So Pyramid Head has no cooldown when cancelling his power... but Plague does??
I just don't understand... PH can get a guaranteed hit, if he fakes the power he gets the M1, if he commits, he gets the punishment of the damned hit too... but Plague has a whole 2 second cooldown after swallowing, and her regular power doesn't even injure survivors... so what's up with that?
Either give PH a cooldown when cancelling the trails, or remove Plague's cooldown.
Unless there is a valid reason why this decision was made.
1..not how ph works at all..2 plagues ranged attack that does damage is much more powerful than ph punishment of the damned
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PH has a cooldown but Huntress doesn't B)
He needs a cooldown. He can fake it to make you swerve and then IMMEDIATELY m1 you.
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Huntress does have a cooldown when cancelling tho. And also after throwing a hatchet. She slows down and cant m1. Which is needed cuz if not she would be too strong. IMO PH needs to get a slow down when putting down trails OR a cooldown when cancelling his trails or BOTH. I can't handle them disrespecting my queen Plague like this.
Plague's attack doesn't go through walls, it is easily avoidable, her red puke gets cancelled if she is stunned by a pallet, PLUS she has to charge her power, which slows her down btw, to then puke. PH can just wait a few seconds for his power gauge to charge, put the sword down and immediately use PotD. If he misses he just needs to wait 2 more seconds to fill the bar a bit and then use it again. He gets no slow down when putting down the trails, he has no cooldown when cancelling, so in the end he is getting a guaranteed hit. What about that is "not how PH works"???
Also, I went through the trouble of writing "regular power" aka. her GREEN puke, so people wouldn't confuse it with her red puke. I'm fine with her cooldowns when she's using corrupt purge. What I'm not fine with is her cooldown for cancelling vile purge. I brought it up because PH's power DOES injure survivors. Huntress has a cooldown when cancelling, so why doesn't PH? (And yes, Demo doesn't have a cooldown when cancelling but his Shred isn't that problematic).
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1..learn your killers because ph has 2 slowdowns when planting his sword , 2 he has a long miss cd on top of an extremely easy dodged attack, AND he has an attack lock out after canceling..seems to me you really dont know this killer and are just being punished for that fact
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I.. I said "Huntress has a cooldown and PH doesn't."
Please read it fully before commenting.
I said they BOTH need a cooldown.
But otherwise, I agree.
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"PH has a cooldown but Huntress doesn't B)"
.....that's what you wrote....
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"He needs a cooldown..."
Is also what I said. Apparently you only read the first part and got salty immediately. Bruh
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That basic attack lock after cancelling lasts roughly half a second. Which is near to unnoticeable.
How am I being punished?? By what? What are you talking about?
My post is about comparing The Plague's Vile Purge cancelation cooldown and PH's PotD cancelation cooldown. I am not arguing about PH's viability, strength, or "how easy it is to dodge his ranged attack". I am not saying he is OP. Because he clearly isn't.
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Well then theres 0 point to this post
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The argument that one killer has something while the other killer has not is kinda pointless considering how prevalent it is across the killer roster.
- Freddy with snares being basically a Clown with map pressure.
- Doctor being basically a Clown on steroids.
- Billy having no cooldown on cancelling chainsaw, while Bubba has a giant cooldown.
- Legion's 4 seconds stun upon cancelling power.
- Spirit being the only killer that has no telltale whatsoever when using her power.
- etc etc
Its just a fact that some killers are simply a better version of other killers, either by being easier to use, having a higher skillceiling, or having fewer drawbacks.
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I think PH should be slower while channeling his power.
Good PHs just hold m2 behind you and wait untill you skip the pallet or drop, in both cases you are hit.
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Couldnt post my reply for some reason so heres a screenshot of what I wrote lol.
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Did you make this after watching Puppers' latest video?
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Nope? Why?
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You cant compare Killers like that, but I agree the Plague needs a lil more help.
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Instead of nerfing pyramid head why not just buff plagues cooldown for only her vile purge. Whilst I'm on buffs for plague she should be able to see the infection timer on survivors
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Those would be neat changes! I dont mind her cooldown after puking Vile Purge. I mind it when she cancels it.
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Yeah that's what I meant but I tried to say that it should be for vile purge cancelling and not corrupted purge cancelling.
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Then simply edit the original posts since you do say he has a cool-down while the same time saying he needs a cool down, no one is salty only confused by very poor word choice.
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What?? Salty?? How?!?!?! I said nothing to insult or degrade you, I never retaliated against anything you said?? Girl.... Here I thought we were vibing with eachother but apparently you viewed me as being angry at you.. #########. That was never the case. You said nothing to anger me, why would I be salty...
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I agree that ph's power needs a cooldown. It basically makes pallets useless. Might aswell add a killer that removes pallets