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Spirits sound queues during haunt....really devs? Really?

Why is it so loud? Pig, Michael, even wraith aren't that loud during their stealth so why is her sound so loud during stealth on top of being directional?


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  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Rip gen grabs

  • Member Posts: 498

    @blue4zion said:
    Rip gen grabs

    exactly. not even a chance at it unless somebody is playing with no sound

  • Member Posts: 323
    if i understood correctly you hear a sound when she enter phasing so if you just stand still survivors know you are not phasing. I am not totally sure it is true, but if it is the devs nerfed her biggest mindgame from the PTB
  • Member Posts: 3,293

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    We are fixing that in the next patch, her Power sound will not be heard while she stays within her TR (husk) 24M. Over that range, you will hear her. This was the planned version from the beginning, but our sound system with the TR is very complex and it took us more time than expected to make it work properly.

    The change is coming soon. thank you!

    So survivors hearing the wind sound effects was intended?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    We are fixing that in the next patch, her Power sound will not be heard while she stays within her TR (husk) 24M. Over that range, you will hear her. This was the planned version from the beginning, but our sound system with the TR is very complex and it took us more time than expected to make it work properly.

    The change is coming soon. thank you!

    Thanks for the news, Janick. Are you aiming for a mid-chapter release, or do you think we might get it in a hotfix?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Janick said:
    It's going to be mid-chapter yes.

    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    Tease away and as much as you want, as long as you guys deliver when the time comes. :p

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Janick said:

    It's going to be mid-chapter yes.

    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but nore details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    Thanks, maybe the sound can be lowered, it is so loud. Played as survivor and can hear it over the generator which was halfway done. Some survivors aren't keen to the sound yet but once people get keen to it, it is gonna be bad. Also since spine chill works I feel the sound should be lowered since she can still be detected she might be detectable with premonition too, not sure.
  • Member Posts: 1,857

    But @Janick WHY there need to be a sound? Example Exitgate switches: if i see a red light from far away, i could phasewalk to the gate (more then 24m) and grabble away the survivor. actually the survivors are already gone when i arrive there. they left the switch because they hear me coming. thats a mess!

    So her power not strong in a chase because you just see the scratchmarks that NOT appear immediatley at survivors position.

    so her power is also not stron to jumpscare ppl at gens/switches/chests because they hear her coming.

    what is the power for? for fast traveling indeed. Actually the best usage of the power is to not use it. just let you juke inside shack, stand still (surv thik you are walking) and wait until surv is in range of the sword and hit him hard. thats the only thing what survivors really surprises.

    why? thats my only quesion. why did you make her that outplayable? why this massiv counter mechanics? why are you not designing an invisible killer that is invisible to 100%? wraith is visible, freddy moves gras, and Rin sounds like a racing drone.

    If her strength should be the surprise, she need to get to survivors without they realize it. like in the release trailer the new survivor didnt recognize her behind himself.

    look, when can I make sure there is a suv working on a gen? Sounds are heard maybe around 10 meters of my position? so the survivor has already heartbeat because of terrorradius. he is already warned the killer is near. So WHY the survs get ANOTHER warning sound when i am coming around the corner?

    and when i try to surprise a random gen (dont know exactly if someon is there) they dont got heartbeat of course, but they hear me phasewalking. so they know "hey listen, time to go, later Spirit :P " - that is really....cant find words for it.

    In combination with the blindness of Rin, you popp up at gen, survs are gone and you can turn around first to check where they are running. but there is nothing to see but scratchmarks. they are gone already. far far away.

    So tell me pls, or better show me/us how you Devs thought how to play the spirit effective, in high ranks or whatever. maybe we just dont understand how to play her, but the way we all want to play her, is nerfed/blocked already at release.

    Kind regards

    Bad survivors making new mistakes, no need to continue a loop needlessly or go to the spirit when you think she phase walks, just walk away from the loop and run on and off.
  • Member Posts: 201
    Janick said:

    It's going to be mid-chapter yes.

    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    You've made me a very happy Spirit main. <3

    Hope we might see her being able to use her ability while it's not fully charged. Or at least requiring only 50%.
  • Member Posts: 1,857

    @Janick said:
    within 24M of her Husk, it is not.

    So whats the point of her power then outside of 24 meters? Whats the point of making her invisible and unable to see anyone when you can hear her coming from a mile away?

