Why a FNaF Chapter Wouldn't Be a Bad Idea

NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
edited June 2020 in General Discussions


I've seen many threads popping up about a Five Nights at Freddy's chapter recently (for whatever reason), and it is without a doubt a mixed and controversial topic. However, I believe that the vast majority of criticisms that the series seems to get are either invalid, negligible, unclear, or downright ridiculous. So after making several long responses to other people's posts, I've decided that it would better for me to just make one, giant thread containing this stuff. Before I start however, it is only fair that the readers know my bias towards the series before I actually state anything.

I remember my first time playing Five Nights at Freddy's was when I was in fifth grade, over five years ago. Since then, I've stuck with the series, despite never really playing the games. To be completely honest, the gameplay does get stale quickly, and I think that's why many people completely diss the idea of a Five Nights at Freddy's chapter in DbD. However, if it wasn't for those games, I probably wouldn't enjoy horror at all, and I certainly wouldn't be playing or ever have played DbD.

That being said, I will essentially always defend the idea of a FNaF chapter, regardless of how many people do/don't want it. It's no secret that the DbD community has VERY mixed opinions over a FNaF chapter, and that's perfectly okay. This post will be broken down into 2 parts: Investigating common criticisms and potential benefits from a FNaF chapter.

NOTE: A lot of this has been taken from older posts. If something here doesn't make sense out of context, just let me know.

Investigating common criticisms

The chapter wouldn't fit

DbD fans and FNaF fans unanimously agree that Freddy shouldn't be in the game, but that's just who people assume when you talk about a FNaF chapter. If you ask just about anyone, they'll say that Springtrap/William Afton would be the best fit.

For those who don't know, William Afton was an employee at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that murdered dozens of children to use their "remnant" (soul-like bits) to save his dead son. He stuffed their corpses inside of the animatronic suits, but later dissembled the suits, freeing the children’s spirits. The spirits cornered him, causing him to quickly get inside an animatronic suit. The springlock devices in the suit activated, puncturing his insides and killing him. His soul still possessed the suit however. Later on, Afton arrived at another Fazbear entertainment facility, which was a trap built by his former coworker, Henry. The place was set ablaze, destroying the suits of all the animatronics and freeing his soul. He was sent to purgatory and then banished to hell forever.

Now THAT'S a killer! Springtrap's grimy aesthetic totally fits the game perfectly.

Render by u/freddy_fazsack

I honestly don't see how that fits the game any less than the clown, or demogorgon. I think he would fit the atmosphere just as great as anyone else.

No Ideal Map/ Location

I'll admit that there isn't one location that promptly stands out from the others. Many people suggest either the FNaF 1 location or the FNaF 3 location. It's not because the maps are not important. It's because they're BOTH important. The first location is arguably the most well-known, and Springtrap's origins began and how he got his killer instinct. The FNaF 3 location is where we see Springtrap the most in his truest form.

I had a reddit post where I detailed what I envisioned the map to be, so I will shamelessly copy and paste that here:

"I had my own idea for the map. It was the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, that would be extremely withered (Big chunks of the concrete wall missing, torn wall paper, chairs and tables flipped and scattered around, you get the idea). The animatronics would still be on stage, but withered down and broken.

Outside the location would be playable as well, with foliage and trees surrounding the building, and houses along the map's perimeter.

There would always be a generator in the backroom of the building (like the bathroom gen on "The Game"). Every time that generator is completed, flood lights would turn on and start waving at the buildings entrance. Furthermore, the power in the building would turn on, lighting up the dining area and stage lights, with an animatronic performance from the original 3 (although it would be very jittery due to their condition)."

No well-known survivor

I would personally say no survivor would be the best option. However, a lot of people suggest a nightguard or a book character. I wouldn't say those are bad options, but I feel like the chapter would be best in paragraph form (with the exception of a map). I think the first nightguard would be the best fit, but many people are miles more creative than I am, and come up with creative concepts for other potential survivors. In the end however, I feel like that would be the most difficult part of a FNaF chapter, should there even be a survivor.

