Cage match: DBD Devs v. Fallout Devs. A race to the bottom. Who wins?

OBX Member Posts: 854

It will be a gruesome battle. It’s still unclear to me who is lower. Let’s hear everyone’s opinion.


  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    DBD devs aren't even bad - at all. These forums (I consider them part of the game) are solid and moderated respectfully and the game itself -while struggling with bugs like any service game that gets new content continuously- keeps getting fixed and polished. Obviously the game suffers from recurring issues (sounds for instance) but at least the devs work on it and keep us updated (more often than not).

    Gearbox (to name a sample for a bad developer) won't even announce news on their own official forums. They've got bugged in-game items and perks (skills) that haven't been working since day 1(!) [referring to Borderlands 3 btw] and are probably never going to get fixed. They (literally) never speak with their own community no matter how often the same questions regarding wishes and fixes are asked.

    Their game keeps crashing while you're farming for gear which may take hours so when you finally find it and the game crashes just before you can pick up a legendary item (for example) you want to punch a wall not gonna lie.

    I left the Gearbox forums earlier today as they even defended an obvious troll that insulted people for playing games (on a game forum🤔) and considered women "toys". When someone asked why they were defending that kind of attitude on the forums instead of removing offensive comments they replied "send a pm if you have a complaint about the moderation".

    Sooooo yeah... DBD as a game is far more polished and moderated more competently even though behaviour is a way smaller company than Gearbox.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Bhvr has already crossed the finish line. It's like a race between a hare and a tortoise

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Bethesda is way worse imo

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    It's more like a master & padawan relationship.

    BHVR is certainly learning from the likes of Bethesda, EA, and Activision.

    It's only a matter of time until we see "surprise mechanics" in the game... oh wait.. is that the Bloodweb?


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    As much ######### as I have given the team over the years, I do believe they are capable of making this game truly great.

    Bethesda is intent on burning the very ground they're fixed upon.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    looks like op went into hiding

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    Whether or not I agree with OP, this is a really stupid response, like when people tell you to leave a country if you don't like it.

    People get angry and frustrated with something or criticize it because they want it to improve. BHVR may treat their employees well, which is great, but they treat this game with no real measure of care. We saw from the last Q+A that the balance guy doesn't even play the game. Bugs persist for months or years and compound on top of each other, with extensive evidence, and BHVR does nothing about it. Killers don't receive reworks or retouches in order of urgency, or even anything close to regularly. The meta is extremely stale, perk wise, as far as viability, no that it matters because more recent game changes by BHVR have encouraged good players to leave, ending up with a situation where 90+% of the survivor player base is total garbage, feeding a positive feedback loop of people crying about things being too strong, which happens all the time here.

    These are all substantive, concrete criticisms. This game, balance and maintenance wise, is a bad game. It is not maintained for, and cared for properly. I play it because the core loop is interesting, and I hope they improve it, even though history shows they won't, and even if they do, they'll probably do it in a counterproductive manner.

    While i'm not sure they're quite as bad as Fallout devs, they're not really good at their jobs. Pointing this out with the evidence I've provided (and the litany of other evidence that exists) is valid.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Nope not hiding. The point of the post was to get opinions. I am not here to argue with what individuals have as their opinion. I made no statement as to which dev I find to be worse, so I have no need to argue a side.

  • angardia
    angardia Member Posts: 54

    after reading this forum a bit, there is no point even writing here. no one will hear you and most likely you will get trashed by the OMG dbd is the best fans.

    what sits in this forums are SWF mostly that enjoy the game, people who get money by posting positive things about this game and some workers who filter out any post that even a little bit imply that the devs here really dont care about anything but the info on which outfit will you spend real money...

    so there is no point.

    they basically removed any option to report or complain by asking you for the offenders steam id while blocking the option to see the steam account of the offender to report him. they added here a person to filter any post\comment that shows this games dev in any light other then the positive one.

