Campers and tunnelers on blast.

It was an issue before, but it seems that, especially in the last week or so, it has gotten way out of hand. I main survivor but I play as a killer, too and no matter what, I try to play fair. Camping and tunneling isn't playing fair at all. In fact, I see it as cheating. If you cannot get sacrifices without playing fairly, then you shouldn't be playing at all. I've been saving screen shots and gameplay of anyone using these tactics and I'm seriously considering putting everyone on blast.
Anyone trying to defend these tactics is just as guilty. I don't care what you say, it's unfair and uncalled for.
pyramid head only made this worse. everything in terms of fairness and balance thats been faught and advocated for, for years was tossed out the window because of him. its sad
21 -
So killing people in probably the most efficient way is cheating in your eyes? Strange.
45 -
It is. It's like Pyramid Head gave the okay for people to play like a**holes and it's crap. I've noticed that EVERY single person I've been in a match with who is playing as PH has camped and tunneled and just made the whole game experience crappy. It makes it unfair for everyone and not fun in the slightest this is one my favorite games and I've considered just not playing anymore altogether. It's not just PH either, I've noticed it's just gotten so much worse all the way around.
8 -
nowadays it is logical to tunnel and facecamp:
- normal game style not tunelling/camping: stressfull due to intensity, boring (like you were working accomplishing tasks), typical gg end chat...
- tunneling/camping: chilling, casual, fun, easy, still get 4k or almost, works when insane genrushing, still entertain, no stress, fun end chat...
Solution? risk something innovating with new objectives, game modes, rewards...
8 -
Doing this is fairly pointless, given the many killers who use these strategies, and will likely get you moderated.
Separate from that, if a freshly unhooked player doesn't bother healing & works on a vital gen, what do you expect me to do? Let them use chivalry as invincibility, walk all over me and win, because otherwise that's tunneling? I'm assuming you're using the broadest sense of these terms given how you seem to feel.
16 -
Make a lesser form of DS base kit. Bringing DS the perk gives increased duration for the effect.
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No disrespect, but don't assume. And no, I don't consider that tunneling. If a freshly unhooked player has the time to do anything else at all, that's not tunneling. I'm talking about being unhooked just to get knocked RIGHT back down and hooked again. I'm talking about literally standing by a hooked player and not letting any if their teammates attempt to save them. That's also how a survivor gets points... so yeah, it's unfair and just cheating. Survivors can't do anything to a killer aside from a pallet or flashlight. There's literally no need to camp unless you just can't play.
3 -
It's not like that. I don't care about your opinion. I use this account for no reason but soon i will use it to make my voice heard. The reason i called my reply a mistake is because at this rate im looking for a fight, which means looking for a ban. I don't want to get censored before speaking my opinion. Posts like yours tend to get bad, and that is why i said i am looking for a fight (just above). The last one i was in got deleted. If i get banned without saying my opinion again, then i wont feel bad since they probably dont care anyways. This forum is practically useless. This is simply an echo chamber.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
So I guess the devs and forum mods themselves are guilty since they defend the tactic as a legitimate playstyle?
Sorry champ. Camping is A-Ok. Just don't get caught ;)
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As long as DS exists everything is fair and everything is called for.
1 -
I see. And I can dig it.
So what, exactly, is your opinion?
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This pretty much. Also if you're desperate enough to not get tormented, you can always run away from the loops that PH makes trails at, and take the M1. That way you always have your DS available when you get unhooked.
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It's not cheating. If you don't use light tunneling/proxy camping on occasion as killer you are gimping yourself for some false sense of fairness. First off obviously tunneling off hook and facecamping is bad. I don't support that, but to call either strategy "cheating" as a whole is naive and really shows you play a whole lot more survivor than killer.
If a myers or bubba has some basement hooks and people want to swarm that's fair game to me. If a wraith wants to bait leaving a hook and come back to go after the unhooker that's fine with me too. Those are both examples of camping, but completely alright in my eyes as in one situation the survivors put themselves in that spot and the other is them going after the person that hasn't been hooked already.
