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playing higher ranks as killer sucks

got to rank 6 now I want to rage quit nearly every match until I rank back to 10


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Wait till youre r1 😂

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    I guess I am just having a bad day, switched over to survivor for a bit to cool off

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    once you reach r1 you'll feel how hard is it to keep your rank stay in r1 and once you win sometime they complain in postgame chat about how they meet r1 killer and feel unfair🤣

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I'm playing new killers I have never touched before so am currently de-ranking like a beast, its refreshing hehe.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    It is tough but I don’t know that I’d enjoy the game if it wasn’t.

  • PonyTony
    PonyTony Member Posts: 4

    i agree pallets are too op in this game survivors who know what they are doing. They always abuse pallet loops and dead hard. Imo dead hard and pallets should be removed from the game or at least most of the pallets. If i have to chase 1 survivor through 5 pallets and perfectly placed windows. Wİth the gens popping each 10 seconds ,how am i supposed to kill anybody. Only way to get more than 1 kill is to use noed bloodwarden and semi-camp the hook maybe if someone come to unhook you can get others. People complain about hitboxes while they have a perk like dead hard. I don't understand.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Pallets and loops can be played around though, rarely is it a good idea to respect a pallet. If you get a survivor who drops every pallet in your face great, that's a gift. Chase even a good looper into a place without pallets and you should get that down. If you lose two gens but eat 10 pallets in the trade the mid to late game just got a whole lot easier.

    I'm not great at shutting down loops either but I'm getting better and eating pallets is just the ticket to killing loopers. Also dead hard when used well like any perk can decide the length of a chase, most people mistime it though, DH into a wall, or flag it by running back into my face making for free easy hits. I'll take a DH survivor over a sprint burst/balanced landing/lithe survivor.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    BHVR has given you the answer my friend, it is called: Spirit, Billy, Nurse, or Freddy

    (rank 1 killer, rank 1 survivor)

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    BHVR are as keen as any politicians at fixing it, by fixing I mean balancing their game.

    Sure they'll tell you solo survivors aren't as balanced as SWFs on comms and that the plan on buffing solo survivors... yup buffing. After which they then forget about it for another year.

    Excuses will be made that the game isn't competitive and need not be balanced or that SWFs don't have an advantage (much).

    Stats showing SWFs are then hidden pre and post game, but take BHVRs word that they are telling the truth about lies, damned lies and their statistics.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Don't DC like a filthy survivor, killers have a much better tool for dropping rank while still having fun: Memento Mori

    As long as you Mori every survivor after their first hook, there's no way you can gain enough emblem points to earn even a black pip while in the red-purple ranks.

    Bonus: Insta down tech also reduces your Emblem points, so if you use Intsta down killers, Perks, or Add-ons, and pair it with the Mori's... You're guaranteed "Entity Displeased" every game until around rank 8 or 9 where this strategy actually starts counting and you end up earning Brutal Killer scores.

    Sure this isn't nice to the survivors, but if you want to drop rank while still having fun, and not get punished for it... Use the Mori's

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    The only thing I would change about loops, is make some of them more interactive. Make it so survivors can't see over most loops so killers can at least mindgame.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I love DH on both sides because it gives good laughs. I've seen people going straight in to a wall or to my lap and I have a gift of finding trees when using DH.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Just cut down total pallets by 25%, there are soooooo many. Shrink maps by 20% too and that'll likely outright solve a lot of the problems.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Just play Trapper.

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2020

    Same, I want to eat pallets early game, I break every pallet that's downed in a chase and use fire up so I get faster and faster at doing it the more gens that progress. I main Freddy so by time end game all the pallets are dream pallets lol

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2020

    I have been banking Moris for this occasion. When I cant put enough pressure on gens for two games I resort to using Moris for the next 2 or 3 matches and take out the first and maybe second survivor after one hook. Seems to slow down the gen progress a lot when they only have two people in game. I know its not fair but at that point I don't care anymore.

    In saying that I have had matches where I play fair and have 9 hook actions in 2 gens... I had one where two survivors disconnected on first down so I had to follow the other two around the map and force them to do gens lol. I felt so sad for them, but we were all gonna derank unless I farmed them for points

    Last night I had one disconnect, one give up his struggle and had two left. I downed them both with 3 gens remaining then carried one to the other and stood there until he wiggled free so he could heal her. He disconnected and end game said he didn't wanna be a part of it. I followed the other around the map giving her boldness and chase points, letting her do gens. Downed her at gate, went and closed hatch then hung her. And this is lower red ranked survivors. After the match I apologised and explained I didn't really have a choice because I didn't get to hook the first and only had one hook on the second. The points just wouldn't have added up after the second disconnect and nobody left to save the last survivor from first hook means I would have only scored once from her.

    Seems sometimes if you kill everyone too early its nearly as bad for the scoring as killing none at all.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited June 2020

    "Welcome to the higher ranks, Ill be leaving soon, just need to depip with mori's"


    "Depiping with Mori's" for short is a good response in chat.

