What perk make the survivor to be completely silent when downed?

I just had a game when a downed survivor made no sound at all. Till BHVR wrote in the patch notes that they fixed the no-sound bug so it has to be a perk. I read all the survivor perks but none of them make this so i need a little help, this perk would be very helpful when i'm playing survivor. Thanks!
Iron Will from Jake
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It’s a bug and even though they thought they fixed it (hence the patch notes) it’s still here. They probably fixed some but not all causes for this bug. It’s not like they accidentally wrote a line of code saying „surv slugged->surv silent“ and they can just delete this to fix the issue.
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But why they wrote than that they fixed it if they don't? They guessed they fixed it?
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They may have fixed some causes but not all of them, but they thought they covered all because they couldn’t find the remaining causes.
thats only my guess though.
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Because this bug is difficult to reproduce. I played a few killer rounds yesterday and experienced no sound issues whatsoever, so they fixed at least some causes of the bug.
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Its the most overpowered perk in the game called: bugs
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If you are experiencing the bug, I guess you should file a bug report (there is a forum section for this)
give as much information as possible so the devs can try to recreate it and find the actual cause
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"they thought they covered all because they couldn't find the remaining causes" ......... This reminds me: "3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible" scene, if you know what i mean.
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No, it's more like:
- You go to see a doctor because you have a stuffy nose and are coughing a lot.
- Doctor orders some tests and figures out it's your allergies acting up, prescribes medication for that.
- Stuffy nose improves, but turns out the cough was due to lung cancer. Doctor didn't think of that because "allergies" covered the whole thing and there was no reason to suspect anything else.
They fixed the cause that they could find based on the bug reports. Maybe if more people filed bug reports and provided information about their builds they could've found the other causes right away.