What are you scared of?

Me personally, I'm scared of the ocean, not because I'm scared of water but because we don't know what lives in the ocean depths, not only that but just try and picture yourself under the ocean, you're in a personal sub or heavy diving suit, it's dark, you have no way of getting back up, you're running out of air, and slowly being crushed to death as you begin to feel the immense pressure of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, you twist your head and hear a loud, feral roar, it doesn't sound like anything you've ever seen before, you realise it's the end of you, and you pray to whatever god you pray too that you die from suffocation before you become whatever made that roar's next meal
scary ######### man
I fear jewellery, in particular the feel of it. It feels like an electric shock whenever I touch it and it's the thin chains.. I just don't like them at all!
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Caves. Kinda similar to your reason tbh, mostly because you don’t know what’s in there. Plus the thought of getting lost and even stuck in an area makes me feel uncomfortable. Like imagine you go down further in a cave and somehow you get lost and don’t know how to get back up. It’s dark, you’re in a closed spot, bugs and bats, it could flood and a lot of other things.
I just don’t like caves from all the stories and me getting semi lost in one when I was younger. 😅
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Pies with cooked fruits😒.
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Huh, y'alls are really interesting fears because I'm less afraid of them and more so interested by them. Caves? I'd absolutely love to explore a cave. The ocean? I love swimming, it's relaxing, although I admit I stand at ankle-depth and am immediately terrified of potential jellyfish.
Cooked fruit in pies... Ah, I can get behind that one. Fruit in general in any food that is supposed to be sweet. Like raisins in chocolate. Not a good look, yeah?
But no, my fear is actually the dark. My mom and step-dad watched either Darkness Falls or The Tooth Fairy when I was a child (whichever one it is that she can't go into the light) and I happened to come in at a particularly scary part where it was revealed that if you stayed in the light you couldn't be hurt, and ever since I've been petrified of the dark.
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I remember Darkness Falls great movie😀.
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Walking across bridges. Being underneath one is fine but if I'm walking across, I have to stay in the middle and away from the edges. My twin brother likes to jokingly push me towards the edge or if it's a wooden suspension bridge, he'll shake the ropes just to freak me out. I'm not sure what it is about bridges specifically because usually I'm okay with heights, lol
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two main fears that i'd genuinely classify as phobias of mine
the fear of being forgotten. this is one thats haunted me for years, and still does at times. used to be way worse at dealing with it though. i used to text my friends or partner every ten minutes to make sure they didn't forget about me. i know, i was probably very very annoying. i got better with it though. i got myself to wait between texts more. an hour, a couple hours, ect ect. now basically as long as i hear from them that day, or they've told me why i wont be hearing from them, i'm fine. it still gets to me sometimes though.
and second is the fear of ghosts. now, im the kind of person who believes that anything could be possible, but without significant evidence then i dont have any reason to believe its real. and this goes the same for ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, yadda yadda yadda. i believe its possible they exist, but i dont believe that they do at the moment.... but watching videos of supposed ghost activities scare the absolute crap out of me. i don't know why they get to me so bad. sometimes i cant sleep for a day or two after watching one. and yet i still sometimes watch one out of curiosity.
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i also like swimming, but I wouldn't put on a diving suit and go deep underwater
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I suppose that's where we're different. I'm pretty fond of the ocean and the creatures in it, and if I could I'd probably own an underwater house or stay in an underwater hotel or something.
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Being Betrayed
I even keep my own Family at a distance sometimes. I'd hate to grow close to someone only for them to turn there backs on me at the worst moment. Ik it's a [BAD WORD] thing to do with your own Family, but recently I've been opening up abit more and learning to trust them more.
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Lots of different things. I'd say we all have many little fears but some have more major fears. Spiders and needles are some small ones. I hate anything to do with veins. I can watch any horror movie, with any gore in it. But if someone cuts their wrists or throat my arms pull tight into my body. It's like I'm trying to protect them lol
Major fear is upsetting someone/disappointing them. I value my friends/family very highly and if I think I've really annoyed any of them it eats away at me. It may be something little but it really really bothers me. I genuinely can't sleep at night sometimes, worrying if I upset someone biased off something they said or the lack of saying something.