    Big one...what is the point of making her invisible if you're just going to have a gigantically loud sound give you away at all times anyway? Whats the point of removing her terror radius during haunt if you're going to make this loud woosh sound when shes coming thats just as loud as a heartbeat... ITS LOUD! You can literally hear her in another room, behind a wall, and while you're in front of a gen. So its so loud you can hear her through a wall and a gen.....why? Why is this even a thing its like you're trolling stealth players.

    So she's useless as a stealth killer because she's not really stealth in the slightest NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!
    She's bad as a high mobility killer cause her power cooldown is too long, she's not billy or nurse or even hag, her mobility is terrible.
    She's not a trap type character using non direct methods to deter survivors from objectives like trapper, hag, or even pig.
    She's not a projectile thrower like huntress, clown.....
    Shes not a 1 hit downer.

    You lowered her terror radius to 24 meters.....which even if you added distressing that only puts her up to 30 meters terror radius which is lower than most killers.

    So please can someone please tell us ######### she is for? What is her niche?

    Why does it feel like she's trying to do everything but do everything poorly....

    Interesting, I do agree if they made it so the radius hid the white noise lowering the radius was a nerf since the standard would allow more room for her power to to work as a stealth approach. The devs didnt do a ptb b like they did with the clown and it would've been cool to test some of the changes. The clown ptb was well done due to there being ptb a and ptb to test patches. I hope the a and b comes back. They gave her a powerful but fear it, so a lot of counters. Survivors can still detect her with perks and audio meaning she's the first killer with a stealth power to be more easily tracked than she can track others combined with a lower movement speed and power start up time. A survivor who sees you charging could stop and walk. The only counter to her obvious counter is to pray for an ultra rare add on to see blood. The passive phasing is interesting but lower speed means more distance meaning the less impactful it is unless someone is unaware and lets you get in lunge range. The other 110 and lower speed killers have something for windows but she doesn't unless she mind games right but survivors seeing in third person has a sensory edge in any mindgame she has because her mindgames are about movement.
  • Member Posts: 1,857

    @Janick said:
    It's going to be mid-chapter yes.

    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    I'll hold patiently... but I been really looking forward to this killer, since there aren't a whole bunch of options to bring that scare you out of your seat type vibe to the game outside of like Pig, and Michael, and occasionally Hag. I love her concept and the execution of her aesthetics, including her creepy gargling and twitching, but she really needs some tweaks to get her to fit within her own niche. I can see where she was going design wise, and the husk manipulation (even on vaulting windows which has its own creep factor by itself) I see where the potential is in making people ######### themselves as a horrifying ghost just pops into their face.

    But like any horror film, the best fear is stoked in tension, and if the audience knows its coming....they don't scream....they don't even shudder. My audience are the survivors I play against, and if I can't put on an exciting show... the game feels...bad... if they're bored, I'm bored too... nobody even has to die as long as the experience up to the point of the exit gates was enough to pan the vast array of emotion from safe and tranquil all the way up to full blown panic and doubt as they just barely escape by an inch of their where gg means something besides

    "gg see ya later match is over"


    "GG that ######### was epic, I can't believe I got out of that alive and my friends distraction actually worked, I just narrowly hit dead hard at just the right time, holy hell that was epic!"

    Forgettable experience, vs memorable ones.

    Good one, strong killers also create fear. Give spirit some dev roids.
  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited September 2018

    @Janick said:
    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    Thank you for finally getting back to us. She honestly only needs a shorter cooldown and or allows her to use her power on 50/75% usage instead of 100%

    So that's why the sound is bugged, no wonder survivors can still hear and pellet drop me despite her in my terror radius

    She required very high skill-cap, higher than the Nurse, but is not being rewarded for it compared to the Nurse and other killers. Wraith rework is amazing, He'ss now Mid Tier without-addons

    Also, is her being unable to see any aura while in phase intended? (Gens, Tinkerer, Rancor, BBQ, Nurse calling etc) none worked if you are in phase mode

    Spirit heavily relies on add-ons to be effective, without add-ons low tier, with best add-ons Mid Tier, Killers should never require add-ons to be effective

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @PigMainBigBrain said:
    Why is it so loud? Pig, Michael, even wraith aren't that loud during their stealth so why is her sound so loud during stealth on top of being directional?

