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Most unique toxicity

LewdSies Member Posts: 21

Hello wonderful people of this toxic game, what is the most interesting thing you have seen people get toxic over in dbd? I once had a group of people get mad at me for letting them escape after two of their teammates pulled the plug. Ive also had a huntress get mad at me for using hope? Not really sure why but yeah. What is some interesting things you have seen people get toxic over?


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I've had a baby nurse "report" my team for gen rushing while she facecamped

    And I've had a survivor insult me for facecamping them after they clicky clicky

  • LewdSies
    LewdSies Member Posts: 21

    That one always gets me, I have people with bt take a hit for a healthy person and then get salty when I go for them. The point of bt is to get a easy escape, not hump my leg like a dog.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I remember a while ago I had a survivor DC against me at the start, so I farmed with the other 3 survivors. At the end of the game I got flamed by one of the survivors for "not playing properly".

    I had a Spirit get mad at me because I said good game at the end of the match (I looped them for five gens, still it's not like I wrote "GG ez")

    My personal favourite is when a survivor is looping around the hooked survivor, I'll get called a camper at the end of the game. What do they expect me to do in that situation?

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    I was playing SWF & we were getting wrecked by a tunneller. So we communicated on mic & agreed that they’d die on hook and I’d go for the hatch.

    Angry that I escaped, the killer messaged me saying I’m a selfish teammate & trash for letting them die. That I just “hid in a locker like a pansy.”

    When I explained to him how we were all on board with it , he just looked for every reason in the book to insult me and call me selfish lmfao.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    I think when x2 survs team up to bodyblock/sandbag you in the open exit gate, and the killer gets you and die

  • Kall
    Kall Member Posts: 45

    I'll always remember the one where a rank 4 survivor called me a "bad killer" when I was rank 18. I told her "of course I'm bad, I'm rank 18!" I think she was salty since I hook camped her for chain flashlighting me. I mean, if you're gonna be a d*ck survivor I'll be a d*ck killer.

    (I main survivor btw)

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2020

    NOed Nurse tunneled one guy all game.

    Asked him what was up, and they went on a whole rant how they were purifying the game one at a time from scumbag survivors.

    (Guess they were getting revenge for being outplayed most of the game?)

    Then they went on talking about their 144 IQ they claimed they had from some "test", yatta yatta so smart yatta yatta. When I questioned him further and they said I wouldn't understand, because i'm a toxic survivors main, which is ironic since I play more killer than survivor but whatever. That's a pretty normal interaction, kind of sad honestly.

    I told them to check out my profile cause I told them I played both, and they sounded absolutely shocked that it was even a remote possibility to play both. So much for 144 IQ.

    Then they just flamed for a minute about nonsense. The usual stuff, toxic this toxic that. Insult here or there. Sprinkle of slur. The standard stuff.

    The only thing unique was how it was all introduced, then it turned into the standard rabble of a bad player.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I had a game yesterday vs doctor with a mori. When he killed everyone he said in post game chat "You russians deserve nothing". I can tell that everyone was playing normally but it looks like he was strongly insulted by russians earlier so now he has a preconceived hate to players with ciryllic nicknames.

  • LewdSies
    LewdSies Member Posts: 21

    I feel like that just sums up half the games community. (You are allowed to play both sides in this game?!?!)

    Thats just harsh, I can maybe understand being upset towards people who play a certain character but to be upset towards a nationality due to one person just shows them being a smooth brain.

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    Got called a tryhard "sweatbag" by a Ghostface that liked to proxy camp.

    I was playing Nancy and brought a toolbox to sabotage hooks for the challenge a WHILE back.

    When I tried to go for the unhook I got exposed, so I ran him around until the exposed status effect wore off, slipped passed 2 "teammates" trying to sandbag me (and the other teammate) at the gate and escaped.

    That match sure was something.

  • eibers
    eibers Member Posts: 3

    Idk if this is toxic or not but whatever. My friend and I were playing against a bubba and killed the other 2 randoms by camping and tunneling them. We managed to escape and i decided to look at his profile and his about me said “proud camper and tunneler”

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    I was recently told a I was a trash killer for using Shadowborn on Huntress. That only "bad" killers use that perk.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    There was this really cocky Hag main, who I stomped in a long chase (they were playing Clown though) so we went into a KYF and I looped them for 5 minutes at a T and L wall (literally didn't use a single pallet while my friend did gens), and they called it 'spamming' and said they can down me in 5 seconds if I didn't 'spam'. XDDDD we got both the gens done, escaped and laughed while they gave us death threats.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Survivors called me dumb and mean and tunneler for snowballing the entire team with Oni, and downing them all at once.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    A killer once to me That I wasted his time as the only remaining survivor.Then I found the hatch escaped and was called a piece of @ss and trash Then said that I shouldn’t of escaped and let him 4K told.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    My second ever 4k, just the best dang game I'd played yet. One guy told me to uninstall the game and kill myself.

    Sorry mate I still haven't done either of those things hehe ;)

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    When people get mad at you for using your power effectively. The salt I've seen after downing a whole team with one pop of Myers tier 3 is amazing.

    I also had someone get REALLY mad because I didn't stalk with GF and played him hit and run.