Complicated story and confusing lore

I'm going to be completely honest: FNaF lore has never been entirely clear, but the community knows MORE than enough to make an accurate FNaF chapter. We know for a fact that Springtrap's soul was released at the end of FNaF 6, and we also know that he was sent to purgatory before being banished to hell. So while some of the lore specifics in recent games (such as FNaF: VR) are unknown, it would be negligible when considering a FNaF chapter. Most of the essential questions (and more) are already answerable.

The two games have drastically different characters, gameplay, artstyles, etc..

This is one that I do agree with to an extent, but I don't think it should matter considering that hasn't stopped people from wanting characters in the past. The games do have very different themes, ideas, atmospheres, but these characteristics aren't like night and day, and they do share some similarities. Instead of pushing FNaF away due to it's uniqueness, FNaF's new atmosphere and ideas could contribute SO MUCH to its chapter. Where else are you going to find another chapter that provides a robot killer? Or underlying theme of playfulness that was morphed into darkness and terror? You could argue that you could make an original chapter with these qualities, but at that point, it'd very apparent it was based off FNaF, and it would just feel... awkward.

The two games also have characters that are significantly different from each other, but again, that's GOOD thing! YOU WANT ORIGINALITY! When demogorgon was introduced to DbD, it had a lasting impact. It was the first non-human character that opened the door for god knows what in the future! It wouldn't "just another DLC" and that's something that would make it 8x better.

The artstyles of the games don't seem to matter too much to people when requesting characters. Look at Clementine from Telltale's The Walking Dead game for an example. She was at one point the most requested character, and her art style is WAY different than DbD's. There may be other examples, but this was the only one I know.

Why should it matter in this instance, even though FNaF and DbD aren't even too different graphically.

As for stories, that's a GOOD THING! You want original characters, with original backgrounds, with original mechanics! It adds a lot more variety to DbD other than the typical killer or surivor story.

As for gameplay, three words: Left. For. Dead. Bill is a perfect example of why gameplay doesn't matter when it comes to videogame licenses in DbD. DbD is a survival horror game and L4D is a zombie shooter, so I'm pretty sure that a sit-and-survive horror game wouldn’t be ruled out due to its gameplay.

Lack of community interest:

For a while, this was the case. Most FNaF fans that play DbD tend to keep their mouth shut about a FNaF chapter, knowing that should they say something, a wave of backlash is right around the corner. However it seems like most DbD fans would accept a well-done FNaF chapter. The upvotes speak for themselves:



1,472 votes and 258 comments so far on Reddit

and the FNaF community is on board with the idea as well:



620 votes and 80 comments so far on Reddit

Licensed Chapters are more limited

Scott Cawthon does not give a lemon-sucking damn what you do with his characters. He lets people use them without asking, and will allow just about anything. There was only one instance where Scott active took action, and it was only when someone named their fan-game "Five Nights at Freddy's 3". All he did was make them change the name. FNaF is not like any other license. It is an indie game, meaning that any decisions regarding his character only goes through him, and he is okay with just about anything.

The Community is Toxic

This is something that always bugs me when it's brought up. A lot of Dead by Daylight fans completely trash FNaF's supposedly toxic audience, but in doing so, it just antagonizes themselves. I understand if you just don't like the kind of people FNaF attracts, but when people say things like "They just cringey toxic children!" and then proceed to be toxic within this community, that's just downright unacceptable. And if FNaF's community is actually all children like many people here claim it is, it's a damn shame that they can sometimes behave better than half the people here.

I shouldn't have even included that last part, as its 100% subjective, but it's something that does need to be said.

So there's my defense. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Feel free to let me know. I'm always happy to have a civil debate, or just a discussion.

Potential benefits of a FNaF chapter.

A New Horror Icon

Whether you like it or not, FNaF was at one point one of the most popular games of its time, and it still shows today. For example, FNaF: VR (May 2019) earned many sales records shortly after its release. FNaF still has its following today, with its subreddit having ~95K members (for comparison, DbD has ~193K). These aren't small numbers, and just goes to show that FNaF isn't dead. Were the games perfect by any means? Heck no, but as much as you personally may not like them, they still have a strong community. It's legacy still lives on today, and will continue to for quite some time.

A Brand New Killer Aesthetic and Completely Original Backstory

Assuming that Springtrap were to be added, he would easily be one of, if not, the most original killer the game has seen thus far. I could explain how, but I've dabbled in this previously.