    Not every killer is meant to be viable - sadly - thats what the devs told us lately

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    We are fixing that in the next patch, her Power sound will not be heard while she stays within her TR (husk) 24M. Over that range, you will hear her. This was the planned version from the beginning, but our sound system with the TR is very complex and it took us more time than expected to make it work properly.

    The change is coming soon. thank you!

    Whoa, will this work with Distressing!?

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2018

    @Janick said:
    within 24M of her Husk, it is not.

    Hey Janick, so with Monitor and Abuse, will you be able to activate her power without having the survivors hear your husk (obviously if you activate it within 24-16m range of them, because of the M&A smaller terror radius)?

  • Member Posts: 912

    great, thanks to console we need to wait for this little changes over 6 weeks now.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    😶😶😶😯 wow...... I guess the frustration for the new killer is real.... "clears throat" at least the charge time is being reduced 😅 and he did say that more changes are coming and they should be here mid season which is just a few weeks away..... just a few weeks away, just a few weeks away.................
  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Kenshin said:

    great, thanks to console we need to wait for this little changes over 6 weeks now.

    Nice meme words, kinda dies since all consoles got it the same day.
  • Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2018

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Kenshin said:

    great, thanks to console we need to wait for this little changes over 6 weeks now.

    Nice meme words, kinda dies since all consoles got it the same day.

    it looks like u dont undestand that PC is getting patches slower because of the consoles. thas because every single patch for consoles is coasting them money. also all the angry console kids would get angry if PC is getting something first again.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    @Sprinkles said:

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    We are fixing that in the next patch, her Power sound will not be heard while she stays within her TR (husk) 24M. Over that range, you will hear her. This was the planned version from the beginning, but our sound system with the TR is very complex and it took us more time than expected to make it work properly.

    The change is coming soon. thank you!

    I don't know what PTB version you were playing, but that isn't the case in what the rest of us had.

    That sound Survivors now hear is HER phase sound we got when we played her and phased. As a survivor i never once heard that, oh and here is a vid;

    In the PTB;

    The Spirit was outside of 24m when phasing to him, not that it matters as that sound we all supposedly "heard" across the map. I was the Killer in that game.

    In the Live version;

    04;51;20 onwards

    So please can you be more accurate and state which sound we are supposed to be hearing when the Spirit is phased. Infact give us a video, it would be helpful.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, there's literally NO REASON for that sound to be there during haunt. It was better on PTB where you could jump scare people, at least the survivors felt SOMETHING! The way hybrid panda jumped, thats how her power should be at all times! Not this god damn

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH thats as loud if not louder than a heartbeat because its in high frequency spectrum. They should just delete that sound.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Kenshin said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Kenshin said:

    great, thanks to console we need to wait for this little changes over 6 weeks now.

    Nice meme words, kinda dies since all consoles got it the same day.

    it looks like u dont undestand that PC is getting patches slower because of the consoles. thas because every single patch for consoles is coasting them money. also all the angry console kids would get angry if PC is getting something first again.

    Oh well. They get some patches, not all
  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Thanks for the update @Janick. I love the new chapter, really great work but the ptb was underwhelming. For the clown we had ptb a and ptb b to test changes before official launch. The spirit patches seemed tacky and disorganized, couldn't test a lot of things that did change and also makes so she couldn't get the possible buffs upon release like the clown. Maybe devs are hesitant because she is invisible and we know how some of my fellow survivors reviewed and set invisible man the nightmare into an early grave. Her white noise being so loud means terror radius or not, she's louder than a generator near completion which means they will crouch away as they know you can't see footprints. Then, they will run when you see them due to long cool down right now she seems good with bloody hair brooch and yakuyoke amulet for psuedo blinks as she cannot sneak on survivors unless they aren't paying attention to the loud woosh. Survivors having more tools to track her due to her power is a steep safety cap that makes her too safe but she has great potential still. Thank you janick for keeping us posted even during the ptb. Much appreciated!
  • Member Posts: 127
    The things the devs are changing are exactly what a lot of players stated that she needed (of course not every change was mentioned) before release so no players would have to wait for the mid-chapter patch for something that the majority of players pleaded with the devs to change in the first place. I'm glad it's getting changed but still they could've had made the changes on the ptb so people could test that to see if it was OP or exactly what she needed. 
  • Member Posts: 1,857
    WINTERS said:
    The things the devs are changing are exactly what a lot of players stated that she needed (of course not every change was mentioned) before release so no players would have to wait for the mid-chapter patch for something that the majority of players pleaded with the devs to change in the first place. I'm glad it's getting changed but still they could've had made the changes on the ptb so people could test that to see if it was OP or exactly what she needed. 
    Maybe next time they will run the ptbs more efficiently and transparent like the clown ptb. They did great work with the chapter and getting it released on all consoles same day. 
  • Member Posts: 502

    @Janick said:h
    It's going to be mid-chapter yes.

