Tips for 15 Hatchets in a game?

Per the title, looking for all tips. I am a red rank killer, but a terrible, and I do mean terrible Huntress. Mostly because her song massively affects my mood and I can’t stand to play her more than a couple times a day. This combination as you may see is causing some major issues with the whole getting 15 hatchets in a game thing. Did the Legion one first try on Midwich of all maps because I understand Legion and use them well. But this Huntress one is going to kill me if it takes forever to get. Any and all tips would be appreciated.
Im going to farm. Survivors are usually down
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I'm really not sure how to indicate it when the "farm" is I need a bunch of hatchet hits.
Had survivors give me...8? for free last game, wasn't enough. And as expected, I'm just in the worst mood I've been in in a month. I cannot stress enough how much her lullaby messes with my head. I hate it, so much.
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On xbox i just message them, not sure on pc
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If you have streamers burn them that will entice the survivors to let you farm. Otherwise you are going to have to wait for a bum group that had 1 or 2 quitters so the survivors give up and farm up the hatchets that way.
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Trade it for BPS, show them you want to farm, if they accept theyll want to farm altruism points so its just 15 hits, it will take time but probably theyll get you are after that challenge.
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I think it's a good opportunity for people to learn Huntress more, I don't see her played that often. I'm not amazing at her, but I was able to finish the challenge on my 2nd try.
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Oh I enjoy her concept a lot, don't get me wrong. I just can NOT tolerate her humming. I can't explain it, but it ruins my mood. I can tolerate one game, sometimes two, as or against her in a row, if I get three or more, I am automatically in a bad mood because her song just does that to me.
I'll likely pick up Deathslinger instead eventually, same basic idea, no humming that is just intolerable to me.
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bind your basic attack key to something weird such as '9'.
now you will ONLY be able to throw hatchets - you will get it like that eventually (well, or you are gonna develop a strategy on how to move your hand from your mouse to your keyboard, hitting the new attack key without losing ground ingame)
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Weird that it "ruins" your mood. Not to discount what you're saying, I believe you. It's just, I can't even imagine how that would happen.
As for the advice though, if you've ever played Billy you know it's hard to go for long range chainsaws because survivors are always going to see you coming and have room to dodge. I feel like it's a similar case with Huntress and her hatchets. If a survivor sees you charge a hatchet, if they're good enough, even a charged hatchet can be juked from a distance. That's why I recommend walking practically right up behind them and only really going for hatchet throws once you're within lunge distance of them. At that point, no amount of reaction is going to save them with how fast your hatchet goes, and it's all a matter of if they have a pallet to get to or not.
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I got it first try! I had to farm a bit with the last 2 survivors to get it, but otherwise, not such a hard challenge
On the other hand, I am having a ton of trouble getting the legion one, I tried jigsaw piece with both sketch and notebook and I still could not get it.
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I had some survivors figure out what I was doing and take pity on me in the EGC, so I got it done.
For Legion, while I get why The Game is a first inclination, that place is mazelike enough to navigate that knowing WHERE they are doesn’t mean you know the efficient ways to get to them, and those extra seconds can cost you dearly. I would suggest Hawkins or even just a smaller map like Rancid Abattoir or Coal Tower, where it’s more likely to have people close together.
Midwich may be a massive map, but it’s got a very straightforward layout outside getting from floor to floor. Because of that and the two add ons you mentioned, it was fairly possible to cross the half a map needed between hits to keep the chain up. I’m not sure I’d reccomend it as a first option, but it’s certainly better than other large maps.
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Thanks for the advice!
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Use the add ons that speed up the time it takes wind up a hatchet
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I was lucky enough to have an afk survivor in my lobby so I took advantage of that. One of the other survivors figured out what I was doing so they were healing the afk survivor and I kept hitting them until I got that challenge done.
otherwise what everyone else or just stand in one spot constantly throwing hatchets...survivors usually figure out what you are doing and will help because they also want/need points.
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Get a game and kill 1 or 2 survivors, then just throw hatchets at the last 2, when you down them, pick them up and let them wiggle off. Between this and the first few kills it shouldn't be too hard to get 15 hatchets.
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If the humming bothers you that much then mute the game. You don't need audio queues in a farming match
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I did it on the first time, just slug, let them heal, repeat.
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It toke me 5 games before I got the challenge. But I have a lot of patience but unless you’re willing to depip and pull your hair out farm
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I did this in 1 game, but I side-main Huntress.
You have to see the survivors are pill hitboxes. Make sure to also throw your hatchet even if they cut the corner.
Don't see them as survivor, see them as pill hitboxes. That's how I play Huntress.
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All i did to get this done was hit them with hatchets and i didn't hook any of them the whole game they went around and picked each other up after a bit then i just downed them again rinse and repeat of course they all got out because I didn't hook any of them but it didn't matter to me the challange was the only thing on my mind
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I got lucky on swamp and they couldn't find my lullaby. A 4k with 4 gens left and over 20 successful hatchet hits. I put my own makeshift reticle on my TV for easy aim
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Got it with first try, but everyone escaped, since they were on comms and I was aimed more for hits, than a win. Suggest you doing the same.
Anyway, some general tips:
-Use corrupt intervention to buy some time early and PGTW to do it later.
-Aura reading perks also good choice: Nurse's calling, BBQ, Bitter murmur, I'm all ears, Surveillance...
-Wind up addons are the best choice. Additional hatchets is fine. Exhaustion is good if you hate Dead Hard.
-I suggest you to go to Dead Dawg saloon. It's small map and generally killer sided.
-Easyest way to hit surv with hatchet: mid animation while they vaulting pallet or window.
-In the open don't throw hatchet early: survs tend to dodge when they hear ding sound. Examine their movement. Be patient.
-If you near locker, sometimes you can try yolo hits across the map. You probably miss, but, damn it feels great when you land it.