Nerf The Spirit's Voice

Geez, fire whoever came up with those sounds. So loud and annoying, she was perfect (aesthetically wise) during the PTB. The voices added to her are unnecessary and so damn annoying.
During the PTB she was using the Nurse's SFX.
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I have to start to believe you just enjoy going against what anyone says xD
I haven't seen you agree with anyone ever on the forum's.Well, to each their own opinion, but I personally believe her voice right now is horrendous and tbh, hurts my ears. Way too loud, annoying, and simply bad. I really hope they remove it or change it to something else.
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I think the voice itself is fine however the frequency at which she makes noises could be toned down a little bit though or in the very least tone it down at the menu.
I do like the voice though it reminds me of a those spirits from The Evil Dead.
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@Twix said:
I have to start to believe you just enjoy going against what anyone says xD
I haven't seen you agree with anyone ever on the forum's.Well, to each their own opinion, but I personally believe her voice right now is horrendous and tbh, hurts my ears. Way too loud, annoying, and simply bad. I really hope they remove it or change it to something else.
I've agreed with many people, from both sides. I've defended a guy over an SWF exploiting the matchmaking while also chastising him for name and shame.
This is nothing new - dissent makes a bigger splash than agreement, so people will notice the former over the latter. Back on the Steam forum, I've been called both a Survivor main when I proposed and agreed with Killer nerfs, and a Killer main when I proposed and agreed with Survivor nerfs, despite playing both equally. EDIT: I make little effort to correct the misconceptions beyond simply denying them because liars and intellectually dishonest people will just make ######### up over and over again. Correcting their BS bores me.1 -
@Twix said:
Geez, fire whoever came up with those sounds. So loud and annoying, she was perfect (aesthetically wise) during the PTB. The voices added to her are unnecessary and so damn annoying.One of the Mod's I've been told had done her voice. I agree it isn't very good and someone with more experience would have been a better fit but hey her voice doesn't ruin the game.
Sees For Honor's new character voices
Screw what I said earlier! Voices DO MATTER please change it!
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@MegaWaffle said:
@Twix said:
Geez, fire whoever came up with those sounds. So loud and annoying, she was perfect (aesthetically wise) during the PTB. The voices added to her are unnecessary and so damn annoying.One of the Mod's I've been told had done her voice. I agree it isn't very good and someone with more experience would have been a better fit but hey her voice doesn't ruin the game.
Sees For Honor's new character voices
Screw what I said earlier! Voices DO MATTER please change it!
I mean, the game is not ruined, but it definitely hurts my ears whenever I hear it lol.
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Kate's original voice is what made my ears bleed....the screams.2 -
At least Kate's screams sounded more realistic, now it just sounds like she's singing just like Feng when she gets hooked
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JoyfulLeader said:
At least Kate's screams sounded more realistic, now it just sounds like she's singing just like Feng when she gets hooked
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Maybe that's what you hear on the Clown's VHS porn
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What if there was a mode where every time a survivor or killer was in pain, it was extreme #########?
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Idk I actually like her sounds as well and I main her, so I hear her a lot.
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She should have only her background Spirit voice, not that angry kid one like "HYYYYNAAA". During the PTB it was perfect, despite the Nurse's sounds.
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Meh. I like it TBH.
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Queen doesn't need to be fired, the Spirit just needs to be toned down on her wahh sounds, make it happen less, then she's fine for the Survivor's POV.
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No. Fortunately, Rin doesn't do that.
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The whole problem with the Spirit as a survivor is her constant waah and haah, it's annoying, can't really focus on the game if all I listen to is her making indescribable noises.
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@Raquiem said:
The whole problem with the Spirit as a survivor is her constant waah and haah, it's annoying, can't really focus on the game if all I listen to is her making indescribable noises.If that's the "problem" with Spirit as a survivor then you have it too easy and she clearly needs a buff.
I'll concede the waaah when seeing blood trails is standard.
(For clarity: I'm mostly kidding around here. Please noone start a buff/debuff nonsense argument again).
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@Eight said:
@Raquiem said:
The whole problem with the Spirit as a survivor is her constant waah and haah, it's annoying, can't really focus on the game if all I listen to is her making indescribable noises.If that's the "problem" with Spirit as a survivor then you have it too easy and she clearly needs a buff.
I'll concede the waaah when seeing blood trails is standard.
(For clarity: I'm mostly kidding around here. Please noone start a buff/debuff nonsense argument again).
I can tell you're having a joke, don't worry. I do have a sense of humour. In all fairness, she's a good Killer, even Queen herself commented on how the noises are too frequent, that's literally her only characteristic flaw, everything else is perfect, the hair, the looks, the booty gasm. She's a really good addition to the game, plus a Top 3 contending Killer, I just wish she didn't make so many noises.
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@Raquiem said:
I can tell you're having a joke, don't worry. I do have a sense of humour.That note was more for everyone else - someone would have eventually read that and started a six-page bullshit rant about killers asking for buffs.
I knew you'd be cool.
In all fairness, she's a good Killer,
I play her quite a lot - she's probably the most fun killer (for me) unless I need to grief some Jakes (when only a Piggy will do).
I just wish she didn't make so many noises.
Ok... keep this between you and I... but you're probably right.
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Twix said:
I have to start to believe you just enjoy going against what anyone says xD
I haven't seen you agree with anyone ever on the forum's.Well, to each their own opinion, but I personally believe her voice right now is horrendous and tbh, hurts my ears. Way too loud, annoying, and simply bad. I really hope they remove it or change it to something else.
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Raquiem said:
@Eight said:
@Raquiem said:
The whole problem with the Spirit as a survivor is her constant waah and haah, it's annoying, can't really focus on the game if all I listen to is her making indescribable noises.If that's the "problem" with Spirit as a survivor then you have it too easy and she clearly needs a buff.
I'll concede the waaah when seeing blood trails is standard.
(For clarity: I'm mostly kidding around here. Please noone start a buff/debuff nonsense argument again).
I can tell you're having a joke, don't worry. I do have a sense of humour. In all fairness, she's a good Killer, even Queen herself commented on how the noises are too frequent, that's literally her only characteristic flaw, everything else is perfect, the hair, the looks, the booty gasm. She's a really good addition to the game, plus a Top 3 contending Killer, I just wish she didn't make so many noises.