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Face camping rule.

Member Posts: 315

I hate face camping and I bet lots of people do. So there should be a game rule, if the killer face camps. The sacrifice timer will pause until they are 15 meters away. Seems more fair and devs don’t seem to care.

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  • Member Posts: 5,897

    While I despise camping. Face or proxy. It would be abused to no end. Swf would have a field day with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,289
  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Even if survivors didn't abuse it pausing the timer would change nothing. If an instadown killer wants you dead they will just facecamp all day till you decide to give up on the hook (if the timer was paused).

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    don't most know this been tried been abused by 1 or 2 survivor staying near by the hooked person.😒

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    The main way I deal with campers is to run Kindred. It doesn't work for Stealth Killers anymore, but it's still handy more often than not for making you and/or everyone else aware if the Killer is camping so you can hopefully punish them by doing gens while he's not bothering anybody.

  • Member Posts: 957

    How about all bp earned against that survivor throughout the entire match is wiped out if they're face camped to death with no other survivors in close proximity. Pretty big dis incentive to face camp there lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    If you are silly enough to get hooked count on losing. It's the survivors fault they get camped not the killer. The killer only follows the kill by any means.

  • Member Posts: 435

    We just need a perk as counter. Sure, borrowed time helps the unhooked player, but to unhook there should be something.

    Maybe the devs can change Mettle of Men:

    If the killer is 15m near the hook you can take a hit (chainsaw, tier3 Myers, noed...) and you get the injured state. The perk can be used onetime in a match.

    I really like to see such a perk. Of course a survivor can farm a hooked survivor but only 1x in a game, so the player have to decide, when he use it. Maybe it’s more important to use it in the egc...

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Hey just so you know and you didn’t hear this from me with the new patch that removed hitting on hook there is a bug where while unhooking the hook hit box surrounds your player giving a free unhook if the killer tries hitting you basically prevents the killer from hitting or grabbing you even with their power now I’m not sure if this may extend to cannibal or not tho

  • Member Posts: 158

    I was about to say that seems really OP especially with BT. Honestly i already feel like i abuse BT to the fullest lol

    But as toxic as survivors can be in this game you can't expect to put something in like that and it not be taken advantage of. Maybe if the timer just slowed if the killer was close to the hook and not in a chase

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    What if the timer activated if no other survivor is nearby within those 15 meters?

    This way the other survivors wouldn’t just be reckless and run around the hook.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Wouldn't change anything. The way it was abused proved one very simple fact: debuffing the killer for being near the hooked survivor will not work.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    I’m not exactly sure how it was abused, but I imagine you mean survivors were just hovering around the hook.

    By not having the survivor around the hook the killer is getting a penalty, much like if you try to vault a window multiple times the window gets entity blocked.

    As I said, if survivors are being reckless and just “dancing” around the hook, then yes nothing should change. it would remain the same as it is now.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    They were hovering around the hook at such a distance that chase conditions wouldn't trigger and that if the killer were to commit to chasing either of them, the other would get a free unhook.

    The mechanic was demonstrably an abject failure due to the survivors' abuse of it. There is no solution that would fix this without requiring too much work to be worthwhile.

  • Member Posts: 129

    this has been tried and abused so difficult to come up with something that won’t hurt killers that don’t camp as well. I think they should make the percentage reduction for it harsher or make more incentive point wise or something. Believe it or not there’s just certain situations where it makes sense to do something similar to that to get a kill for points (not face camping but I think you know what I mean where it can make sense to do it) but with a large incentive to go for others I think would be less of a reason to stay and more to put and find someone else like during endgame collapse. It sucks where you did well but you get camped but at the same time the other person probably wants to at least draw with the game but with more of an incentive to go for others I believe could lead to you escaping for doing well but also the killer for going for someone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Do gens. Once survivors stop feeding campers, it will stop outside of ranks 15-20

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Entitled to 3 lives are you ?

    Dead by daylight would be live every night if you try to force 12 hook games.

    Actually I think it would turn to a slug game in the short term but I'm sure everyone enjoys laying down on the ground more then being hooked i guess.

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited June 2020

    So if I stood just outside of 15 meters forcing the Killer to stand inside said range because someone else nearby could also go for the unhook then the Killer still is punished by losing their hook or said hook has zero progress because they "camped".

    Oooh wait they already tried it and was abused that way and had to remove it.

    If they're camping then be a smart Survivor and wait on hook for as long as possible, if someone else is being camped go repair a generator.

    Camping only works if Survivors let it work.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    I have a better idea. How about a "survivors not allowed to whine and moan" rule?

  • Member Posts: 315

    That’s a great idea, why not make a new discussion on it?

  • Member Posts: 392

    It already takes someone 2 minutes to die on first hook if they get face camped. Your team can do 3 gens in 80 seconds each. The other two can be half way done by the time the person dies if people just focus gens and let the camped person hang. More than likely once the person dies the 4th gen is almost ready to pop. So for face camping a person that won't wiggle and will struggle, the killer pretty much loses the match. How is that not a fair trade? It ain't the killers fault if the team doesn't focus gens. I have seen plenty of teams give face campers more than 1 killer when I have played solo survivor. It also isn't the killers fault if the person decides to wiggle and just die.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Nah. Cause this is only the 34583409853487905890340593485093485340583490th thread from brown rank survivors asking for a face camping rule.

