Pyramid head is too strong



  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    Literally all you have to do is place a tiny portion right at the entrance to the pallet. You barely lose anything to make someone leave a loop.

    You said his torment was "inconsistent", I showed you an EXTREMELY simple method for getting people tormented(unless they left the loop), and you then said that getting tormented was not important(although I disagree, it removes a lot of counters to being picked up, flash light saves, body blocks, DS after being tunneled, exhaustion perks when he rushes straight to the cage, etc). I offered you a fairly consistent way of getting people tormented to counter your point. Sure, it's possible people could just leave the loop, but they're risking getting hit or downed in that scenario, so I don't see how it'd be inconsistent if people wanna live.

    I'll say I can't guage PHs strength fully yet, honestly, it may just be the Midwich map which seems like one of the worst designed maps I've ever experienced(literally what bad killers have been begging for forever, empty hallways of nothingness and crappy pallets), as that's usually the only time I face PHs, when I'm on Midwich. That said, from what I've experienced he has a lot of situations that are just in his favor just because when it comes to pallets and windows, which are survivors' only defenses.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The slowdown is front loaded. When you initially press M2 you slowdown to below Survivor speed during the animation of putting the sword in the ground. It's only once it's in the ground that you move at 110%.

    Thus I maintain what I said.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The killer should have advantage it's a cant be even by that math , it's not fair if it is, and yes some people will be tormented by the loop trick..but not every survivor lets it happen..also unless it's a down getting g hit means if it keeps the pallet up and torment off you it may just worth it..I will say I dont mind mideitvh as much as most do..though I will concede the map has its annoyances for everyone..and it most certainly favors ph..his trails are nearly unavoidable there so you must be very careful

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    It's not me getting looped I ment the ones that are normally they dont make it to the loop when I'm playing killer but I'm saying the killers that do need to have something to balance it out are the ones getting looped for years

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Also bro you can use them like jesus christ it's not like he has every one on the map trapped all I'm saying is unlike with other killers you cant just be a cocky idiot you actually have to be careful not to mention that what I said earlier is fact the formula dose suck and though you can mind game them out of it it's not easy and sometimes quite difficult

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Btw I'm a rank 1 so me getting looped for that long is usually impossible

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    That takes one second according to the wiki, so my statement isn't wrong.

    He ends chases too quickly because he removes the power to loop or vault if you're good with your aim and his power creates a guessing game that makes you choose between two negative outcomes. You say that people shouldn't complain because they can't loop him, but they can't even USE pallets or vaults against him unless far away from him. They can't even just pre-throw pallets because he knocks them with his ability. Again, this might just be because the only times I've faced him are on the map that seems like it has an 80%+ kill rate but I feel he's a little too strong considering all the map changes we've had recently already to where there are fewer good pallets or even good looping spots outside of TL walls which aren't on every map. As for the killer being strong, no one ever said he should be WEAK.

    As for the "getting a hit means nothing if it isn't a down", you can do that same exact thing at the next pallet, so a down shouldn't take long.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    What do you mean pre throwing pallets isn’t an option, that’s one of the best ways to extend a chase. Drop the pallet before he’s in 8 meter range which isn’t far at all

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2020

    I love how everyone on PTB said that the ranged attack is too weak and now it becomes OP and easy free hits by half of the community. And nothing was changed to his basekit 😂

    And the next one is "guessing game" to be a problem. Can someone explain to me what the difference is between a guessing game and a mindgame? Except that mindgames are apparently good for survivors' escape plans and guessing games are not. Seems like the terms are changed depending on what topic we talk about

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I said the same thing in another topic, “here we go with the coin flip argument.”

    Faking his ability is a mind game. If they go around a wall do you lead the shot or are they going to think you’re leading it so they double back, mind game.

    But you’re right if it’s to someone’s benefit they call it a mind game, if they can’t do it it’s a guessing game.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2020

    How about, we practice some more first.

    Instead of decreasing the "difficulty" for the bad players?

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I love the part of "Yolo save" ypu know what mean Yolo safe?