    I've almost got 2k hours in this game myself, and have come to the conclusion that "If survivors never hold back on their builds or tactics, why should I?" If it's a legal mechanic in the game, there's nothing wrong with using it to your advantage, even if said advantage is to punish your own rank scoring potential. Currently however, during this event it's okay to be a bit more chill overall and make it apparent that you're okay with farming for BP with them. It's also pretty effective at de-ranking you since you only get 8 hooks, not many chase points, while they get all the gens and escape. Plus, while you play this way instead of using mori's, you come across as less of a scumbag and more of a chill guy that just wants his BP same as them. So while the event is going on (especially when they fix the Cake bug), it's fine to Have some fun farming with them. Not all survivors are gonna be up for farming of course, but it's hard to resist when 520% more BP is on the line.

    There are a surprising amount of survivor players at the high ranks that play like they don't deserve to be there. They are usually boosted by SWF, or just got there because ranking up for survivor is fairly easy since they don't even have to escape most of the time to earn a pip. You notice these players very easily since they stand out from the rest in terms of how much skill they lack compared to others.

    I'm a sadist irl, and find games like this to be a great outlet for me as nothing does it for me more than when they DC, or vomit up hate filled messages in the post game chat. Knowing I outplayed them, and it's causing them emotional pain irl due to a bruised ego, or has cost them a DC penalty which forces them to wait longer for their next match, is very satisfying to me. I digress, I know I'm not normal in that sense, and not everyone gets the same satisfaction I do from playing this way. I'm not toxic, or a troll, mind you, I like to think I have some class; I just feel more alive when I know I've humbled a few cocky survivors who are used to winning, as opposed to being a total dick out to hurt their enjoyment for laughs. Regardless, at any time outside of events like the one going on right now, I have no qualms with using mori's to de-rank to the less frustrating ranks, because while I do enjoy a challenge, I also play this game to relax, and not get too frustrated. I need my outlet, and I don't feel the need to apologize for using legal game mechanics to reach that goal, and neither should you.

    We're all people playing this game to enjoy the experience while pitting our earned tools, skills, strategies, and wits against each other, but if you are at a rank that you feel is no longer enjoyable to play, I feel that there's nothing wrong with using the games legal mechanics to bring yourself back to the ranks you enjoy the most.

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2020

    I can somewhat relate to that. When I first started playing and facecamped a lot I would get a lot of salt. I would always tell them, you think I play killer cause I give a f*ck what you think about me? No.

    Tonight someone accused me of needing to Mori to win. I said "no I Morid after one hook because I like doing it" lol

    You have a fan +1

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    You remind me that this game is a good outlet and that its ok to be savage and to please myself in the game, disregarding what people think of me. Thanks man, I appreciate your time.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Spirit, Billy, Nurse, Freddy, Executioner, Doctor, and Hag.

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2020

    I only win consistently with Freddy. The other killers I haven't mastered.

    Freddy I have prestige 3-50 rank 7 plus the 1-2% of player achievements like adept nightmare, silent approach, blood on your face, death of ignorance, holiday get together ( I love taking them into my basement, the stairway makes a good slash fest) and a few others not worth the mention

    currently at 259 hours... off to a decent start I reckon. I bought this game on 25th of April during the sale

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I dont see any difference at all. Most higher ranked survivors are just far too bad for these ranks, which makes redranks pretty easy to play in.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Hmm time to level freddy and check this fire up you speak of.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    I hit red rank once and then never again. I still won but every match was a grudge match, there were no chill games it was always tryhard SFW survivors.

    Now as a purple rank soon to be red i find all the games easier because i play solo and get competent teammates.

    It has been a long time since i played at red ranks and i am still consistently matched with red rank survivors so maybe its not as bad as I remember but if it is it's not worth it. I wish there was a separate ranked mode with no SWF. It would also allow for a shape shifting killer to be added

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    I never play killer, well not never probably 95% survivor 5% killer.

    Went in to get crowns on all my killers tonight, im rank 20. My plan was to get my crown and let everyone leave peacefully.

    I did this but i couldnt believe how fast these rank 16 to rank 20 survivors were slamming gens. These are supposed to be the worst players but they slammed gens like they were going out of fashion.

    Sure i wasnt pressuring them but i still didnt expect them to go so quickly. I got all my killer crowns very quickly. Find crown, stand at door, when last gen pops open door and force them to leave. Done it it no time.

    I just couldnt believe how fast new and bad players were doing gens.

    Ive nothing else to say except, please devs hurry up and fix the cakes. Gg.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    It's not hard. When i can do it, everyone can. Because of the new ranking system, you drop only back to 5, so more and more survivors that are mediocre are in red ranks and you facing them, having a easy time. You recognize good players pretty quick and how your chances are to win.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's not that great on the survivor's side either. Red ranks in general suck because you're either a try-hard sweatlord, or you just don't care any more because you've reached the highest ranks in the game.

    Do it once to say that you've been there, but after that I don't really think that there's much of a point. If I could, I'd lock myself into green/purple ranks for survivor and yellow/green ranks for killer, since they're where I have the most fun. Sometimes you'll get a really good opponent or set of opponents, and they can be challenging or others that are complete potatoes and it'll be a meme of a game.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I'm so sick of red ranks, but I'm pretty much stuck there because it's ridiculously easy to safety pip and rank reset barely does anything.

    The game is so much more fun when you don't have to be a sweaty meta slave to not get stomped.