100 games, record results
    use another strategy, 100 games, record result...


    difference in 70% or higher means it's noticeable and exists. Less than 70 means there is no difference.

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    I dont play 100 games... xD

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It confused me a few times only for a few seconds when survivors threw them at gens and windows. But its not that useful since I didn't see any scratch marks and you don't see dance with me being used very often. In my opinion you get the best result when you throw it at a gen. But I wouldn't take up a perk slot with it.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Use Bond and throw it at other survivors.

    Haha it would be nasty when you are chased by a killer. And the best thing is it is not banable or against the rules

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    love survs that flame about tunneling. Its the same as the killer flames because of "gen rush".
    Dude, as a killer im meant to kill people. of course i chase ONE person and dont let me distract.
    And also: Dude im a survivor, im meant to do gens.

    I chase 4 survs for 4 kills. I tunnel when I need to, I camp when it's necessary, but concentrating on chasing one is guaranteed way to lose. It's just too counterable

    I know that its counterable. (i for my, play for fun so im going always for the rescue guy and not the rescued) so that everyone has a chance. I rarely tunnel or chase the same person until he dies.
    And guess what: I have emore success when im NOT tunneling!

    Doubtful, but ok. Take some time to record stats

    Saying you are more successful not tunneling is like saying you are more successful standing next to a survivor doing a gen instead of hopping in to help... you are just making the game benefit the other side...

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Usui said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:
    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

    Maybe you should ask why they are tunneling.

    And no, "they just suck" is not an acceptable answer.

    I don't need to ask, they are bad. Just like this perk.

    Well in your opinion, should every Killer just give people a chance to full heal and break LOS instead?

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I think you and I have different views on what tunneling is. If I watch you pass 3 others on a gen to go out of your way to chase me across a map even though i've been looping you already for 2 + minutes. Yeah, that's tunneling.

  • paramourn
    paramourn Member Posts: 8

    I've managed to use it during a chase and get away by tossing it at a vault and then looping around behind the killer as they ran off to the sound. Also used it to get a Pig off a fellow survivor by watching until she broke line of sight and then tossing the pebble close to, but in the opposite direction that the survivor just took. Pig fell for it, and survivor got away and was able to get her party hat off.

  • McCree
    McCree Member Posts: 294

    I just used it before hook saving somebody by throwing it near a locker. The killer went and looked around and then looked in the locker lol

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Use Bond and throw it at other survivors.

    Oh please, I've been doing this before it was cool.

  • KillJiggy
    KillJiggy Member Posts: 165

    @Usui said:
    I think you and I have different views on what tunneling is. If I watch you pass 3 others on a gen to go out of your way to chase me across a map even though i've been looping you already for 2 + minutes. Yeah, that's tunneling.

    Foreal, Im a killer main, (Nea), and If Im in a chase and a survivor tries to body block or I see them hiding behind a tree nearby I will 100% of the time hit the other survivor lol. Unless the other survivor is already injured then I might go for the down 8-)

  • KillJiggy
    KillJiggy Member Posts: 165

    @paramourn said:
    I've managed to use it during a chase and get away by tossing it at a vault and then looping around behind the killer as they ran off to the sound. Also used it to get a Pig off a fellow survivor by watching until she broke line of sight and then tossing the pebble close to, but in the opposite direction that the survivor just took. Pig fell for it, and survivor got away and was able to get her party hat off.

    10000 IQ

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Usui said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:
    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

    Maybe you should ask why they are tunneling.

    And no, "they just suck" is not an acceptable answer.

    I don't need to ask, they are bad. Just like this perk.

    I told you that wasn't an acceptable answer, try again

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:
    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

    Maybe you should ask why they are tunneling.

    And no, "they just suck" is not an acceptable answer.

    I don't need to ask, they are bad. Just like this perk.

    I told you that wasn't an acceptable answer, try again

    I don't need to ask them, I know they're bad. Just like this perk.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Usui said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Usui said:
    It will never work because killers will always continue tunneling the person they're already chasing. Another useless survivor perk.

    Maybe you should ask why they are tunneling.

    And no, "they just suck" is not an acceptable answer.

    I don't need to ask, they are bad. Just like this perk.

    I told you that wasn't an acceptable answer, try again

    I don't need to ask them, I know they're bad. Just like this perk.

    Such arrogance, much wow.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Nurse was chasing me. Soon as she hit her fatigue animation I chucked a pebble through a window.

    That was ######### dope.