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Practice won’t change anyone’s opinion, Pyramid Head changes the fundamentals of looping just like Freddy and Doctor, coincidentally two other killers who are often called “boring,” or “op”

  • Warhorse_Huntress
    Warhorse_Huntress Member Posts: 43

    I've played as/against him and he's strong but not overpowered, he has counter play to his abilities and being able to read punishment of the damned is very textbook even if a Pyramid Head is trying to fake you out (which is strategic might I add) you'd notice it if you watched behind you in chase and had your head on a swivel.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    He needs faster recovery after his ranged attack and to apply Torment on successful ranged attacks.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I encourage you to play him then you'll quickly understand your very wrong about fact his chase is nearly handicapped by how easy the line attack is to avoid..he cant shoot on reaction he has to prefire so early that he will miss all the time if you understand him from the killer'll see..he needs improvements to his line because you will rarely get hits outside of animation locks unless the survivors are just plain bad..people are just making falling for it because they dont know him but that will change very quickly

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This, granted I’m still learning him but his attack is slow enough that a survivor can avoid it and then it becomes all about that mind game... I know I know coin flips right??? Except they aren’t, I had a survivor who stepped to the right 3 times in a Row, on the 4th I guessed that’s when they would finally come back left and they did bang. But you know even that wasted a lot of my time

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    PH is extremely easy to run for long chases. The reason many people are having a problem and think he is OP is because all they know, circle, circle pallet. Circle, circle, circle pallet. Start looking at routs and not loops. Start mind gaming your routs. I find him to be one of the easiest killers to run for a long chase.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah..I had a claufette mid vault a window and still had time to avoid the attack

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I don't see why people complain about getting hit during vaults or pallets because I regularly have survs still dodge and juke his narrow attack after their animations and have been able to do it myself. Immediately juking to one side if you get caught during an animation is a thing.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    It's true. His love is unstoppable. Don't even try, you fools.

  • Alpha8512_Xbox
    Alpha8512_Xbox Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2020

    When you are getting chased and you save someone. This is a last resort strategy if someone is almost dead or is getting face camped.

  • Alpha8512_Xbox
    Alpha8512_Xbox Member Posts: 34

    So how are you complaining about the formula, if the people you verse never make it to loops? (Mentioned in previous comment). A majority of the reason that killers get looped for ages, it's because of difference in skill. There are times where strong tiles spawn next to each other.

  • Kage101101
    Kage101101 Member Posts: 2

    All they need to do to him is make it so there's a slight cool down if you bait the punishment attack and go for a normal attack.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Aaaand survivors can feint vaulting to confuse the killer into running the wrong way; they can also 'dumb tech' a killer at a pallet after stunning them. Survivors can blind a killer multiple times at once if the killer doesn't look away. As the killer recovers from blindness the survivor shines the light again, blinding the killer again, restarting the duration and cooldown. This can be done back to back to back. Survivors don't have cooldowns on anything they do, etc.. There are issues on both sides, but this is also sort of how the game is balanced.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    You know you can fake the vault and either he stops trying to use his power and then you use the vault or he fires it, you dodge, and then vault right? PH just trying to use his power is a punishment if it doesn't go the way he would like. Its not a guaranteed hit against competent players and its actually better in many situations to just chase and M1.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    The thing is you can use those animation locks to your advantage to get hits you normally wouldn't. People can't throw pallets because if they do they get hit by his ability, if they don't, they get basic attacked. While yes, faking each other out should be POSSIBLE, it shouldn't end in a bad outcome for one side either way, because then only one person can do the mind game, and it wins a trade for them either way. If he could easily get hits outside of animation locks, then there'd be even worse problems because there's no real downside to dragging his sword for a second or two. I think there should AT LEAST be a pretty decent slow for stopping using your ability so that this situation doesn't happen. Someone mentioned you could simply walk up to the window and pretend like you were gonna vault to try to fake him out, but in that situation the killer only has to walk up and hit you. You give the killer too much ground when doing that unless he's like miles away in which case you could safely vault it anyways. In order for that situation to happen you'd need to be far enough away from the window to fast vault when you started up again, and it'd require the PH to mess up(fire his ability early, or stop using it early).

    The only time I've had a situation where he didn't 4k was when I wasn't on an indoor map, but 90% of the time I face him, I'm on Midwich(That said I haven't faced him on Hawkins or Lery's, only The Game and Midwich as far as indoor maps are concerned). He should be good across all maps(all killers should be), but not almost pointless to even try against on a few. That's the major thing I hate about DBD.

    Yes, but Clown can't hit me while I'm dropping the pallet.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Agreed, my games against him always go the same, get chased until he is very close and you are forced either to drop a pallet/vault and eat the ranged attack or try to fake it and eat a M1 attack, rinse and repeat, decent PHs will wait until you are animation locked to use the ranged attack so faking a vault to dodge doesnt work most times.

