Will deve accept and handle the case of cheating without the film proved? so sad I did not record it

So sad I did not record it and I am using Boot camp so no records software to record "funny match" cheater vs cheater but i have both cheater steam id and name.There was two cheater on the red rank match. One of the survivor so obvious was speed hack like faster than normal 2 times and no any speed perks and the killer can not hit him. The killer and survivor art very werid. Both can chasing and keep a distance between high wall for a long time around 2 minutes. You can see the red light of killer to determine the cheating killer know where was the cheating survivor. The killer can so fast to find the other survivor on the locker and some random place without any perks that show where were survivor like bbq. Also, the survivor cheater react so quick and knew the killer was coming. The cheating survivor account already have VAC ban. On the normal case, the killer will swear the cheater but he did not said anything on the result chat until I said two of them were cheater. The cheating survivor said nothing and the cheating killer blame me was a noob and **** .Clearly they both knew each other were cheating.
Sadly if you have no footage, it'll be extremely hard for them to be banned just off your word.
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I met the killer few times before I thought he was strong killer on red rank. The killer used location hack can be smart art like normal but on that match it is so clear to show that he was cheating. If I meet him again ,I do not think he is good killer anymore and he is trash player that cannot play without cheat. I hope more players can prove the video and report these cheating. If I still report their information to deve, do they keep it as a record?