Matches today...

Hate to sound like a whiny survivor main, but the killers today have been sooo sweaty and toxic. I was really excited for this event, and game after game killers are tunneling teammates, slugging until we bleed out instead of hooking, basement camping. I've been with the game since summer 2016, and consider myself an above average survivor and I've only been able to escape 1 time today with a crown out of 15ish rounds. Super frustrating that the killer gets rewarded for basically just not disconnecting, while survivors have to escape despite this behavior from killers.
That's weird I just posted a nearly identical story. It's been awful for me all day long. I've also only managed to get 1 single crown in a similar number of matches as you. The killer's play style today has seemed drastically different than what I'm used to.
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That's funny. Because today all the toxic SWFs are out in full force in their gen rushing glory.
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I’ve personally been letting everyone go while I get my crowns. Only time I didn’t was because one person tried to be toxic. Only one I didn’t let leave
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Thats the point. I usually go full and play dirty if I feel its a SWF, so I can have a chance for 2K, or at least make the game harder for them. While I play nicer toward solo.
I made a topic that I want to know if I face SWF so I can use better add-on & perk. But it will make people dodge SWF (I never dodge SWF). And people tell me that I should treat every match as each of them are SWF.
There were many times that I beat survivor too hard just to realize they were rank 18-20. Just because I faced Purple/Red rank previous matches.
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I've also been having really brutal matches today as killer. I've not been in a particularly merciful mood because of it. The one person I did let go sent me a message saying 'ez.'
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Keep in mind, during events the sweaty survivor mains turn into killers because it offers more BP.
It's common in every event.
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I mean, are we really surprised? Events always bring out this in both sides.
It's either 4 man + toolbox or ebony mori + purple addons
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I got this game a little over a week ago and been playing it nonstop. Today was the first day I had to stop for mental health. It's not just the killers, but also the survivors. Everything has been extremely toxic and anti-fun. I cannot express HOW MUCH I HATE THIS EVENT. I don't even want a ######### crown at this point, I just want the event to be the ######### over....
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Yep, not cool.
Been playing Killer since 3pm PST, letting every survivor escape, to try and do my little part to help people enjoy the event. Figure I'll give it a go on my survivors when my friend logs on sometime tonight. 🤷
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Been playing Killer all day. Farming and letting people go for crowns.
I'm in the middle of my first Survivor game and it's Iridescent Head Huntress LOL
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Sounds about right lmao.
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Killers get criticized for killing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Managed to escape with a crown for my Yui but she camped a poor Jake to death.
rip. This Huntress wasn't even a new player.
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Not criticized for killing, criticized for playing a scummy play style during an event where everyone would benefit from just messing around and escaping.
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Yeah, no. No need to let someone bleed out instead of hooking them when there is a hook available, no DS, no survivors left in the match.
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Exactly. Survs promote bad sportsmanship that carries over into games then wonder why they get punished for the actions of others. Had a game where I got a 1K with Demo trying to play for fun and got a SWF teabagging "GG EZ" group so to balance it out I played Super Spirit with an Ebony Mori for a 4K with no mercy.