Describe you own headcanon about each Legion member!

WRussoW Member Posts: 715

Like, write what do you think is their backstory, how does each of them act around people, how they treat each other, etc.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Susie before joining the Gang was your typical nerdy punk loving she paid more attention to her studies then anything else and would really hang around with anybody besides Julie.

    Her and Julie being childhood friends who go way back people at school are considered weird they will even hang out with each other considering how different their personalities and interests were.

    Julie be a popular pretty girl who would always invite people to parties whose family was relatively rich and influential.

    Susie being your nerdy bookworm who dabbled in punk styles that she found interesting for example dying her hair and chokers. Coming from a very poor and neglectful background she always personally despised seeing people being all family friendly when she never had that which is Christmas was one of the worst times for her

    Despite this they always remained the best of friends Julie typically dragging Susie to parties so she can be more social and I'm going and Susie usually studying with Julie and kind of being her wake up call to focus on school.

  • Great_a1_Skilling
    Great_a1_Skilling Member Posts: 18

    Joey was first born with a mother and father but one day the father either left or died and joey's mom was too sad to work which is why joey's is the only legion member to specifically have a job not anyone else.

    On joey's sweater from the christmas event describes "fake joy with his single mom"

    He started acting out and also started hanging out with julie and susie for who knows.

    Then they meet Frank and do teenage stuff and you know the rest by now. Devs make Joey's story next time in the next tome lol

  • lesterisasweetname
    lesterisasweetname Member Posts: 19

    In my headcanon frank is hated by everybody in the realm, and so by everyone in his gang as well. I believe he is killers' public cocksock and is kept tied up in the basement for everyones wicked whims.

    Jules Kostenko is an old ukrainian male refugee who changed his gender upon immigration to Canada. That explains why she has a hunch on her back and manly voice. Her name and surname used to be Ivan Deedukh.

    Sysie is Huntress' favourite sass, she reminds her about pretty little girls Huntress used to kidnap and enslave in her mansion. She has future unlike other legion members

    Joey is a killer's common fleshy sheath. Upon arriving to the basement after a trial they sheathe their weapons into his body, applying a permanent deep wound effect and saying 'Deep wound'


  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Frank is just a douche who talks ######### and has the ego to be leader so the others go with it but if his partner, Julie, demands anything he immediately goes for it to impress her. Him and Joey always dare each other to do stupid #########, even mess with other killers and then run away but Julie is constantly one upping them both. Frank is the most taunting to Survivors during matches but also the most prone to stuff like tripping or bumping into stuff because he gets so into it and gets reckless. He might kick back with not only Joey but also Ghost Face to talk stab technique and argue aggressive and fast vs stealth and stalk approach.

    Julie is arguably the real leader since she has Frank wrapped around her pinky. She is always the first to make the team try on new cosmetics, plan strategies and give pointers to other team members and also take note of Survivor counter strategy. She's got the most potential out of them all because of how focused and uninhibited she is(often performing best in trials as well as outdoing Frank and Joey during their dares). She is quick, decisive, clever and focused. Besides her bff, Julie, she also chats with Amanda(Pig) as she is an older and more experienced prolific killer woman. She is also the only one who knows about Julie's 'condition'.

    Joey is smart and persistent due to his personal fitness and focus training during his tim in the realm. Having held lackluster mundane jobs before this new life, he excels in the realm because he now sees looking after his friends as his role and purpose, something he can finally feel passionate about and embrace. He is second only to Julie as far as potential but he is the fastest runner and gives the hardest stabs. He sometimes holds back during the dares with Frank because he knows underneath Frank is a bit insecure. Overall, he performs as a Killer because he is the only one(so he thinks) who truly understands the situation they are in(No way home with only each other) and doesn't actually want to kill but does so to appease the nightmare that holds them here and protect his friends.