Everyone already knows that actually tunneling and camping are BAD strats and won't get you wins against good players. If you want to win you need to work down 2-3 players hook wise while pressuring gens. Tunneling one person or camping while gens pop in the background is just gonna hand you Ls. I don't know where survivors have gotten this idea that tunneling and camping are these amazing strats. They're only good in certain situations. Especially with the common BT/DS/Unbreakable combo.
Obviously I wish the devs would just get better at balancing the game so meta perks don't need to be run. I don't like always having to bring a slowdown perk or two. That means you get less creative builds and it's boring, but that's the state of the game.
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DS is almost literally's pretty much no different than dropping a pallet to stun. I ran DS to try to combat being tunneled and it is just useless.
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Actually, I usually take a minute to work on gens... mainly because I want to get a feel for what I'm up against. Killers can see all the gems, and can patrol them to keep them from getting finished. They can run ruin and discord among other perks. Some killers can knock you down in one hit, some killers can mark you and expose you so they can knock you down in one hit. Killers can actually hurt you and eliminate you from the game completely, causing you to lose bloodpoints, rank progress, and even your item you brought in. Survivors literally have very limited options. If you have to camp for kills, then get better or don't play.
2 -
What even is 'playing fair'? As killer, I'm up against survivors who use every trick in the book to gain the upper hand, but if I do the same thing then I'm "sweaty", "cheap", or I "don't belong in my rank". If you want to talk about fairness, then start by not demonizing killers for trying to do their objective.
11 -
I agree with you 100%
0 -
Someones never played killer past rank 20
10 -
While I appreciate your sentiment, but I'm a girl. And while I may be new to the forums, I'm not at all new to the game. I'm a rank 4 survivor.
I can handle being bullied. Especially playing this game lol.
0 -
I disagree. It seems I get 30k+ more easily by not camping. Tunneling all good. Slugging, viable. But camping as a killer is a good way to depip.
I have multiple screenshots on my steam of people saying the game was fun, gg, intense ect by not camping them. Camping is what you do before you learn the game and realise it doesn't get you points.
If you camp 1 kill, the survivors will do 4 gens in that time. If you let them be unhooked you can damage gens, get another chase... which distracts the survivors from objectives, buying time and also gains more points.
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When i play killer i get point by kicking a gen so if im closing in to the generator survivor are working on by your logic they should stop doing the gen so i can kick it but instead if the gen is almost done they finish it in my face so i lose my precious point because of that so i will still use your logic that is call cheating in a scense because they deny me of my precious point
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Okay, maybe so...but how often does this actually happen? Killers have all the means to stop survivors without playing dirty.
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Nope. Because you can actually grab them off the gen without chasing them ot knocking them yeah, nope...not the same.
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THIS! Like I said, I main survivor but I play as a killer pretty often. You get so much more accomplished and so many more points by not camping. It also evens out the pointing process and gives everyone a fair chance to gain something out of the game. I get that a killer's objective is to, well...kill, but that doesn't mean you have to make playing the game miserable for everyone else.
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Actually, killer rank 10. And that's because O main survivor and play fairly as a killer. I'd rather lose by playing fair than to win playing like a jerk.
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Not saying you have to tunnel all game or even camp. But you don't get to call out people who do it. It's a play style/strategy whether you like it or not.
In certain scenarios you do have to tunnel or "camp" as it were. Not all game. But when survivors are bum rushing the hook, you just gonna walk away or "camp" and punish them?
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same, I don't mind losing. But I like to win by playing fair. I am only rank 8/9 killer. I don't play survivor. I do enjoy intense games, 10 hook actions is good lol
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I'll post a discussion about it later today. It's completely unrelated to the topic of this discussion.
I didn't mean to bully this user. If you think any of what i said is bullying, chances are you are sensitive or haven't seen other people who act the similar way in posts like these. Those people tend to get lots of upvotes by saying such things; you can't miss them.
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That's completely different. I know that so many people complain about this same thing, the difference is that I actually know what camping is. I actually know what tunneling means. I'm not complaining about it to just be complaining or because I want easy wins. I'm complaining because it's legit a problem and it makes the whole game just a sh*tty experience.
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Exactly. Some people take this whole thing so seriously. I do too, but not so much that I try to take away from everyone or take the fun out of it because I played unfair. Besides, if I win, I want it to be because I played fair and did it on my own. That's way more rewarding than camping and getting easy kills. That's when you can actually know that you're the better player, at least for that match lol.