    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    I'll hold patiently... but I been really looking forward to this killer, since there aren't a whole bunch of options to bring that scare you out of your seat type vibe to the game outside of like Pig, and Michael, and occasionally Hag. I love her concept and the execution of her aesthetics, including her creepy gargling and twitching, but she really needs some tweaks to get her to fit within her own niche. I can see where she was going design wise, and the husk manipulation (even on vaulting windows which has its own creep factor by itself) I see where the potential is in making people ######### themselves as a horrifying ghost just pops into their face.

    But like any horror film, the best fear is stoked in tension, and if the audience knows its coming....they don't scream....they don't even shudder. My audience are the survivors I play against, and if I can't put on an exciting show... the game feels...bad... if they're bored, I'm bored too... nobody even has to die as long as the experience up to the point of the exit gates was enough to pan the vast array of emotion from safe and tranquil all the way up to full blown panic and doubt as they just barely escape by an inch of their where gg means something besides

    "gg see ya later match is over"


    "GG that ######### was epic, I can't believe I got out of that alive and my friends distraction actually worked, I just narrowly hit dead hard at just the right time, holy hell that was epic!"

    Forgettable experience, vs memorable ones.

    Yes, all of this! Make the game memorable, and possibly scary.
  • Member Posts: 1,893

    @Someissues said:

    @Janick said:
    I don't have all the list of fixes in front of me but the Blood appearing while charging and a shorter cooldown for her Power is also planned. I know I just teasing sorry about that but more details will be coming soon, please hold on...Thanks!

    Thank you for finally getting back to us. She honestly only needs a shorter cooldown and or allows her to use her power on 50/75% usage instead of 100%

    So that's why the sound is bugged, no wonder survivors can still hear and pellet drop me despite her in my terror radius

    She required very high skill-cap, higher than the Nurse, but is not being rewarded for it compared to the Nurse and other killers. Wraith rework is amazing, He'ss now Mid Tier without-addons

    Also, is her being unable to see any aura while in phase intended? (Gens, Tinkerer, Rancor, BBQ, Nurse calling etc) none worked if you are in phase mode

    Spirit heavily relies on add-ons to be effective, without add-ons low tier, with best add-ons Mid Tier, Killers should never require add-ons to be effective

    She's extremely limited in her ability to use perks....which feels like ######### tbh. Like, theres not a single killer in this game beside her where you second guess taking bitter murmer or nurses calling because well....those perks don't work at all while using your power. And comparative game styles, my wraith is only level 35 running trash perks, and feels better than she does with some of the best perks in the game..... like, ugh, you can't use the aura reading from tinkerer, you can't use the auras from nurses, you can't effectively use the auras from bitter murmer, you can't use bloodhound without also using the highest possible tier addon, and with the sound from her haunt you can't even use insidious even if they intend you to not hear her within heartbeat radius, as long as there is still a sound being played that gives away your location insidious would actually hurt her.

    So until they change things about her kit I'm likely just going to cap her at 50, unlock all my perks and just leave her during the BP weekend. She's feels like a beta test atm gonna have to put her back in the oven till shes done. I'll just wait here..... at this pallet....

  • Member Posts: 1,052
    You make it sound like auras are never visible to her. If you are phase walking, you are either rushing somewhere or in active pursuit of someone, not looking for people to chase.
  • Member Posts: 29

    @PigMainBigBrain said:

    @Orion said:

    @xxaggieboyxx said:

    @blue4zion said:
    Rip gen grabs

    exactly. not even a chance at it unless somebody is playing with no sound

    Can confirm. Best I've been able to do is pretend I'm using my ability after a Survivor dropped a pallet (since they're within the range where they don't hear the audio queue) and wait for them to vault back. Of course, if they just keep running, I'm #########.

    kind of messed up when the best ways to use her power come from not using her power.....

