Pyramid Head nerf

I feel from experience the hook and cage for pyramid head should be in different categories say someone was hooked it still counts towards the cages progress and vice versa i am ending games very quickly and the same goes for when i play survivor if their progress was separated in my opinion i feel it would be better and extend the overall gameplay
He's fine where he is for now. He's not Spirit or anything.
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To be honest I think he should receive a buff, he's power have a low range and it's difficult to put people on torment
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Definitely nerf. I get camping is a part of the game according to devs but the camping/ tormented circle while camping.......makes the game sooooo fun🙄🙄
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I fail to see why anyone would bother playing him if it would take potentially five times on the hook/in the cage to actually take anyone out. Why not just play any other killer who could take people out in 3 guaranteed? Alternatively never use the cages and just go for hooks, but in that case why bother having that power at all?
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This is a terrible idea...
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Why would I ever use cages then?
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I think that a pyramid head nerf is inevitable. This smells a lot like when they added Ash last year. Instead of luring you into a purchase with an insanely strong perk (Mettle of Man), they're using a very strong killer. And just like Mettle of Man, once BHVR makes a certain profit, pyramid head will get nerfed.
I don't think/support the separate hook and cage states idea but I think the nerf will be a longer cooldown from rites of judgement to basic attack or torment cooldown will be shorter.
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No one is saying he's very powerful outside of tunneling off cages, and even then I don't really think he's that strong at it either. Hag would probably be better for camping/tunneling.
Most everyone is in fact saying he needs a buff. Not to cages, but to PotD.
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PH is mid tier killer why would they nerf him?
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He really need a buff, no a nerf, in rank 1 he's kinda useless, the power can we ez dodge (range attack, to slow), the trail u can avoid and ez to no go into it....
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Pyramid Head isn't strong.
The problem with Pyramid Head is the cages allow Pyramid Head to abuse tunneling. (The cages counter all the anti-tunneling perks that survivors have). As a survivor, you can't do anything if Pyramid Head strategy is to tunnel a survivor to death. And if you add killer tunneling perks, such as Blood Hound and Make a Choice, the game is over.