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Making you lose in certain ways is not cheating. It might be annoying, but that's losing. If you don't want to be camped and tunneled, I recommend learning how to hide from the killer instead of looping. It does wonders for me.
8 -
Facecamping can give you a 4k and high BPs IF:
- SWF go kamikaze and get downed (you can play a bit letting them unhook sometimes), must slug and master other techniques
- if use Blood Warden (super importantttt!!!) but avoid using it in the new map that is bugged and not fixed yet (PGJSF)
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And that's exactly why they do it-attention. I guess since they all have the toxic factor in common, they want to stick together. It's cool, they can cheat and play however they want. But what's funny is these same people who play like jerks say it's because they're just doing their job as a killer but complain about a survivor doing survivor things...they're just doing their job too, right?
And I don't feel bullied. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some just Express it more...colorfully than others.
1 -
The only thing that is uncalled for and unfair, and quite literally sanctioned cheating is SWF, which the game wasn't fking balanced for.
Tunneling and camping are legit strategies that will, more often than not, make the killer lose.
Do gens and stop whining.
6 -
I hide pretty well too. But one of our objectives as survivors is to help our teammates...which almost always gets me hooked. And, especially lately, once I'm hooked I'm tunneled until I'm dead. Same goes for most other survivors, granted the fact that they're actually good and helpful teammates. It is cheating if you continue to tunnel someone or camp them on the hook and keep their teammates from helping them or giving them a chance at all just so you can get your kill. Idk, I guess I'm just not as selfish and douchey like some people.
1 -
So how come your teammates don't get tunneled when you unhook them? Clearly you must be doing something wrong.
PS: You don't define what "cheating" is, the devs do. It's their game, their rules.
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Okay but in my case? I play with one other person or I play alone. So that theory doesn't fit here. I'd do gens and stop whining if killers wouldn't tunnel.
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Not what I said nor was it even implied. They will literally tunnel someone and/or camp them, whoever they happen to get down first, until they're dead. As said person's teammate, I try to help them. This most often leads to me being the next target. Or whoever they choose. So yeah, I guess in that case, I must be doing ALL the things wrong.
The devs may not consider it cheating but from what I've read, they also highly frown upon it. Hence the fact that you get a penalty, however slight that is, for doing it. Apparently it isn't enough to deter it because here we are. You can defend it all you want. It is still an extremely crappy way to play.
0 -
Yes, you are doing something wrong, which is believing that just because you want to do something, you should be able to, no matter what the killer is doing. As a survivor, you are the victim. The killer is supposed to be able to stop you from doing things. If you want to be in a position of power, you play killer instead and hope you don't get a SWF death squad.
My only complaint about camping and tunneling is that teammates like you reward killers for them. You think I liked being killed in 30 seconds after successfully evading a Huntress the entire trial because my teammates just couldn't help themselves from unhooking in her face? No, but I don't blame the Huntress for playing smart and going after the easy target, I blame the teammates for feeding.
5 -
Damn, survivors can only cry
We literally get bullied, and you guys cry because we tunnel?
And call it cheating too?!
Damn ahahaha
3 -
I feel your frustration.
People who cannot play a match without rampant camp/tunnel are pretty sad, IMO. As you are correct, it is a very cheap, lazy, weak way to play the game that is neither skillful, nor presents any particular challenge to the Killer. It's very disheartening that you can out play someone an entire match and still die in the end if you get caught once because they will just stand in front of you and watch you die, even though death should take 3 hooks, not one. It is unfair. It is uncalled for. I refuse to play this way when I play killer for those reasons. I actually enjoy this game and like playing the game as intended and meeting all of my objectives. I hope you have some better matches soon.
1 -
It's funny how half the whining on this forum could simply be avoided if you look at the issue from both sides.
In short, if the killer camps you throughout the match he's throwing the game away and giving your team a free win.
In detail, if this killer camps you, and tunnels you throughout the game.