    At least Huntress has a slow wind up time, 110% base speed and a 77% speed while aiming and Deathslinger cant down you if you are behind a pallet or someone body blocks if he decides to tunnel.

    Right now he is the only killer that forces me genrush and play full inmersion ignoring hooked people, totems and everything else except heals, he is very similar to old Legion in the sense the best way to deal with him is getting out asap and praying he doesnt see you while the poor fool who got caught gets massacred in the hook.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Death slinger has better window punish than ph and he is still trash, your entire basis on ph is be has no penalty for power usage which there shouldnt be one as his line is way too weak to do that..if they gave significant changes to how his line works I could see it MAYBE being an issue but right now hes feeling weaker as time goes on, hes just a pub stomper because people dont mind game they just use pallets like shields, and once you throw the pallet vs ph it's way easier to bait and fake him because the vaulting of a pallet is faster than throwing, plus dh garunteed a free miss of his line which means you can run from the loop as he fires, dh if necessary , then get miles of distance..tried it and it was disgusting , extends the chase by another 15 secs easily..that's already a red flag just from that

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    DH only works 30% of the time, I'd rather use perks that have guaranteed outcomes than things that are effected by randomosity.

    As for Deathslinger, he's 110% ALL THE TIME, they're not comparable. He's also not trash, I've seen a lot of Deathslingers who play him in high ranks saying he's actually pretty good on these very forums. I don't face enough to have an opinion one way or the other. but I'd imagine he suffers a lot on bigger maps.

    As for "mind gaming", you can't mind game him if the pallet isn't thrown(and if it's thrown it's not really a mind game), and as I said you can't throw the pallet unless he's too far away. Doing so locks you in an animation, which gives him an opportunity to hit you, leading back to that same exact scenario where if you throw the pallet, you're hit, if you don't, you're still hit because he can just walk up and slap you while you're trying to fake out his power. 110% isn't the slowest movement speed in the world, all 110% killers are actually still pretty good and it's still 10% faster than a Survivor's speed.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    If he is op then demo is godlike beside the multi hit and extra 10% speed and through wall hits demo has a better bait ability as it has less of a miss penalty and no charge rate so it can be infinitely held and used and with rat liver has no distance lost baiting with it

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    One flaw in your logic..unless hes in stance he cant shoot on reaction and it's still slow, plus you can always fake him out with the reverse pallet vaccum me as someone who's actually played as him and made people playing him DC ffs

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    It's slowER, but as I've said, there are plenty of 110% killers and all are fine or even really good. It's only 110% movement speed, it's not the end of the world and generally they drag their sword when they're close enough anyways. It's not a flaw, he can drag and then cancel it at any time to hit you if he needs to. A reverse pallet can be countered by lunging, which can be done immediately after cancelling the power. If he's right up on you without dragging his sword for you to pallet slam him, he did it wrong anyways.I don't see any flaw in my logic.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    A lunge..counters a..ok we are done here..come back when you've played him..I cant make you understand reality

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    If the guy's close enough for you to reverse pallet, he's close enough to lunge instead of get up on you for a hit, and it's a risky move in itself. Or maybe the technique I'm thinking of is called something else, I dunno. I don't keep track of all this terminology. Either way, if you're at a pallet, and he's close, all he has to do is charge his power. You can't use the pallet if he's charging his power, if you do, he hits you with it, if you don't, he can chase you past the pallet and get a hit. I SUPPOSE you could wait until he gets right up at the pallet, but then you have to worry about dodging before using the pallet and also the fact that you can still be hit while using the pallet.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    I'm complaining because in some stages even the best killers get looped for a while and that's what I'm on about there are loops and then there are just broken loops that are just ######### af so point being is pyramid head is brought in to stop the brain dead formula and to try make a new one and I'm sick of people calling him op godly needs a nerf it's just ridicules and what I want to say is if you continually die against him your just bad and need to get good so stop asking for nerfs adapt

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    I'm complaining because even the best killers get looped for a while it's not just skill dude it's the quality of the loop you have a loop and then there just those brain dead fckin loops that are literally impossible to mind game on so ph was brought in to solve that problem and now everyone is wanting nerfs so the point being is stop asking for nerfs and if you are dying to him over and over logic would have it your just bad and need to get good so stop asking for nerfs and adept

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    one of more braindead killers, deathslinger, freddy traps...

    basically you need to gen rush him, the only weakness is map control.