Ash looks like ass

They put Ashley from evil dead into the game, but he looks like Sam axe from burn notice. I'm pretty disappointed in that. They gave him a gut and grey sideburns. In the evil dead he is skinny and has all black hair and his face is much thinner and has a more defined jaw line, by the time we got to army of darkness ash was mad cut. This character needs to be remodeled in my opinion. I get why he can't have a chainsaw and I get why he has a mechanical hand cuz he's got to repair crap but come on, give me ash not Sam
He's based on Ash vs Evil Dead where he is older and fatter looking. Great show by the way
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To be fair, what else would you expect from someone who's shitting in the tall grass?
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Robotic hand, check.
Grey sideburns, check.
It's by no means perfect, but our Ash is not from Evil Dead, but rather from Ash vs. the Evil Dead. He's also a bit chubbier there (I mean, he's wearing a man girdle, which his torso even jokingly states).
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Um....from an Evil Dead Fanatic.
Ash, looks like Bruce Campbell. Almost exactly.
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He is based on the 2015 tv show Ash vs Evil Dead,Not the movies
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Ooooohhh dang. Alright y'all that's my bad, I don't watch or keep up with tv shows and I didn't realize there ever was an ash vs evil dead and he actually does look just like he does in the pictures I just looked up about the show. So that's my bad, sorry I just wanted ash from "the evil dead" lol. My bad again, I understand the error in my ways. Thanks for the lesson y'all. I'll just enjoy the character model for what it is then and maybe I'll watch the show sometime
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Looking back, you aren't wrong. They look exactly alike.
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It's so weird.
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Respectfully, I think you mean "Ash looks like Ash".
Sorry that you're a fan who has somehow managed to live under a Deadite rock and miss out on the grooviest show to ever grace a television screen, but Ash Vs Evil Dead is a 30 mins per episode, 10 episodes per season, 3 season series that pics up 30 years after the original trilogy with more balls to the wall trade-mark over-the-top blood, guts, gore , humor, and SPLAT-stick than you can shake your boomstick at.
Now is the perfect time to binge the entire series. Currently viewable on Netflix
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They made him look like Conan Obrian with dark hair lol
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Well, that's what happens when they have the man himself come into the studio and help make himself.
That sounded weird, but you get my point.
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Ash looks like a beauty queen next to Quentin.
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Agreed. =]
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You should check out the show, it's pretty great :)
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Your Lack or knowing who ash is scares me, here's a photo of me and the real ash
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That is one hell of a description my man.
But yeah @killerdog if you've never seen the show it's incredibly badass and a good watch. It's unfortunate we'll never get to see the 4th season and the story will never technically be finished, but it was great while it lasted.
Which also left us with epic (mostly [maybe minor spoilers]) spoiler-free music video / clip compilations like these:
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Ash looks like Bruce Campbell.
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Dumb post but can we all agree that we DO need young Ash?