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I fear the united states of america and it's people. They ######### scare me to death sometimes. Who thought it was a good idea to elect trump? The police are so 50/50, going to live in my attic in a few decades.
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I have pretty severe Arachnophobia, weirdly it seems to fluctuate in severity now and then. One day I can be in the same room as one as long as it keeps it's distance from me and another day all it takes is for me to see one on the outside of my bedroom window for me to almost have a panic attack. I played the Resident Evil remake for the first time recently not knowing there were spiders in it and almost started crying when I encountered the giant spider boss.
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I fear height, blood and future dbd updates. Also I used to fear spiders, but now I am less horrofield with then, but still scary
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if I so much as see a picture of a tarantula, I get chills
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I've always had a fear of mushrooms...not exactly sure why.
Additionally, since late Febuary / Early March I've feared death for...reasons.
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I have a lot of fears so I’ll just list some, I fear dogs that I’m not used to, I fear snakes, I have trypophobia (a fear of holes, primarily in clusters) and I fear going into water excluding pools and (obviously) shower or bath water.
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Centipedes. Spiders sometimes too, but to a lesser extent. I am unable to even kill a centipede, I just have to leave the room and hope it goes away. Interestingly enough though, I enjoy watching documentary type stuff on creepy insects or stuff like Kings of Pain. Outside of that I wouldn’t necessarily say I have a fear of elevators, but the first thing I do when getting in one is look up to see if I can climb out if it gets stuck.
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You could possibly just have a fear of falling. Heights and falling are two separate phobias. For example, even if I'm on a tiny step ladder, no more than 3 feet off the ground, my legs get a slight shake and my palms sweat a bit. I have excellent balance but the fear is still there psychologically.
Obviously, that's my fear. I love climbing trees but once I hit a certain point and then look down. ######### that noise. LMFAO Call the fire department.
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funny story, I was outside one time, a wasp got underneath my jumper, I was on the floor crying for 2 minutes while my sis ran home to my mum, I haven't gone outside since (excluding walking the dog)
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Make that two of us although I do enjoy stuffed mushrooms with ground meat😀.But that is the only time I ever eat mushrooms don’t get me started on tomatoes😂 that’s another one for another day.
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Love the taste of stuffed mushrooms 😁 Anything else though, I hate. And I can't even stand looking at wild mushrooms.
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Oh 😂 I feel the same way about those.
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I'm scared of A LOT of things. I'm just a little baby #########. But if you give me some time to prepare, i'll get over it for a while.
There's one thing though that just fks me up and that's ghosts. Just writing about it makes me shiver. It's the feeling of being watched witout me noticing. that i fking despise. That's why you'll rarely see me not looking at somemone if he's looking at me.
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Potato chips😒.
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How do you feel about Hornets?
I'm scrared of most insects, but I think Hornets are the worst because they are so big.
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Just one thing really.
The unknowable cosmic horror of nothing, which everything comes from and everything goes away to. And the realization that this is where the prime consciousness that underpins all existence and permeates through countless fractured lenses in vein fleeting effort to understand itself comes from.
Becoming aware of that ^
Thankfully just thinking of it is like looking at a constantly shifting mental mirage. In it's unknowable nature our simple human sanity is maintained to perform its aforementioned task, an oblivious lens unto its greater self.
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Hornets are capable of melting your skin (see Japan's giant hornet)
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Thanks, I really didn't want to know that.
But I think the giant hornets haven't made it to me country yet, so I think I'm somewhat safe for now^^
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they live in a lot of places, not just Japan, they're actually a threat to US honeybees (from what I remember)
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That so sad, bees are already an endangered species. (Not that I like them or think they look asthetically pleasing, they are insects after all, but from what I remember they are important for the environment.)
I've asked Google, apparently the Giant Hornets are slowly invading Europe too, but they haven't reached Germany for now.