To summarize though, he is robotic child murderer that took the lives of dozens of children in order to save his son that died. His power is not limited by game play mechanics, and could take many elements of his backstory and lore to assist in developing his power. His power has tons of things it could pull from.

He would be a smarter, more-cunning killer, who if used effectively, would be a devastating force to reckoned with. Additionally, his animations could be a lot more jittery due to his withered and destroyed appearance, further adding to his originality.

Significant Community Growth

As previously mentioned, FNaF has quite a large following, and their community contains of tons of unique people. Introducing the FNaF community to the DbD community could be beneficial for both sides. Many people from the DbD community would probably like a deeper look at FNaF to see where Springtrap originated from, and people from the FNaF community would no doubt want to see a new DbD character of someone they've followed for ages. It would provide great exposure to both FNaF and DbD.

While I've heard the argument that introducing a younger audience to DbD might have negative effects, but I highly doubt that many "children" would jump ship here. DbD is typically seen as an adult horror game, and FNaF is more aimed at teen horror. Most of the newcomers would likely come from the older side of the FNaF community, which makes up the overall majority of it.

The Stranger Things chapter exemplified this the best. Most of the people who enjoyed DbD's horror stayed, while the rest seemed to simply fade away.

This isn't something that I fear personally, but I know that it is a concern for some, so I still think it would be worth mentioning.

Both Parties Benefit Tremendously

FNaF is a very highly valued IP, and there's no doubt about it. Many FNaF fans would buy DbD strictly for the FNaF chapter alone, and FNaF would also get some more sales, especially since most of the more recent games (made by Scott) are free, and the older ones don't ever get more expensive than 8 or 9 dollars. Additionally, both parties would also benefit through the sale of the DLC itself. All of this goes to show how a FNaF chapter would be a phenomenal investment for both Scott Cawthon (the creator of FNaF) and BHVR.


Welp, here is my entire argument. Feel free to comment and I'll be sure to respond!

Post edited by NightmareReborn on


  • acampingdocter
    acampingdocter Member Posts: 20

    Fnaf really would be a great idea it's just that it could be confusing choosing balanced powers and maybe an actual weapon but still great idea

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 147

    Plague made a deal with the entity to not die, springtrap can't do that.

    Demogorgon is indeed a slasher. He slashes with his knife like claws. SpringTrap jumps at the camera. Also it's a hive mind in the sense they all have shared communication, but each one still has free will. For reference see how the one they kept as a pet recognised him later and didn't kill him.

    "Spirit never killed people" yes nut no. She made a deal to get revenge, slaughtered her dad, and is now living out said deal.

    The difference between robots jumpscaring the camera and Myers doing it is that you know what happens when Myers does it. You get stabbed. When springtrap jumps the camera, that's it. Its over.

    A ushanka is a Russian hunter hat. It is made with animal fur (usually bear). The fur is on the inside of the hat to keep the wearer warm during cold seasons. It was later adopted and used by the Russian military during long patrols. Fun fact: Ushanka is Russian for "hat", but other languages adopted the word to call the iconic hat.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    I don’t know I mean it’s always great to give out ideas.But with this one I’m going to disagree on this if it was to ever become part of DBD.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    I really hope DBD stays away and doesn't waste a license on all that indie/creepypasta nonsense. That means no Slendermen either.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Lol no it didn't. This post was made back in January, but I guess me linking it in a few places led to people commenting on it.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Sorry, I just say FNaF since its far easier than writing out Five Nights at Freddy's.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    Well in the lore cutscene for her she is seen anihalating a group of kids who were bullying using her rage (from her ancestor kazan) so in reality she very much fits the slasher scene and most killers in slashers are out for revenge. Take pamala from the original f13 movie she was killing counselers as revenge for her son jason dieing and when she died jason came back to get revenge on the people who killed her and lorewise jason wasnt a violent kid either so while it may not seem like it she fits the catogorey.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Springtrap (if I remember correctly), kills people not out of revenge, but out of the loss of his son. His son died and in order to bring him back, he needed to collect this substance called "remnant", which he got from killing children. Springtrap fits the slasher scene as well, but not in the traditional manner or a revenge tale. It's more like out of a mix of greed, sorrow, and distress.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    You can use a shortcut in the title to not make overly big. But the main post, you should use the full name as introduction. After that use the shortcut. Then people who don't know the thing you're talking about, can look it up and not sit with a big ? over their head.