    100% agree. This is why she needs a walk speed buff to 115%

  • Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    Incredibly late reply, but unless there was a dev build separate from the PTB with changes, this is not the case. In the PTB, you could not hear the power sound at all. This is why she was so effective at gen grabs. This is also why people believe that survivors hearing the power at all is a nerf, because if it was intended on the PTB for survivors to hear it, then it was bugged and not working. Proof comes from a clip just posted in the DBD mashup

    At 4:45, there is a clip of AdmiralBahroo from his stream during the PTB. The Spirit hooks a survivor away from him, definitely further than 32 meters. Bahroo stays on the generator and gets grabbed after the spirit phase walks over and get him. As you can see, Bahroo does not hear any sort of noise indicating she is phase walking. The killer doesn't have tinkerer, so she didn't sneak up to them until she was 8 meters away and then phase walk. The killer did not have the prayer beads to reduce their noise.

  • Member Posts: 1,893
    edited September 2018

    @Smiss said:

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    Incredibly late reply, but unless there was a dev build separate from the PTB with changes, this is not the case. In the PTB, you could not hear the power sound at all. This is why she was so effective at gen grabs. This is also why people believe that survivors hearing the power at all is a nerf, because if it was intended on the PTB for survivors to hear it, then it was bugged and not working. Proof comes from a clip just posted in the DBD mashup

    At 4:45, there is a clip of AdmiralBahroo from his stream during the PTB. The Spirit hooks a survivor away from him, definitely further than 32 meters. Bahroo stays on the generator and gets grabbed after the spirit phase walks over and get him. As you can see, Bahroo does not hear any sort of noise indicating she is phase walking. The killer doesn't have tinkerer, so she didn't sneak up to them until she was 8 meters away and then phase walk. The killer did not have the prayer beads to reduce their noise.

    This same clip at 1:35 though. When the devs mentioned not being able to hear it within her terror radius and queen saying something about Distressing being a good perk on her with extra terror radius mods, I would assume that they plan on changing it so that she can still jump scare people within her terror radius by masking the haunt sound while you are within terror radius. When she jump scared him he was within radius, but I'm pretty sure this was on PTB where everything was bugged to hell. So.....I guess?

    Her base terror radius is 24 meters, the dev said, as long as you haunt within range of the husks terror radius which scales off of your own, the haunt sound is "muted" Im assuming? So that means if you are running distressing and bonus T radius perks you should be able to gen grab people again with a set up like that and maybe tracking perks like whispers.

  • Member Posts: 1,857

    @Smiss said:

    @Janick said:
    This effect was also in the PTB.

    At the moment if you are within 9M of the Spirit (husk), while she use her power, you will not hear the Power sound. So this is actually an improvement over the PTB. In the PBT you could hear it all the time.

    Incredibly late reply, but unless there was a dev build separate from the PTB with changes, this is not the case. In the PTB, you could not hear the power sound at all. This is why she was so effective at gen grabs. This is also why people believe that survivors hearing the power at all is a nerf, because if it was intended on the PTB for survivors to hear it, then it was bugged and not working. Proof comes from a clip just posted in the DBD mashup


    At 4:45, there is a clip of AdmiralBahroo from his stream during the PTB. The Spirit hooks a survivor away from him, definitely further than 32 meters. Bahroo stays on the generator and gets grabbed after the spirit phase walks over and get him. As you can see, Bahroo does not hear any sort of noise indicating she is phase walking. The killer doesn't have tinkerer, so she didn't sneak up to them until she was 8 meters away and then phase walk. The killer did not have the prayer beads to reduce their noise.

    This same clip at 1:35 though. When the devs mentioned not being able to hear it within her terror radius and queen saying something about Distressing being a good perk on her with extra terror radius mods, I would assume that they plan on changing it so that she can still jump scare people within her terror radius by masking the haunt sound while you are within terror radius. When she jump scared him he was within radius, but I'm pretty sure this was on PTB where everything was bugged to hell. So.....I guess?

    Her base terror radius is 24 meters, the dev said, as long as you haunt within range of the husks terror radius which scales off of your own, the haunt sound is "muted" Im assuming? So that means if you are running distressing and bonus T radius perks you should be able to gen grab people again with a set up like that and maybe tracking perks like whispers.