    Just deal with it. Survivors have the potential in DBD to never, ever lose if they play right. So, play better.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    In the end this all falls under balanced not what the game says to do.

  • Member Posts: 404
    edited June 2020

    Face camping, while very unfun, is fine. Sorry but your team just needs to do gens. If you're getting face camped, you're the unlucky one that game.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2020


    As I stated before if you are a survivor outside of 15 meters it would force the killer to chase you which is the entire point of the penalty system.

    If you are doing it to bait the killer so that another survivor goes for the save, the effect will automatically stop.

    I don’t understand how that is abusing exactly? If the killer chooses to stay at the hook and not move beyond 15 meters to chase then that is camping. It’s no different than if you weren’t there.

    I’ll say it again in case it wasn’t clear enough. Another survivor would HAVE to enter the 15 meters in order for them to unhook, at which point the effect will not proc. If the killer has been inside those 15 meters for some time, they have no intention to chase anyone else. If there is only one survivor and they are just “hanging out” outside of 15 meters, killer could just move too and wait, now the survivor is wasting time and the survivor on the hook is not getting a buff for being camped.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Listen, that was literally attempted and failed. There's no arguing with objective test data. What more do you want for you to accept that the idea is just bad?

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    First off, that was a response to someone else. So please calm down.

    Second, it was but it is not what I am talking about. They based it off of a chase, correct?

    This isn’t that. This is legitimately a killer standing in stationary position, with no other survivor in sight. Period.

    I agree with you on some things, but this is not one of them, and especially when I feel that you keep repeating the same thing without substantial evidence of a different idea than what was tested. Did that test include another survivor not being in sight? Again... no it did not.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    If memory serves, they based it off of proximity. However, regardless of how they did it, the problem arose because survivors could force killers to stand near the hook without they themselves being in any danger. Survivors can reveal their positions without actually being in sight via scratch marks and noise bubbles, for example.

    The problem with the idea has to do with its core concept: punishing the killer during the trial for being near the hook. That's what the test showed. No amount of "what if they try X" can change that.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    So if it was based on proximity, all they had to do is have the effect not proc when another survivor is within proximity. That’s it.

    That encourages the killer to leave the hook, while still be able to proxy camp. Tests are fine but just because that one test didn’t work still doesn’t solve the issue at hand and it is not the only option, They could also give survivors more tools to either avoid being face camped or deal with it in some way.

    Face camping is a problem in the game, so no amount of data is going to change that fact. You only need to be subject to it to truly understand how frustrating it is to feel like you just hang on a hook without playing the game. I’m willing to bet most people who are face camped would gladly die, if it meant that it was an interactive experience for them.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    So if it was based on proximity, all they had to do is have the effect not proc when another survivor is within proximity. That’s it.

    The radius would have to be so big that it would ultimately defeat the purpose.

    Tests are fine but just because that one test didn’t work still doesn’t solve the issue at hand and it is not the only option

    The tests showed that the idea was flawed to begin with.

    They could also give survivors more tools to either avoid being face camped or deal with it in some way.

    Survivors do have those tools. They're called "stealth" and "rushing gens", respectively.

    You only need to be subject to it to truly understand how frustrating it is to feel like you just hang on a hook without playing the game.

    I'm a survivor main, despite what people may think. I've been subject to slugging, camping, real face camping, hook farming, sandbagging, betrayal (survivor giving away my position in a locker), and so on. However, camping is a survivor-created problem and has a solution: rush gens. If survivors were willing to bite the bullet just this once, it'd make a better game for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Since survs main and many others like to abuse everything i think that will not be implemented. The only thing is losing points, which is already in the game.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2020

    "The radius would have to be so big that it would ultimately defeat the purpose."

    Nope. Why would it need to be bigger? Half the time when a killer sees a survivor nearby the hook is because the killer stuck around. How on earth is anyone suppose to unhook someone if they don't come within proximity of the hook???

    The radius does not need to be big because IF the killer does not leave the 15 meter radius (a choice they made), they are camping whether there is a t-bagging survivor beyond that point or not. If the killer goes for that survivor then the effect does not proc, if another survivor tries to save in the meantime, it doesn't proc.... and when it does proc, it will depend on how long the killer has actually stayed within the hook radius. Many times when a survivor goes for an unhook and sees a killer just standing there, they will either leave or try to save either way because a survivor has been forced to phase 2. So, if the killer is not wanting to chase they are camping. It's pretty simple.

    "Survivors do have those tools. They're called "stealth" and "rushing gens", respectively."

    Let me specify since I don't think the point is getting through. THAT survivor being face-camped should have other options. No one wants to play bait on a face-camping broken mechanic.

    "I'm a survivor main, despite what people may think. I've been subject to slugging, camping, real face camping, hook farming, sandbagging, betrayal (survivor giving away my position in a locker), and so on. However, camping is a survivor-created problem and has a solution: rush gens. If survivors were willing to bite the bullet just this once, it'd make a better game for everyone."

    A Killer spawns in a map. Killer downs and hooks a survivor. Killer doesn't want to go anywhere else. Even though the other 3 survivors are on gens... in what world is that a survivor-created problem? ? Come on now.

    Rushing gens still doesn't solve the issue of the one survivor not being able to play the game. Survivors do bite that bullet more than once, doesn't take away the fact that it is broken and that killers shouldn't just be able to camp because they feel like it.

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