    PS: This wasn't an attack on you personally. A lot of people do this, not on purpose. At least think so.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Can't people just not like the idea of FNaF? I don't think it would be the worst thing to have some sort of robotic or non-humanoid character, but FNaF just leaves a bad taste in a lot of peoples' mouths. It's very evident by the responses in this thread and pretty much every other thread.

    I don't want to go into it, but the best way I can think to put it right now is: even if it's a killer kind of character, would it really fit? What if I said, "hey lets add Jeff the Killer into DbD. He has a cool backstory and he goes around and stabs people so he's deadly and his aesthetic totally fits the game!" I don't imagine a lot of people would agree with me even if he does "fit the aesthetic" by being a creepy slasher guy or whatever -- most people are going to be turned off to the idea because he's not actually even really menacing, and also because it's from a creepypasta that's just a meme at this point. Just like FNaF. I don't think a lot of people are denying that a decayed robotic killer or something would be bad, but I really doubt many people want Chuck-E-Cheese animatronics from a jump-scare game that was popular amongst kids, which is also a big meme at this point, to be inserted into DbD.

    At that point you might as well just go all the way and start adding Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, and all these cheesy kiddie horror icons.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793


  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    This is definitely true. FNaF's peak was probably about late 2014 to early 2015, but if a game's peak mattered, then neither L4D nor Silent Hill wouldn't have made it in.

    However, as a new Triple A FNaF game is on the horizon, and a movie coming (probably) some time next year, I doubt that FNaF is going anywhere, at least as of right now.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I disagree. This "lost of control that results in killing" is not a slashers trope. It's way more common in monster movies, like...almost every werewolf movie, jekil and hyde...

    It happens in slashers, but it's rare. Because usually, the person suffering from it is the protagonist, and the killers in slasher movies are rarely the protagonists.

    Silent night, deadly night being one such case.

    So I very much disagree that fits of killing rage make rin a slasher.

    And in her case, coming back from the dead wanting revenge aren't slashers thing either. It happens, like freddy.

    But it's a vengeful spirit movie, their own genre. Like several japanese movies. Like ringu and one that I forgot the name... but in it the spirit of a girl comes back to kill everyone that raped/killed her. Besides the main guy, who didn't help her when he could but she likes him. I think it's just called spirits...but I'm not sure.

    So, sorry. But you didn't convince me of rin being a slasher.

    Pamela is certainly a slasher, but she is insane. The people she is killing have nothing to do with what happened to jason. I wouldn't call it a revenge movie.

    In the case of jason, only the 1st kill of the second movie fits the revenge thing. Most of the time, he's just hunting people that are somewhat close to where he is. No real reason behind it.

    I do think jeff the killer would fit, and slenderman too.

    But, they fail at a very important point that fnaf succeds at.

    They aren't famous.

    Jeff and slender are incredibly niche. While fnaf is super well known.

    Fnaf would bring a ton of players to the game, slender maybe a couple hundred, jeff...maybe 10?

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I can't tell if you're trolling or not. Slenderman and Jeff were both like some of the most popular things at one point. You couldn't be on the internet without being exposed to them one way or another. If you think FNaF is "popular" at all then I have no doubts that by your definitions, Slendy and Jeff would be "popular" as well. They aren't "incredibly niche" if you ask me, because like everybody and their mother had heard about them.

    Maybe I'm just older than you, and you weren't around for the trend, or maybe you're much older and you just weren't "hip with the kids" around the time it became a trend, but there's no denying that they were extremely popular at one point. I laugh at your "couple hundred" and "maybe 10?" figures, lol. Not even to be mean, it's just quite the understatement.

    Either way, if you like kiddie creepypasta- and meme-worthy killers like Jeff and Slenderman, then I guess I understand why you would want FNaF. I just personally think most people who play a game like DbD aren't going to be interested in that kind of character. As I said before, just taking the theme of a character (robotic or whatever) and making an original character out of it is fine, but when it's connected to something a lot of people quite frankly think is kinda cringey, then I just don't personally see it making it in the game.

