Soul Guard - I tested it and I like it

So, after getting this perk on my main characters now, I started to try it out in some matches and I must admit that I like it very much.
One match I was able to get up 4 times against an endgame slugging killer (2 survs left and wants the 4K) with Hex:Ruin still up. Long Story short -> I got the hatch after he finally found and hooked the Claudette (who btw did nothing at all to pick me up)
Okay, not in every match there is a Hex up and running, but if there is one, then its get up time.
After the second get up I one will be hooked nevertheless most of the times, because the first one could be unbreakable.
The only drawback is that if combined with Unbreakable and you get up for the first time it wastes your Unbreakable instead using Soul Guard (if cursed by a hex of course ->tested this in a custom game) I would like to know if this is intended or not. Maybe that would be too strong if it was the other way around?
But nevertheless it is a really good perk that I like very much to use now. And therefore one or the other hex might persist into the endgame (if it doesn't hinder us too much you know 😉)
So anyone else tried the perk? What do you think about it?
I have tried the perk for over 20 matches I'd say and I have yet to make some good use out of it.
The best use I've made out of it was against a Legion. Most of my team (including me) got downed and slugged, so I recovered using unbreakable, healed a teammate and took the endurance hit from soul guard.
I was willing to take a hook stage for my teammates because I had Deliverance ready, but he dc'ed shortly after I took said endurance hit.
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I like the perk too. I think it might replace Unbreakable or be a valuable alternative at least. Do you remember about the order of the perks when tested with Unbreakable? I think it should work in combination, so that Unbreakable is not wasted. Report it as a bug, I will also check and upvote. If it is not a bug, they might tell at some point.
One thing is the self recovery, the other is the Endurance effect. I think slugging is, like with Unbreakable, a conditional thing that does not always work because not every killer slugs (although the yellout on the forums is big, but I indeed think bigger than necessary, when I use Unbreakable I can barely use it). But when I read it correctly, you get the endurance effect also when healed up. So you could 99 yourself against noed and finish the heal when the killer gets close. Works against tier 3 Mikey as well or Devour Hope. Would work against chainsaws as well but that might be hard to time :) unlikely to get a chainsaw hit when standing injured
And just saying: I wouldn't blame Claudette too much from this information. In this situation, healing up pretty much gives away both of your positions, at least roughly. Also the killer is most likely patrolling the slug at some points. So I would also always wait until the slug is fully recovered before I go for it. And if you see the person get up on their own, you know about the perk, so I would never go for the heal afterwards. You see the aura, you know where you must go to get the heal, without telling the killer where you got picked up.
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I'm still yet to get good use out of it, and not taking it off til I do (I took it off once and instantly got a nurse who slugged us all with noed, ofc)
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Interesting point trying it with different order of the perks. We will try this tonight.
The endurance effect is a nice benefit on top and can help a lot, especially in situations where one is slugged and being picked up by a mate while being chased, so you don't get instadowned again. And btw, this perk can be a good counter to NOED. Not totally counter it but it might buy precious time when NOED hits the table.
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Weird, some friends of mine tested it and they said that using Soul Guard didn't waste their Unbreakable.