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When is it ok to Tunnel? New killer advice.

Member Posts: 18
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I have been playing the game for a few months now and have moved on from Survivor main to Killer. I try to play fair; no blatant hook camping, no tunneling one by one to ensure a 4k, etc... however if I run into a survivor who just got unhooked am I just supposed to let them go? If I do (like I have been) I rarely get a 4k and am having trouble getting pips to get out of green/purple ranks, and if I down them then the survivors blow up my DM with "tunneler". What is the right balance of tunneling to make the game fair and not give the game away just to be nice?

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  • Member Posts: 3,676

    From general survivor pov, whatever you do unless you completely ignore anyone who got hooked within last 1-2min you're probably gonna be called a tunneler eventually. You can't reach perfect balance when there are so many entiteled players who don't have any idea what is and what isn't tunneling and are just salty cause they're losing.

    Best way to go about it is do whatever you feel like doing. If you think you have enough pressure you can go easy and ignore someone freshly unhooked running at ya even when it's dumb play. But if they're giving you hard time then you're in no way obligated to give them fair/easy game. Do what makes you enjoy the game, whatever it is (within official rules ofc).

  • Member Posts: 18

    What rules? Are there just some unspoken ones you can elaborate on?

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited June 2020

    Blatant tunneling when the exit gates are open. There's zero reason to let them go.

    If you want to tank their DS early it a good strategy too. Though there's really no reason not to keep tunneling after a DS so it's more of an unspoken gentlemens agreement when you let them go.

    Tunneling can also occur when all their teammates are cowards. Try to keep an eye out for other players or active gens being worked on if you ran into the same fool.

    Otherwise a good mix of slugging and injuring throughout the game keeps it interesting.

    Though if they blew through 4 gens in under a minute that instantly puts pressure on you to secure at least one kill. It's then on you to decide if you're willing to camp them.

  • Member Posts: 890

    There are no unspoken rules unless you mean the "survivors rulebook for killers" which are bogus like respect the 4%.

    "Tunneling" is fine if the gens are going too fast and you need a survivor out of the game. If you happen to come across the recsntly unhooked since the unhooker ditched them it's fi e to down them again and rehook if you think they dont have D strike or to leave them slugged amd force a survivor to go pick them up.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    I'd like to also add that camping/tunneling at the end reeks of desperation unless you're running endgame perks. I typically just let it go if it comes to it.

    I personally hate being tunneled right off the hook, so again, it's more of an unspoken gentlemens agreement if you attack other people in the game and try to spread out.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    There's no such thing as tunneling, that's just the name Survivors give to their unsafe unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    It's always okay to tunnel if it's a freebie. If they didn't want to die they shouldn't be so available for murder imo. Generally you want to disrupt as many survivors as possible so always take the easiest opportunity offered for pressure.

  • Member Posts: 249

    It's always ok. However, it is rarely optimal since you risk eating a DS. Good situations to tunnel are: There is no obsession; The person you would tunnel has already used their DS on you; You need a kill so desperately that you're willing to risk losing the game to a DS.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    End game.

    Unless you don't have any desire to get better or have any skill in this game. Then tunnel whenever you want.

    If you're just looking for a way to slow the match down, and don't want to be a dick, slug. At least it incapacitates the survivor, and they require the aid of another survivor's help to get up...which is at least two people off gens for every 1 slug. 👍️

    Thanks for caring.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    You should check out this post:

    It's pretty enlightening.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Technically it's always okay to tunnel. If you are trying to play in a fair, or what many consider a fair manner that's a bit different. If you encounter someone fresh off the hook I tend to slug and leave them. This avoids DS and generally will catch you less grief. If however I see them working on a gen right after unhook they get no mercy. If you've reached end game. Either all gens done or two survivors left. That is gloves off time to me as well.

    Ultimately you need to play how you want. But if you are trying for a more fair approach what I mentioned should cover it.

  • Member Posts: 468

    It's always ok to tunnel. Nothing more needs to be said.

  • Member Posts: 156

    I would say that it's not a bad idea to consider how much fun the other side is having, but it shouldn't be at the expense of your own fun.

    For me, how "nice" of a Killer I am is a function of how well the match is going. Lets say I run into an injured guy, who was just on the hook, and the next hook will kill him. Is there 1-2 gens left, no one else dead, and I could really turn the game around by taking this guy out of it? Definitely, I'd go for it. Are there 4-5 gens up, people running around doing nothing, and I've basically got this game in the bag? Then sure, ignore him or slug him, go for someone else, let everyone stick around a while longer so we don't have anyone going to the sky spider with less than 10K BP.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Tunnel whenever you want lil guy! never let a survivor player shame you for killing them. Its your job, sorrynotsorry. They wont think twice before doing 3 gens in under 2 minutes, why should you care about the opposite side having fun. I personally play to win. I also play on xbox so i get a lot of hate during the game because for whatever reason, BHVR allows them to click on my name before the game is over. Its sad that survivors cant take an L and move on after 4 years of this game being live

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I'd say don't tunnel if you see the survivor who unhooked. Personally, I'm always in another chase by the time survivors unhook. I don't really go back to the hook unless I don't find another survivor in the meantime.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    There is no play fair, it is a game, you win some and you lose some. Everything be it camping, tunneling can be dealt with.

    Just understand that when none of them work for you, you have to change your playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited June 2020

    (Just play how you want while rocking some 80's tunes)

  • Member Posts: 99

    Tunnel all you want. I'll do it if I manage to catch the teams strongest player early enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Whenever you want. Survivors don't give two shits about killers' complaints about their playstyles, so they have no right to complain if you camp or tunnel

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Whenever you feel its necessary.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Killers are not required to follow any survivor's rule sets. We are supposed to be the motivation to escape. I play how I want on both survivor and killer. Just do your thing and ignore the salt it only feeds egos.

  • Member Posts: 650

    You can tunnel whenever you like.

    There are no rules you need to follow.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Sincerely, it doesnt matter how you get those kills. Survivors dont care if they escape via pity mechanisms, even declaring it a win for their "TEAM" if one of them gets the hatch.

    Why the hell would you need to care for their names for certain (most often only perceived) strategies.

    Play as you wish, if you think "tunneling and camping" works, then do so. If you fail, change things up.

  • Member Posts: 59

    As a killer camping usually turns out in a loss of bloodpoints but it definitely helps get kills especially when the gates are powered. Tunneling is often the thing to do. If you're fighting a pretty good group and one is not so great, get rid of them and reduce the number of people you have to worry about.

    Like everyone says, play how you need to. Turning off chat with that little arrow helps too if you just want to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Tunneling is just a made upp word for killing a survivor. As killer you are supposed to kill survivors. It's always ok there is no rules that says you cant kill survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I try my best not to tunnel, mostly because it's the one thing I genuinely hate encountering when I play survivor and I don't want to inflict that on people myself.

    I'll slug off hook to maintain pressure, but I won't re-hook. Closest I've actively come was a Nurse game where I opted to concentrate on the survivor giving me the hardest time so I could practice.

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