    Susie. She has absolutely snapped. She fully embraces and communes with The Entity, worshipping her and wanting to feed her more and more souls. She is entirely devoted to her and she never discloses her trials to anyone but Julie because hers are the most sadistic, twisted and cruel techniques, often going into psychotic breakdowns and blind bloodlust rages. Her cuts hurt the most, cause the most bleed out and she is prone to wiping the blood all over herself and even drinking it. She relishes in the screams and cries and agony and her only conflict is finding the balance of time for her to torture them and sacrificing them as quickly as possible for her master and god, The Entity. She never speaks during trials only laughing insanely or screaming. Julie often has to console and calm her down after her trials and is her only thread left to sanity. If she isn't with Julie in some capacity then she is often in the darkest places she can find, mumbling to herself and The Entity.

  • Hex_Boner
    Hex_Boner Member Posts: 4

    I personally feel like Susie is the only one out of the Legion who actually retains some of her humanity, sure she still sacrifices to the entity to avoid punishment but I think she would be the most likely to let a survivor escape. [This Is actually the opposite of what someone else posted aha.]

    Julie is the leader of the Legion, while she might not be as smart as Joey, or as vicious as Frank, shes charismatic & manages to hold the Legion together.

    Frank would be the most brutal of the Legion, his anger issues, along with his eagerness to kill in the lore would probably cause Frank to be the most dangerous of the four. [He'd probably be the guy to Mori 4 people.]

    To me Joey is the most tactical/intelligent along with being the most level headed of the Legion, & I feel that in trials he is the best at mind gaming survivors.

    I also like to imagine that the three of the Legiom who aren't in a trial cheer on their fourth on the sidelines.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020


    Aside from the very last line, I really like these descriptions.

  • sotd_coauthor
    sotd_coauthor Member Posts: 45

    Going off of what the bio for Frank says here, just fyi

    Frank like to think of himself as the leader, but really he's just the most outspoken, and believes himself to be when really it's Julie pulling the strings. He likes to talk to the other three, and also Ghostface, as I think they bith have very different techniques to meet the same goal; that being killing for pleasure. It's stated in the lore (and I think the cinematic too but I might be wrong), that Frank was ready to kill and the shop cleaner was just his opportunity that he was waiting for. In the Trials Frank thinks he's doing amazing and slaughtering survivors, when really he's just average. But it's the pleasure and the fun he gets out of it that keeps him getting kills

    Julie is 100% the real leader. Anything she asks of Frank, he does for her, and with Susie being her best friend there's a level of trust between them, and she can get Susie to act on her behalf also. While her and Joey aren't at the level of trust as her and Susie, they still highly respect one another. I like to think between trials, they are in their old hangout spot, the Ormond Resort, and during trials they wait eagerly for their friend to get out and brag about how many kills they got. Julie always gets the best results, tied with Joey, as they both are able to think about their next moves and aren't doing this purely for the joy of killing like Frank.

    Joey I think likes to brag to Frank a lot, but purely just to wind him up. Joey is very smart and knows how to play with people's emotions, for his own gain and pleasure. He's aware of Frank's anger issues and Susie's naivety, and can play with their feelings, although never in a harmful way. The survivors are a different story altogether though. He's good at predicting how they'll run and recognising techniques that they'll use against him like pallets and windows. He talks with the others a lot and not anyone else, as he can see that some of the other killers are really messed up. But he sees his friends as his friend's results and his own as his only concern and enjoys the new life the Entity gave them.

    It's stated in the lore that Susie is naive and impressionable, so I think she's the youngest of the group. She did a lot of stuff to prove to herself that she fit in with the group but it was all to impress her new friends. But she grew to love causing mayhem even though she wasn't like that when she was very young, choosing to stay away from those things. Now though she loves this life, constantly being with her friends and never having to worry about anything.

    One last thing, I think the reason they all suffer from the fatigue thing at the end of the frenzy is because they're all iron deficent. Anyone who has an iron deficeny can probably relate because it genuinely looks exactly like what the Legion see coming out of frenzy when you stand up too fast, or run very fast for too long (hint hint). And I mean, they're all teens from the 90s, you can't exactly expect them to be having perfect lifestyles when on Earth