Given he's the average killer and you're the average you'll probably waste 45 seconds before getting downed by him. But why in god's name would he camp you for wasting average 45s? You must have taken like, at least 100 secs of chase time for him to be this bitter. But I'll just assume he's had a bad day in these calculations. 50s chase time
If he decides to camp you on first hook, lt's 60 seconds per phase, 2 minutes total. The 3 other survivors could each do a gen each, and the quarter of another gen (20 seconds taken to go to the next gen)
He's wasted a total of 170 seconds on you, almost 3 minutes. EACH survivor can get 2 gens done in 170 seconds and pretty much by the time he's done camping you every single gen would have been done (Oh, and the 3 survivors didn't even get a 1st hook).
By camping as killer, you throw the entire game away and end up with a 1k (loss). By getting camped as survivor, and decide not to be a dickhead and suicide, you're giving your team a free win hence making that miserable camping killer lose. Think about it, you're the winner at the end of the day.
It's not a real issue as far as this goes, and implementing more anti-tunelling perks than the ones that already exist would simply break the game furthermore especially in SWFs. Take the free win and move on.
3 -
Not at all true. I don't believe I should be allowed to do something just because I want to, I believe you should be allowed to do something because you're suppose to. Because it shouldn't be an issue...
So if I'm doing something wrong because I'm not a d*ok then I suppose you're right...
0 -
You are allowed to try to do something, but you're not supposed to be able to do it 100% of the time. You have a chance. That's it.
Feeding is indeed doing something wrong, no matter how you justify it to yourself. I was repeatedly unhooked without BT and without anyone taking any protection hits by people who thought they were "helping". In this instance, it's not the thought that counts. They ######### up, period.
2 -
Lol yes. Yeah, survivors bully killers because we can hurt them in so many ways and literally eliminate them from a match altogether.
Let me know which survivor you play with that can do anything besides TEMPORARILY blind the killer or TEMPORARILY stun them...I need that character in my life.
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While technically not cheating it's a scummy way to play, however the blame doesn't fall completely on the killers.
So, I see this dbd as a 5 man team-play game, killer included. The problem is that more often than not the 5th player, the killer or a survivor, is absolutely selfish (and rightly so, keep reading) in his mission towards his objectives. In order to have a good match the end goal here for the entire team (of 5) is to collect as many BP as possible and - if that's their thing - work towards rank up. Everyone in that game is on the same boat whether you accept this or not.
So when a killer decides to tunnel someone in the first 4-5 minutes of a match, that killer is denying that player a reasonably enjoyable experience by not allowing him to leave the match with a reasonable amount of BP, not even 5k which is a very low bar request. In my personal opinion that's despicable because you're on the same match for the same objective, and that's what's important to remember here, the objective is BP's, which will help you rank up whether you finish your main objective or not (kill'em all / survive).
For me a camping/tunneling killer is a team-mate gone rogue. Yet they are entitled to do so, and this falls squarely into the lap of the developers as they've always promoted the message of "us versus them", while at the same time they undermine their own message with "conditions" of what is considered fair play in their badges. Stuff like you loose BP if you're not X amount of meters away from the hook, Mori's provide less BP, etc.
As a developer you can't say 'yes to fairplay' while at the same time saying yes to denying someone a reasonable match (by saying camping is fine), and saying 'that's just the way it is' is part of the problem. "Camping is fine for us but hei; here's a bunch of deterrents on our badges to make killers reconsider". So is it fine or not?
Most people playing this game casually at low ranks aren't going to read the badge descriptions to maximize fair play and BP outcomes, they just wanna kill people, and the most efficient way if one guy at a time, get rid of him/her and move on to the next. So to play devil's advocate here for a moment, it's not the killer's fault of playing unfairly to survivors when the devs and the game actively suggest the best and most efficient way of killing is camping/tunneling, on low ranks anyway. It works, so people do it, of course they do.
Saying that - and going back to the team of 5 argument - I am not saying that on the occasions that you do get the selfish 5th player, that it's always the killer, it isn't. Killers can get bullied by a team of try hards with flashlights and/or get gen rushed with Brand New Part. And that's completely selfish by denying the killer their BP.
But I think the difference here is how often Gen-rush happens compared to how often camping/tunneling happens. With the later happening a lot more often to many people as there are more people in low ranks, and the former only happening to killers playing against purple and red survivor ranks. So you can't deny the problem of camping/tunneling is larger and more frequent than gen-rushing.