    Seems cool, but if it becomes strong and meta spine chill could become meta and render her useless, with the d strike change it is going down in tiers
  • Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018

    @PigMainBigBrain said:

    This same clip at 1:35 though. When the devs mentioned not being able to hear it within her terror radius and queen saying something about Distressing being a good perk on her with extra terror radius mods, I would assume that they plan on changing it so that she can still jump scare people within her terror radius by masking the haunt sound while you are within terror radius. When she jump scared him he was within radius, but I'm pretty sure this was on PTB where everything was bugged to hell. So.....I guess?

    Her base terror radius is 24 meters, the dev said, as long as you haunt within range of the husks terror radius which scales off of your own, the haunt sound is "muted" Im assuming? So that means if you are running distressing and bonus T radius perks you should be able to gen grab people again with a set up like that and maybe tracking perks like whispers.

    Yeah it basically all depends on how they do it. I've seen it mentioned both that it could be tied exactly to her terror radius or it could just be a constant 24 meter, though likely it's gonna be tied to TR. The difference basically just decides whether you want to use Distressing or M&A. I just wanted to say that because while the devs considered the 8 meter change an improvement from the PTB, people that played it while it was all bugged experienced a version of the game where there was no noise when the spirit was in her phase walk regardless of range, and thus the 8 meter change seems like a nerf to us and a buff to the devs. Distressing would make her TR about 30-31, so with Whispers you'd have a fairly reliable way to get grabs off gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Smiss said:

    @PigMainBigBrain said:

    This same clip at 1:35 though. When the devs mentioned not being able to hear it within her terror radius and queen saying something about Distressing being a good perk on her with extra terror radius mods, I would assume that they plan on changing it so that she can still jump scare people within her terror radius by masking the haunt sound while you are within terror radius. When she jump scared him he was within radius, but I'm pretty sure this was on PTB where everything was bugged to hell. So.....I guess?

    Her base terror radius is 24 meters, the dev said, as long as you haunt within range of the husks terror radius which scales off of your own, the haunt sound is "muted" Im assuming? So that means if you are running distressing and bonus T radius perks you should be able to gen grab people again with a set up like that and maybe tracking perks like whispers.

    Yeah it basically all depends on how they do it. I've seen it mentioned both that it could be tied exactly to her terror radius or it could just be a constant 24 meter, though likely it's gonna be tied to TR. The difference basically just decides whether you want to use Distressing or M&A. I just wanted to say that because while the devs considered the 8 meter change an improvement from the PTB, people that played it while it was all bugged experienced a version of the game where there was no noise when the spirit was in her phase walk regardless of range, and thus the 8 meter change seems like a nerf to us and a buff to the devs. Distressing would make her TR about 30-31, so with Whispers you'd have a fairly reliable way to get grabs off gens.

    To start, if meta and an issue spine chill will stop or limit those plays. Survivors have tools to track and will adapt accordingly when meta calls for it.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    To start, if meta and an issue spine chill will stop or limit those plays. Survivors have tools to track and will adapt accordingly when meta calls for it.

    Hasn't happened yet, but I suppose anything is possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Orion said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    To start, if meta and an issue spine chill will stop or limit those plays. Survivors have tools to track and will adapt accordingly when meta calls for it.

    Hasn't happened yet, but I suppose anything is possible.

    There was no need for it, the standard "meta" build works. The 4th slot is often for grabs and if the spirit pulling people becomes viable, survivors will adapt. Selfcare, urban, sprint burst, spinechill/premonition. If the spirit makes it into top tier threats, and then usage will spike, and they will see it complements their builds as it helps with stealth etc.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    There was no need for it, the standard "meta" build works. The 4th slot is often for grabs and if the spirit pulling people becomes viable, survivors will adapt. Selfcare, urban, sprint burst, spinechill/premonition. If the spirit makes it into top tier threats, and then usage will spike, and they will see it complements their builds as it helps with stealth etc.

    Again, I've never seen it happen. Usually, Survivors just complain until the Killer stuff gets nerfed into uselessness. The Survivor stale meta has always been every safety net perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Orion said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    There was no need for it, the standard "meta" build works. The 4th slot is often for grabs and if the spirit pulling people becomes viable, survivors will adapt. Selfcare, urban, sprint burst, spinechill/premonition. If the spirit makes it into top tier threats, and then usage will spike, and they will see it complements their builds as it helps with stealth etc.

    Again, I've never seen it happen. Usually, Survivors just complain until the Killer stuff gets nerfed into uselessness. The Survivor stale meta has always been every safety net perk.

    Yeh I agree, if the killler doesn't get nerfed they will have to change. 

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