    Maybe I'm wrong though. IDK.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    People ######### on FNAF a lot, and for good reason. Very complicated game with almost no actual horror in it. Its a decent arcade style survival game

    Now, I wouldnt mind an animatronic killer in the game, but FNAF aint it.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I was around for it. I read way too many creepy pasta. One of my favorites was the nes godzilla one.

    Slenderman was really famous a while ago, but now it has died down. Sirenhead is kinda taking it's spot honestly.

    It's specially true with jeff. Who the hell even knows about jeff the killer besides old internet people like us?

    But fnaf has a really big following to this day and it doesn't seen to wanna stop any time soon.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    People can like whatever they want to like. If you like the concept of a FNaF chapter in DbD, that's great. If not, that's cool too. This post isn't here to say "your opinion is wrong". It's here to fight illegitimate criticism that FNaF gets from the DbD community, and why these concerns that a lot of people have shouldn't be concerns. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. However, I've seen more support for a FNaF chapter in recent times than ever before, especially in this thread. Of course, every potential idea will be met with "No"s, and that isn't exclusive to FNaF by any means.

    I've always hated the argument of "Does (insert character here) 'fit' in Dead by Daylight?". What defines "fitting" in? Is there a definition to what can and cant be in the game? As far as I'm aware, there are literally no "rules" as for who can be added. Everyone thought that Demogorgon wouldn't fit DbD, and now that argument ceases to exist. Why? Its because his addition shaped public perception about what a killer can be. The rules for what can be a killer were never, and will never be, defined. It constantly changes with each new killer we get, and the addition of a FNaF character would be no exception to this rule.

    The Jeff the Killer argument is a little odd. I can't help but feel like apples and oranges are being compared. FNaF is a series that has lived a long legacy, has had multiple indie releases, a VR game, an AR game, and soon, will have a Triple A game, and a movie. Jeff the Killer, like FNaF, was created by an individual, and popular on the internet for some time, but that's about all they have in common. Jeff the Killer was an internet story, and it never got much bigger, and it shows with what small legacy it left behind. On the other hand, FNaF still lives on to this day. Creepypasta never really became a meme per say, it just more or less died out. FNaF of course has its fair share of memes, but what community doesn't? This community has tons of memes floating around. We're no exception. The only difference is that FNaF's memes have become more mainstream, but that doesn't tarnish the FNaF brand in anyway. If anything, it helped. If FNaF was truly just nothing more than "a jumpscare game" it wouldn't still be getting new content and news to this day.

    People are entitled to like whatever they want to like. Do I personally want Jeff the Killer or Slenderman in the game? Not really. Mainly just because I think others are more deserving of that spot. However, if they somehow get in, I'm not going to quit the game, I'm not going to wine and moan. I know that someone out there probably wanted that, and that's enough for me.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    The only reason why I'd somewhat disagree with this is, as I mentioned in the post, it would be somewhat awkward having an animatronic killer, that's based on FNaF, that's not actually FNaF. I'd recommend you check out the VR game, FNAF: Help Wanted, as it's more scary that the older ones by Scott, and it feels way less arcade-y in a 3D environment.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Not as famous as he once was... and even at his best he was still below Fnaf.

    Now, if his movie was actually good in any way... that would have helped.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I guess I've just been blessed enough to stop hearing about it after the initial craze with all the Youtubers playing it. Fair enough if you just disagree that the creepypasta things have a following, but my main point is that the things are practically a meme at this point. Just like Slenderman and Jeff were brought up so much back then, people just got sick of hearing it and it kinda became a joke. Same thing happened with FNaF -- as you can see, I'm not the only one who feels this way, judging by many criticisms the OP seems to be drawing from (with all the bold texted points.)

    This thread is two pages long up to me saying this. If this is exceptionally supportive of FNaF, I think you can understand when I mean that not many people are asking for it. Come the day when a bunch of people flood into this post and start upvoting it and praising how good your idea is, I will admit I'm wrong about that. Until then, I don't really see what you mean by recent "support."

