EZ SWF game we just had

Sad and pathetic flex.
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right because you expect people to think you're a really good survivor by playing against noob killers
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Just delete your account, please.
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Very interesting.
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At least his rank reflects his age.
All those 2nd chance perks LuL.
So much skill 😄
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ah yes I see them perks
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I think the funny part is you actually think your team is any good. I can tell any half decent killer would walk all over your team playing as clown lol
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You are whats wrong with the game.
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Nope. You can blame matchmaking for our fun :)
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I blame you for ,,abusing" it.
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Matchmaking is bad but you're the one who decide how you want to play. It's pretty easy to know if a player i new to the game.
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whata champ
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You can blame matchmaking for pairing you with the noob, but you can't blame matchmaking for your toxic behavior. I'll make sure to add you to my list in case I ever see you in my lobby as a Killer.
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We just want to play together, we dont care if the killer is red ranks or not.
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Bro I never play survivor and escape in solos against rank 20s lmao
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Killers like you are the reason i play like this :)
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Damn we got a badass in here, careful of his 4 man swf that bullies new players then when the new player gets better and plays against them again asks for killer nerfs.
Such fun bullying a new killer and probably a new player in general.
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You say "asks for killer nerfs." Look at my post history, I'm asking for pyramid head BUFFS. Nice strawman though, it just shows how you killer mains truly are. Ironic that you think it's the survs who are toxic.
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Wow, how original lol
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Nice bait
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I'm having a Deja vu.Wasn't there a thread like this posted here some weeks ago?
Can people just stop getting triggered that easily?
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This is prolly the same team screaming for killer nerfs once they play a real match.
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Survivors like you are the reason this community is so toxic, i generally think you must have something mentally wrong with you to think its fun making someone upset and frustrated only then to post it on the forums saying "aha gg ez baby killer bad lol"
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*part of the reason
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Thank you, you are correct apologies.
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“Nice! I really showed that rank 20 who’s boss! GGEZ”
First of all, you bm’d a most likely new player if not new then a clearly bad player. I don’t see how that can boost anyone’s ego. That’s like beating a 3 year old in Monopoly and then popping off.
Second, you didn’t blur or censor anyone’s name.
So not only were you an [bad word] to a player that did nothing wrong. You also can’t follow simple rules or common courtesy.
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I mean its people like you who are toxic you said it youre self you bullied a low ran killer and then posted it on the forums like its a trophy. Talk about contradiction.
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You want a cookie?
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Except you don't know how I play as a Killer. Never gave you a hint of what I'd do or who I'd play. You also didn't play like anything, all I see is an end game chat where you're being disrespectful to a new player. For all I know, you probably played like hot garbage compared to your other mates.
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Glad you got easy matches. Otherwise you wouldn't be anywhere near rank 5. :)
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This thread needs to be closed.
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Why? To cover up the issues with matchmaking?
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I like how he hid his name even though there is only one rank 5 in that list. Don't worry JoeyBob if I see your name as Im playing killer I will make sure your in for a really bad time.
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Name is not hidden though lol. Look at the chat. Nothing new about toxic killers, so feel free to!
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We decided we wanted to play together? Wow! That makes us so toxic!
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You're right playing SWF is too easy, especially against a new player.
Maybe play solo?
@SloppyKnockout now this is a bait thread, not my thread where I was just sharing my opinion on the new map.
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Typical killer main, saying surv shouldn't be able to play with each other.
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This is pretty pathetic tbh
Its like a 12 year old got a reddit account
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"Ironic that you think it's the survs who are toxic" and here you are being toxic to a new killer that probably started playing the game, not all survivor mains are toxic but you are, that is the difference
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It's not matchmaking. It's that you think you are good because your team beat someone that is as new as you can get. You are trash. I wish I got you loosers in my lobby, you would DC. And what really makes it funny if you are actually bragging about escaping a rank 20. Plz let's see the end game screen with your " team " facing us rank 1 killers? Oh don't have any. That's it. You are what's wrong with this game. Scum like you are why new killers leave without having a chance to learn. Congratulations on your major contribution to the death of this game. But I guess if this didn't happen you wouldn't have any " crazy jukes and 360 " YouTube vids I pray I see you in the fog someday >:)
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Thanks your semi-noob party for waiting 5 min surv lobby. I wish next time you meet bubba with memento
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hahahaha I'm not even a killer main, I play both sides.
I didn't say that survivors shouldn't be able to play with their friends, I said that SWF is easy.
If I want to play competitively I play solo, if I want to goof around I play SWF
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I'm closing this right here, I don't see the need to have a thread on this forum which makes fun of bullying players that are new to the game.