Personally I find it easy to farm BP's on killer, I don't even have to kill anyone and still get upwards of 20-25k. But as a survivor, it's very stressful to get the same amount. It's a 5 man match with the same objective for all 5 people (BP's), so why deny that to someone? 🤨
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That's the whole don't get that chance at all when the killer is camping. Especially if they're playing with Hillbilly or Leatherface.
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There's always a chance, it's just a very small one. If you think you can't succeed or if the cost will be too great, then go do something else. That's how the game works.
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While technically not cheating it's a scummy way to play, however the blame doesn't fall completely on the killers.
So, I see this dbd as a 5 man team-play game, killer included. The problem is that more often than not the 5th player, the killer or a survivor, is absolutely selfish (and rightly so, keep reading) in his mission towards his objectives. In order to have a good match the end goal here for the entire team (of 5) is to collect as many BP as possible and - if that's their thing - work towards rank up. Everyone in that game is on the same boat whether you accept this or not.
So when a killer decides to tunnel someone in the first 4-5 minutes of a match, that killer is denying that player a reasonably enjoyable experience by not allowing him to leave the match with a reasonable amount of BP, not even 5k which is a very low bar request. In my personal opinion that's despicable because you're on the same match for the same objective, and that's what's important to remember here, the objective is BP's, which will help you rank up whether you finish your main objective or not (kill'em all / survive).
For me a camping/tunneling killer is a team-mate gone rogue. Yet they are entitled to do so, and this falls squarely into the lap of the developers as they've always promoted the message of "us versus them", while at the same time they undermine their own message with "conditions" of what is considered fair play in their badges. Stuff like you loose BP if you're not X amount of meters away from the hook, Mori's provide less BP, etc.
As a developer you can't say 'yes to fairplay' while at the same time saying yes to denying someone a reasonable match (by saying camping is fine), and saying 'that's just the way it is' is part of the problem. "Camping is fine for us but hei; here's a bunch of deterrents on our badges to make killers reconsider". So is it fine or not?
Most people playing this game casually at low ranks aren't going to read the badge descriptions to maximize fair play and BP outcomes, they just wanna kill people, and the most efficient way if one guy at a time, get rid of him/her and move on to the next. So to play devil's advocate here for a moment, it's not the killer's fault of playing unfairly to survivors when the devs and the game actively suggest the best and most efficient way of killing is camping/tunneling, on low ranks anyway. It works, so people do it, of course they do.
Saying that - and going back to the team of 5 argument - I am not saying that on the occasions that you do get the selfish 5th player, that it's always the killer, it isn't. Killers can get bullied by a team of try hards with flashlights and/or get gen rushed with Brand New Part. And that's completely selfish by denying the killer their BP.
But I think the difference here is how often Gen-rush happens compared to how often camping/tunneling happens. With the later happening alot more often to many people as there are more people in low ranks, and the former only happening to killers playing against purple and red survivor ranks. So you can't deny the problem of camping/tunneling is larger and more frequent than gen-rushing.
Personally I find it easy to farm BP's on killer, I don't even have to kill anyone and still get upwards of 20-25k. But as a survivor, it's very stressful to get the same amount. It's a 5 man match with the same objective for all 5 people (BP's), so why deny that to someone? 🤨
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The only thing I see is a bunch of finger pointing from survivors to killers and vice versa.
I play with a "don't be a dick" attitude, and I feel it works out pretty well. I don't tunnel people, if I happen to hook someone twice really quick into the game I will just leave them on the floor, so they are still not repairing gens, a team mate has to stop repairing gens to help them, and no one feels cheated. I can't loop that well, but I will say that survivors who just loop and loop and loop just to kill time are kinda dicks. The killer is supposed to be a punishment for having gotten caught, and just looping him constantly after a fair amount of time is dickish. We are all here to have fun and play a fair game, and being a dick to the other person isn't a good look.
And I get it it, its the internet. People are dicks on the internet, and if you are a person who does these kind of things and you just shrug your shoulders at it, maybe consider that you don't have to be a dick? I mean, you could play like not a dick, and give everyone a good ol time. You don't HAVE to be a dick.
Maybe all the toxicity everyone feels is killing the game should be shouldered by the actual community, and we all just agree to stop playing like dicks?