    You tell me what defines fitting in. Did you not use those exact word "fit" multiple times in your OP? I imagine if you used it all those times, you know what it means. I can't think of anybody off the top of my head that said that Demogorgon wouldn't fit in DbD. I think maybe the devs at one point said that they weren't planning on doing quadrupedal or monstrous killers or something like that, but the vast majority of people I saw voice their opinions on it were in support of it. I think the argument ceased to exist because it never came about in the first place. As I said before, I wouldn't give a damn if there was just a robotic character that worked similar to how you're talking about, but to me, and I imagine a lot of people, it just gets exhausting hearing of it after a while. I don't want to be exposed to more of this mediocre (if that, in my opinion) franchise because I simply don't like it. You can make a character designed as cool as you want but to some people it's not going to make them take the character seriously if the character itself is something lame they don't like.

    As to the "Jeff the Killer argument is a little odd," I already explained why I made the comparison between FNaF and those creepypasta characters: they're both cheesy kiddie horror things, and it shows with the kind of crowds it attracts (see the Slenderman Stabbing story.) They've practically become a meme because of how much it was milked and how you yourself even admit that the story isn't even that well put together (not as in opinion-wise, but how fleshed out it is.) That's where the similarities are the way I see it: cheesy horror stories that are really thrilling mostly to kids that aren't even that well-written. And no, I disagree that creepypasta never really became a meme. It totally did. They're like scary stories, nobody actually gets scared by them, they're just spooky little creepy things to hear about. Anybody who actually takes creepypastas seriously has some catching up to do with reality, because that's really all they are: scary stories. And when I say it becomes a meme, I mean that it's a joke that not a lot of people take seriously. That's just how I see FNaF. Also, yea FNaF is pretty much just a jumpscare game. As I said previously in this post, I stopped being exposed to it after a while (thankfully) but every single game up to that point (yes there were already many games) was watching over something, maybe shutting the doors like in the first game, or putting on the mask like in the 3rd (I think?) game, and then getting jumpscared. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't kept up with FNaF, but is FNaF evolved from that? And if not, how is that not just a jumpscare game? News being put out for the game and new games coming out doesn't have any relevance anyway to how good the game is or if it's "only a jumpscare game," all it shows is that the franchise just continues to be milked.

    I'm glad you acknowledge that people are entitled to like whatever they want to like, and you even say yourself "I think others are more deserving of that spot." I'm pretty sure that's exactly why most people don't want it, the same reason. Maybe if we had like 500 killers and the devs really needed ideas, even the people that hate FNaF would be willing to accept it. People just have made it very clear that a large portion of us don't want FNaF. As I said, make a killer design and everything, but the moment you start tying it to a franchise that is controversial, you're going to have to deal with the other side that's saying it's a stupid idea, and a company has to decide if adding a character is worth pissing off their players. I'm sure if they added Slendy into the game, there would already be a chunk of people that drop it just for that, just like some of the peoples' responses to the FNaF threads I've seen saying the same things. I'm glad that you aren't bugged if a killer you don't want isn't in the game, but you have to realize that if certain characters get introduced that people want to not be introduced, it's realistically going to make some people think the game is going downhill. Not sure how big that number would be, but I'm guessing it wouldn't exactly be tiny given the amount of backlash I usually see in FNaF threads. I'm not trying to trash on your desire for the character because you're as free to want FNaF as much as I'm free to want FNaF to not be introduced, I'm just trying to point out the fact that there's a good portion of people that really don't want FNaF for (in my opinion) pretty valid reasons, and just like you said about yourself, some people honestly just "think others are more deserving of that spot."

    I mean all this in the most respectful way possible. The effort of the post is great, I just personally wouldn't enjoy the content.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    I guess I've just been blessed enough to stop hearing about it after the initial craze with all the Youtubers playing it. Fair enough if you just disagree that the creepypasta things have a following, but my main point is that the things are practically a meme at this point. Just like Slenderman and Jeff were brought up so much back then, people just got sick of hearing it and it kinda became a joke. Same thing happened with FNaF -- as you can see, I'm not the only one who feels this way, judging by many criticisms the OP seems to be drawing from (with all the bold texted points.)

    There's games coming out making a f* ton of sales day 1, there's books, a movie and apparently a triple A game in the making that I didn't know was a thing.