    for 4 years they cant fix matching by ranks, fix lobby search, improve the balance for solo players and etc... but they can ask you which outfit u want to pay for $.$

    they want their community to be like this:

    you got camped? you got tunneled? you got killer playing with survivor or verse? you found hacker?


    and to your question: i played fallout 76 the moment it got out, it stinks of stupidity. just to think that someone woke up in the morning and thought: "thats a good idea to make a game without npc! cause people like to wonder all day and have 0 communication with recorded tapes!" BUT they changed that. (too little, too late..)

    but then i remember the recent dwight the brave quest here and i ask myself the same question - who woke up in dbd team and thought that game breaking mission like dwight the brave is a good idea? don't the solo players suffer enough as it is? so instead of fixing, they ignore.. even worse part that for 4 years they cant get the matching system fixed. 4 YEARS! if i was the owner, i would fire some people and build a thinking team to finally solve this issue.. but hey, if after 4 years they don't care, they wont care after 10.


  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    The difference here with your comparison is one is a country and the other is art. While everyone has an opinion about what's right or wrong this is at its core the expression of the developers and if you're so incensed by the decisions of this artistic vision your best option is to take your business elsewhere instead of resulting to slinging insults.

    If you hate the bugs and the gameplay find a different game. If you feel like you know so much better then pick up blender and unreal and do better. Otherwise offer constructive criticism and stop name calling the devs.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    Yeah, but the concept is the same. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Concepts transcend individual themes. Your criticism is bad.

    I did not do that. I gave specific reasons why the game is lacking. I didn't just sling insults. Maybe you didn't read what I wrote. I have offered significantly more useful criticism than you, and honestly, people like you who just carry water for mediocre devs are as bad as people who ad hominem them, because neither of you contribute anything at all of substance to the discourse.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Bethesda. Its not even a match, BVHR may be extremely slow but at least they don't rely on modders to keep their games alive and don't reuse the same models for literally every single game they make.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    In my opinion BHVR are not bad developers, their main problem is they are overreaching with the content, if they could stop churning killers for 6 months and focus on fix what they have I bet they could improve the game massively.

    Bethesda doesnt give a damn about their product and their corporate practices are incredible anticonsumer.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    The concepts are fundamentally different. Would you buy paintings from an artist and tell them they're the worst because they didn't use the color yellow you told them to? This isn't a country. You're not here because you have to be, your financial stake is minimal and the devs are under no obligation to do anything for you.

    Believe what you want but your argument is fundamentally flawed and no matter how upset it makes you, the developers are under no obligation to make you happy. There is in fact a very simple resolution here.

    This isn't a country. There are no borders, tarifs, travel restrictions or assets. You do in fact have the right to take your business elsewhere and unlike leaving a country, the developers have no power to impede you. Go be free. Exercise what little power you still have in this world and CHOOSE to spend your time where you want to.

    If you CHOOSE to spend your time here you're agreeing to enjoy the game designed and developed exactly as it is.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    I think dbd have a nice team, they try to find the best ways and solutions for everybody. Sure, there are a lot of bugs and a lot of balance discussions, but I think it’s really hard for the devs, cause you will always have people who cries...

    I like the idea to release new chapters only every 6 month, so is more time for important things like bugs and balancing. And for sure, they don’t need the money for the chapter every 3 month cause I think the most profit bhvr earn with cosmetics. So devs, please look more into the game instead to release new content with all this new bugs...

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    How can you believe they are capable of making DbD great?

    After 4 years this game is still heavily unbalanced, doesn't have a proper ranking and matchmaking system, the dedicated servers are hated by a huge part of the community, the game is full of bugs, the performance is getting steadily worse instead of better...

    Seriously, HOW?

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Because I still want to play the game and see it become something better. Yeah it's riddled with flaws and bugs atm, but I do believe they want to see it become what it can be. What's holding them back though, idk. Sometimes their hubris really gets in the way though.