What gets you caught/killed the most in DbD?

I don’t know about everyone else, but for me it’s an itchy nose. I can’t count how many times I get caught by a killer because I had to scratch my nose while I’m working on a gen and then failing a skill check lol.
How about the rest of you?
Trying to run around a corner or along a wall and get stuck on a clip briefly.
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invisible walls
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Getting stuck on random crap at loops or accidently running into obstacles while looking behind me.
Also teammates who sandbag me. It seems accidental most of the time but welp.
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Bad teammates who wait for the killer to come by and open the locker their teammates hiding inside of.
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usually tunneling but is what it is, even in a 4 v 1 scenario where 2 or 3 are gonna escape some killers dont even care, eventually they are gonna get you,
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Friend: The killer is on me.
Me: Ok, don't come to shack i'm doing a gen.
Friend: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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When teammates run the Killer to the gen I'm working on. Happens all the time in solo queue.
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Besides getting tunneled off the hook/cage...
- protecting other survivors making poor decisions - like that guy who gets off the hook and crouches under it whilst the terror radius draws closer, expecting a heal. 🙄 Run, injured baby deer...run! Even better when you both run and they palette you in the face 🤦
- likewise, getting sand bagged.
- mind gaming myself...when you think the killer's going to be tricky...but they aren't...so you essentially mind gamed yourself. LUL
- getting stuck on the clear space around some objects - nothing like skirting a pile of debri and hitting a hard, invisible stop while injured in front of the killer
- pulling off a gen/heal at exact same time as the inevitable "random" skill check pops up
- Latency, latency, latency
Side note, I'm terrified to scratch my nose while on a gen for this reason...WHY DOES IT ALWAYS ITCH WHEN YOU TOUCH A GEN. 😂
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Teammates who think it’s smart to heal me right in front of the killer😐.
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Yeah they always want that heal even when the killer is nearby!
Can’t count how many times I’ve messed up a chase because I assume the killer is smarter than me with the mind games lol.
Hugging walls and jungle gyms and such is tough for me. Sometimes I turn too hard and run into the wall instead of alongside it x_x
The game forces nose itches lol