    Fnaf is very alive. Just check the numbers a fnaf video does on game theory and you'll see.

    Everything is a meme, including dbd. 🤷‍♂️

    I mean, people have issues with things you wouldn't guess are an issue. It comes with things being subjective. Like, "would X character be cool?".

    Look at smash for instance (cause let's be honest, it's the closest thing we can compare it to) Byleth got into the game, was expected since she/he is the new FE character. People were SO pissed, you would think they added sonichu or peter griffin.

    Someone, is always gonna disagree. It's how it goes

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I agree with what you're saying for the most part. I can't really speak on behalf of FNaF about its numbers with my lack of interest of it, but people can like what they like.

    The whole point of my first comment in here was, I felt like the OP was just kind of almost trying to "debunk" (I guess?) a lot of complaints that people have about the game, which is why I started it with "Can't people just not like FNaF?" To me the whole "I'm going to tell you why those complaints shouldn't be worried about" thing just kind of rubs me the wrong way. The post doesn't change a lot in terms of how I feel about it, and I don't imagine it changes much for a lot of people. Like, I'm sure people appreciate a well thought out character, but if people don't like FNaF, and they have reasons they don't like it (like how it wouldn't "fit") then you're not going to win if you try to prove them wrong, and you probably aren't going to get a lot of traction when simply put, it's not a small group of people who don't like the idea.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I'd rather have a possessed Billy Bob from Showbiz Pizza if it means I won't have to deal with little kids flooding the game. Great post that's well thought out though and props for the design.

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 147

    To this is kinda unrelated but some people don't know the difference between "human" and "humanoid" so ima be language police for a second. Move along.

    Here is a list of humanoids people said are non-humanoid: FNaF robots, alien, werewolves, slenderman (the most obviously humanoid), demogorgon.

    Humanoid means their body shape is resembling that of a human. There isn't one non humanoid killer in dbd. I've seen 5 times (3x by the same guy) where you've ######### up a simple concept.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    As I said, every idea is going to have some disagreers. Not to try to brag or use this to justify my opinion, but this post has over 20 upvotes as of me writing this comment. That, at a minimum, shows that people are at least agreeing to the argument being made. FNaF is being accepted now more than ever before. There have been multiple FNaF related forum threads here, and earlier this week, there were 3 concepts for a FNaF chapter all on the front page of the fan creations subforum. Look at this concept on reddit; it wasn't even posted a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/hahpxk/dbdfnaf_a_rough_concept_for_a_new_license_killers/

    The other reddit threads in my main post weren't made absurdly long ago either.

    What you mentioned about "fitting" is the EXACT reason why I hate the argument. There is no way to prove something fits the game. The only thing that I can definitively argue about it is that "FNaF is a horror game, and that there is in fact a killer that I personally don't think would be an oddball among the others", but its ultimately is up to perception.

    While, as I said, there are no definitive rules describing what objectively can and cant be a character, people have a general idea of what they want Dead by Daylight to look like, and its up to them to determine that. That perspective varies wildly between people, and not only that, it changes rapidly. Sure, most people want Dead by Daylight to be scary, but what does scary look like?

    I showed how Springtrap has many different attributes and an interesting story that makes him an actual killer. What I can't do is definitively, 100%, argue that "Due to these attributes I mentioned, he would objectively suit the game". If you don't agree with me that Springtrap "fits" DbD, then you and I probably just have different visions of what the game should look like, which is totally fine. My argument is based of the perspective that Dead by Daylight is a horror game, so I mentioned things that make him a killer, and that make him scary, but then again, what is scary to me may not be to you. There's no definition to it. If you notice in the first part of my post (where I argue about him fitting), anything that isn't a definitive fact there is my opinion, because I can't speak on behalf of the Dead by Daylight community. The best I can do is explain to you my perspective.

    About the Demogorgon, I saw a lot of support for him, but I also saw a lot of people complaining how non human killers shouldn't be in the game, and that demogorgon is just too odd of a character. I personally didn't really care for the Demogorgon all too much, but I wasn't upset either. I thought he was a cool addition, but I didn't have any strong emotion towards him because I dont watch Stranger Things. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this post isn't really aimed at people who simply don't like/want FNaF. If you don't like it, you don't like it. This is more aimed at the people who shortchange FNaF and try to use that to justify why FNaF isn't a good idea.