But I guess I shouldn't go for a vacation in some countrys.
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not without a flamethrower anyway :)
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Oh yeah! Hornets, wasps, yellow-jackets, scorpions, venomous spiders.
Not bees though. I love bees! Plus, bees can only sting you once since the barb on their stinger pulls it out and kills em. Wasps: nice smooth stinger. They can repeatedly poke you till they get bored and move on.
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That sounds indeed like an adequate Equipment. ^^
So all venomous animals that can sting or bite?
Bee stingers are such a weird concept, you have weapon, but you will die if you use it. Makes me wonder what the evolutionäre sense behind that is.
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I can actually answer that for you! It makes evolutionary sense because they can’t reproduce anyway, so it doesn’t matter to future generations if the die. Only the queen can lay eggs, and the males never leave the hive.
If you get stung, it’s by a non-reproductive female. (In fact, the stinger is what would have been the reproductive, egg-laying part). Furthermore, it makes even more evolutionary sense because the death of the bee means it stung something that is now far less likely to endanger the queen. As long as the queen keeps laying, that’s all that matters.
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the more you know
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I would have never expected to learn something about bees in a game forum, but that's really interesting, I had no idea that the stinger would have been part of the reproductive system.
Thank you!
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Bees are absolutely fascinating! Waggle dance, royal jelly, fanning the hive, capping the honey, on and on. Seriously, look it up, there’s so much to know about them. Loads of websites dedicated to the info. Did you know you could be a beekeeper, legally, in most towns and cities? Small hive on your apartment balcony or roof. Yup! Free honey AND good for the environment!
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Hey there, I am so sorry to hear about your fear of the ocean. I totally understand how you feel as I have suffered from this for a long time.
It’s actually embarrassing as none of my friends or family have ever had the same issue. I would love to help you since I tried many different things and none worked as well as this YouTube I found. It worked super well!
Here is that link -> https://tii.ai/0C8OAXe
Click on the link above and when you get to the landing page, click where it says I am not a robot’ and then you will be sent to the YouTube video that will have the steps you can take to help you with your fear.
The best part is you don’t need to buy anything just watch the video and follow the advice and tips it gives you.
I hope it helps, all the best!
Post edited by katiewu03 on0 -
Hey! So I totally understand how you feel about hornets as I have suffered from this fear for a long time.
It’s actually embarrassing as none of my friends or family have ever had the same issue. I would love to help you since I tried many different things and none worked as well as this YouTube I found. Granted, it’s for bees and wasps, but it worked super well!
Here is that link >>> https://tii.ai/51WtS9h
Click on the link above and when you get to the landing page, click where it says I am not a robot’ and then you will be sent to the YouTube video that will have the steps you can take to help you with your fear.
The best part is you don’t need to buy anything just watch the video and follow the advice and tips it gives you.
I hope it helps, all the best!
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I don't have a problem with the ocean itself I just get scared being deep underwater surrounded by pitch black darkness
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It does sound like a cool idea to do something like that for the Environment, but I'm not sure if that's allowed in my country (and my general phobia for all insects would be a problem too).
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So I had an experience back in first grade with a yellow jacket that clung to my ear and stung me several times. I've been freaked out of bees and wasps ever since. I actually have a diagnosed phobia of them. Also spiders...ew.
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Yeah oceans for me aswell
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happened to me once as well, only it was on my back, I remain unconvinced that wasps aren't specifically designed to cause you as much pain as they feel like
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Lol, I gotcha. But...still. That experience traumatized me.
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SPIDERS. Their faces are creepy and seeing a picture of a spider face will quite literally makes me throw my phone across the room.
I’m not afraid of the ocean. I love going to the beach but things like shipwrecks and seeing things that shouldn’t be underneath the surface is very spooky. Seeing the wreck of the Titanic or a sunken airplane is very ominous. They’re basically graveyards underwater.
I also have a fear of being in small places and being trapped like a cave or an elevator.
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What was it about that movie? that made everyone scared of the darkness again.