Your Biggest Unpopular Opinions

Anything to do with the game in general or something specific. What’s something you feel great or hate about Dead by Daylight that others might not agree with you on? I don’t have any major unpopular opinions, however people hate me for saying Hawkins is my favourite map, so go figure.
NoED is a horribly designed perk, anyone who supports it by saying "Do bones" or that the killer only has 3 perks until endgame are just making excuses to avoid talking about the real issues involved with the perk, and if you have to rely on it for kills, then you are objectively a trash killer.
- Sincerely, a goddamn PIG MAIN.
Hunting survivors is also WAY better than killing them. I'd rather have 3 survivors escape at death's door than camp out them. Kills are a reward, not a right.
You ARE dead in endgame. Me not coming back for you isn't cowardice. It's recognition of the situation and denying the killer of another kill. I do not care that you were in struggle, I could not save you. Therefore you are dead.
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Removing survivors' second-chance perks will make them play better and increase survival rates. There's a psychological effect wherein people who feel safe behave more recklessly than those who feel unsafe. My thinking is that survivors feel too safe with all their second-chance perks, so they screw up more often than if they didn't have them.
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Dance with me is a pretty good perk
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Spirit is the most fun to play against.
Indoor maps are really fun as survivor.
Autodidact is extremely helpful and possibly even OP.
Noed is perfectly fine how it is, it's the survivors who refuse to cleanse that make it terrible.
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I actually love it paired with lithe or quick & quiet.
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People should be perma banned for death threats. This community is the most toxic i have ever seen in a video game.
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Calm Spirit is pretty good since a lot of strong killers run Infectious Fright.
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All the second chance perks are fine, even though I usually don't use them.
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I like to use perks that aren’t apart of the meta cause the killer doesn’t expect them, and sometimes they let me win the match because of the aspect of surprise. A lot of people take a lot of them for granted.
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Agreed with all aside indoor maps one. I only like Lerys and The Game.
For mine, Plague is broken. Not in an OP way, but broken as in her power is unhealthy, it's controlled by survivors, and her power relies on the team as a whole to play it right, not 1 survivor like other killers. I find her completely unhealthy.
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A god tier trapper is one of the scariest killers to go against
Decisive Strike isn't as problematic as a lot of people make it out to be
Hawkins is my favourite indoors map as survivor even though it is quite killer sided
DC penalties hurt innocent players more than the people that actually deserve them
Brutal Strength is underrated
Nurse is my favourite killer to go against
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Freddy is fun to play against and isn't OP.
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Old Freddy was fine as he was, with his class photo and pill box add-ons, he was an S tier killer and never needed the changes, and people only wanted him buffed or reworked, because they lacked understanding for his kit and how it's supposed to be used, it would be like putting Oni in D tier and not knowing that snowballing was great on him. New Freddy is just boring.
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I dislike the chase, i'd actually prefer to sit on a Generator all match than be found.
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Anybody who accuses someone using no one escapes death as being a trash killer probably has the game sense of a potato.
No self care is not a noob perk the problem is is that people who use it obsessively for every heal have the common sense of house flies
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I enjoy solo que more than swf and midwitch is a great map for both sides
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A **5th perk slot** would make the game more enjoyable and it would be balanced
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It's unhealthy because it makes them sick :D
No but seriously, that's true. Her power is really odd, it's useless sometimes but pretty op at others. It's a power far too reliant on the survivors.
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This game has the worst devs working on it
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Deathslinger is garbage
legion is B tier
the last two maps have been excellent
Pyramid Head is A tier
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Legacy wasn't that big of a deal and should be earn-able for new players or simply given to everyone for free.
Decisive Strike is not OP. I never run it because I almost never get to use it. The majority of killers don't slug. The super sweaty killers always assume you have DS, slug you off hook and try to wound or down other survivors while you are recovering. Those type of killers have an internal timer and remember how long it takes you to recover down to the second. They are always back to pick you up just before you can get your unbreakable completed or just after DS runs out therefore making it useless.
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I never use bloody party streamers or any offering the gives 100% BP to everyone anymore. Because the other side starts to play like ****. As survivor, i got tunneled and facecamped today with the anniversary offering. As killer, i stopped taking BPS some time ago because every time the survivors played super toxic, genrushed or just played very unfun. They assume probably that i will play super sweaty because of the 100% but the truth is, i usually try to make the game fun for everyone. Maybe i just had bad luck, but it happened many times.
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The game is fairly well balanced for the majority of the community. There are issues but it's no Evolve.
Survivors who complain about killer perks, camping, tunneling etc are part of the toxic community problem. So you died, move on. At max it's a depip, do better next time. It happens to literally everyone at some point.
This game breeds hostility between killer and survivor by nature like horde and alliance in vanilla wow. You are opposed, you can't talk and the defined goal is to actively compete. It's supposed to be tense, you're supposed to feel upset. That's what makes it horror. If we all felt good and got along it wouldn't be a horror title.
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I know I already commented here, but...
Survivors are responsible for the vast majority of things they complain about, like camping, tunneling, slugging, etc.
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Thanatophobia is laughable weak.
Spinechill is meta and always has been.
People who say that "X killer is boring" often don't know how to counter them and just want them nerfed, regardless if the killer is poorly designed.
Repressed Alliance is not very good.
Toolboxes are were not nerfed. They were buffed.
Survivors who use DS generally play worse than survivors who don't.
Deathslinger, with the right build and decent aim, can be better than Huntress.