    About FNaF and Creepypastas attracting the wrong crowds, it is true that they're both aimed at the same target audience (Teen Horror), but I don't feel like its necessarily fair to just assume that since FNaF targets a slightly younger crowd, that its horror factor is any less genuine than Dead by Daylight's. There might not be as strong of suggestive themes in FNaF, but I don't consider that to be cheesy or low effort.

    I don't really think FNaF is being "milked" either. Scott Cawthon (the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's) has actively stopped working on FNaF games in the past because he simply didn't want to. Sure, the series has a lot of merchandise that can make a lot of money, but then how is it any different from DbD's skins or the Rift pass? He didn't have to give refunds to people who didn't like one of his games, but he did anyway, and then proceeded to make it free. Additionally, all of his more recent FNaF games have been free. He could easily profit from it, but it's clear that's not why he makes games. If he wanted money, he would have kept making FNaF games by himself, instead of collaborating with Triple A studios to make a better game.

    As for FNaF's story, you're definitely right that it isn't exactly clear, but I think that's a design choice. FNaF doesn't tell a story; it gives clues so you can figure one out. It's only been recently that Scott decided to go back and try to clear it up.

    Going by your definition of a meme, then yeah I totally agree that creepypastas became a meme. They were never taken too seriously, but that didn't stop my 10-year old self from thinking they were literary masterpieces at the time.

    To answer your questions about FNaF, it has evolved in some ways, while not really changing in others. While there have been mild shifts in gameplay formula during FNaF's indie stages, the real evolution came with the leap to VR. At it's core, FNaF is still mostly a sit and survive game, but the change to a 3D environment gave it far more depth. The VR game features the first 4 games in full VR and 3D, which makes the horror of those games less focused on jumpscares and more focused on the realism of actually being there, in the environment. Its not something that's easy to put into words, but I hope you got what I meant. The game also features more unique modes, such as Vent Repair, Night Terrors, and the Halloween modes, which all feature slight to moderate deviations from the standard gameplay. It also has a pretty dark story. The new AR game is something completely different than FNaF's traditional formula, but I don't know too much about it since I haven't seen much of it myself. Ultimately, FNaF has always mainly drawn its horror from its lore and story, which is a whole other topic on its own. I don't really consider myself an active FNaF community member, so I don't know every last detail of the lore.

    Also (just to make something clear) when I said other killers are more deserving of a spot, I was referring to Slenderman and Jeff the Killer. I think a FNaF killer would be cool. After all, how many other options are there for possible video game licenses? There's amnesia, and maybe the devs could revisit left for dead, but other than that I don't see much else. I will say that movie characters have a much better roster of characters to chose from than video games.

    FNaF has remained, and always will be, my pick for a licensed character, but I'm not gonna throw hands over a FNaF chapter not being added. There's a gargantuan amount of people that want the chapter, but there's also a lot who don't. Although, I don't really believe that people would drop the entire game over 1 character they didn't like; I find that a little hard to believe. Nevertheless, its ultimately the developer's choice.

    But, I can't stress this enough: It is perfectly okay to be entitled to your opinion. I sure am. This isn't supposed to be an attack on you personally in anyway.

    P.S: If you respond to this, that's cool, and I'll probably read it, but I may not respond since writing these 10 trillion paragraph essays aren't fun.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    No need to respond with a big comment honestly, I agree with most of what you said. As mentioned, I can't really say much, since I am sort of ignorant to the current events of FNaF, so in all that stuff I'll have to trust you. I appreciate you being civil about it though, a lot of people will get defensive when something they like is criticized like this.

  • Odyssey
    Odyssey Member Posts: 5

    While I agree, I don't thing Springboi is going to be added for a fnaf chapter. If we took the fnaf series as a whole, Baby or anyone from Sister Location could more than likely chosen over him. I pick Baby simply because she is incredibly popular and seems to have taken a lot of spot light. As for survivor I think we're fine with a fnaf character. I agree we need a new series for a survivor and I actually like Clementine as a possibility