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DS is fine
BBQ is fine
PGTW is fine
Freddy is over rated
Cheryl is best waifu
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🎤Feelings... everybody has feelings...
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I could say something about how I hate tool boxes and how gen rushing is unfair for the killer but I have play the game for so long that I have worked pass these things, There is nothing wrong with flashlights or toolboxes or a killer using hex ruined or no-ed, The thing is that if you are going to complain about killers using perks or survivors you yourself are a bad player
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Killer is easy. Every patch on maps is killer-sided. This is coming from a Trapper main.
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All skillchecks should be like Doctor's skillchecks.
The current normal for skillchecks takes no skill at all, they're the same thing everytime, only on slightly different timings after the sound. If they were like the Doctor's they'd actually take some skill.
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Every killer that complains about DS is bad, lazy, doesn't want to adapt.
Stop tunneling, count to 60, know who you hooked.
And no, don't tell me "I GOT DS'ED 4 TIMES IN A ROW!"
No, you didn't. Not even twice in a row.
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Meat Plant is the most vanilla map in the game. It can either be really good or really bad for both sides.
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I'd put clown as a top tier killer
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give us a 5th perk slot, this would be balanced and more fun
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I run level 3 unrelenting, BBQ, pgtw, and nurses
I don't even have to use good add ons and ive never done worse than a 2k with him.
Once you get the hang of using his potions he's pretty powerful. I played maybe 5 matches where all I did was chase people and only used my potions on them and got sickeningly good with aiming them. I can almost always directly hit someone with them and aim them over walls exactly where I want them to go now. I pretty much use him to farm points for my other killers at this point 😂
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1 extra perk means nothing since everyone else would have the same advantage
we have an incredible high number of perks to choose, impossible to make room to use new perks in our fixed cool builds, imagine you have a looper meta build and a new perk that would fit tremendously good can't be added to your fun build... that's the point, increasing the fun, as well as giving a second chance to non-meta perks that most of people never use
the proportion of perks/slots is ridiculous, imagine in 4 years we have 200+ perks and you can still only choose 4!! isn't it illogical?
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The game is playable.
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I totally agree that Bond is the most useful perk, I use it in 100% of matches, and it should be colored like purple
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I think people should be able to DC if they want to for any reason. I never had any issues with people DCing out of matches I was in. I am a firm believer that if you do not want to be a match, in a game you paid for, you should not be forced into it.
Also, are you crazy, Hawkins is at least 3rd worst. With Midwich being the legit worst, followed by Meat Packing Plant.
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Hag is among the best-designed killers in the game, and is very fun to play against when you understand her. Constant interaction happens between her & you.
A killer's inherent weaknesses are only exposed when a super skilled player puts them against super skilled survivors, therefore most tier list opinions are pointless because few people study or experience enough matches like that to give an informed opinion on one killer on one map, let alone all of them on all maps. Such matches are extremely uncommon, since most rank 1 players are, well, far from optimal.
It is in fact extremely political how every survivor in this game conforms to cis-het norms of dress & appearance, to the point of no tall girls or short guys. It is also very political how killers have more or less a monopoly on disfigurement and insanity.
Kate Denson is bland.
The Nurse's weapon being a sedative syringe would be more unique and thematically coherent. Did they amputate mental illnesses with that bonesaw?
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you just don't get the 1st point... "everyone else would have the same advantage", don't cha?
so if there is an insane loop meta you can have an insante anti-loop killer meta too!
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an extra perk wouldn't make a difference bro
btw do you wanna still have just 4 perks to choose if you have 200+ in future?
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The devs need to dedicate the game to being either casual or competitive. This means either making the ranking+emblem system fair for both sides and indiciative of skill(not perks or killers used), or they should delete it altogether. The devs talk how the game is meant to be casual and some players say that too. However, the simple existence of a ranking system clearly speaks otherwise. It is simply not possible to have a fun, casual match and be fine with losing(camped first hook or all 4 survivors escape) if the game taunts you afterwards.
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Legion can be very strong and borderline op with the right perks, all you need is Sloppy Butcher and Bloodhound and you're B tier if played right. Combined with cooldown addons and perks like Monitor or you can be stronger than a highskill Huntress or Tombstone Myers.
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yeah let's make the PTB decide :=)
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Camping and tunneling aren’t toxic. Playing the game and having different play styles beyond the meta aren’t toxic, and telling people how they should play is.
Ebony Mori only on last hook is a stupid idea, it would be almost useless.
I don’t care if you found the game boring or un-fun, I play for my fun only.
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Dead Hard should be deleted
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Survivors have plenty of strong perks, survivors just prefer to have their perks with minimal restrictions which is why they settle for strong but uninteresting perks such as the exhaustion series, unbreakable and DS.
As an observer, hardly any map is killer sided except maybe hawkins, there are just killer situations, no just because you gave the killer the ability to 3 gen because of your choice of generator doesnt mean its a killer sided map, no billy sprinting down haddon field doesnt make haddon field playable.
A fifth killer slot would be extremely interesting, maybe the ability to run an extra add on as well but thats pushing it.
a 2 killer vs 8 survivor 9/8 generator mode with large as a huge bloodpoint farming mode would be extremely interesting for killer and maybe even more fun for survivor to have longer games. It would decentivize tunneling due to a guaranteed kill on one of 8 survivors is not strong
being able to sell add ons would be one of the best thing that has ever happened to bloodpoint gain due to the sheer amount of worthless add ons.
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Survivors strong enough to make tier lists relevant don't bother healing vs most killers, let alone vs legion, and rarely hide.