Would any one here like to see Spring trap in the game

Cult_of_Bones Member Posts: 3
edited June 2020 in Polls

I believe that if this is done right spring trap could be a very good addition to the realm of the entity.

Would any one here like to see Spring trap in the game 32 votes

MiriamGRainbowPatooieNekoGamerXTragicSolitudeArashiNoHantamusstang62Raven014tenoresax[Deleted User]YumiiXOSpookyStabbyTotemsCleanserAquaSolDerZuntorFobboLunaWaterIhatetoxicsurvivorsYellowMellowPseudo 19 votes
CheersKrilkalTaigaa105PlantCollectorSebaOutbreakLordRegalSapoSapoShrekTheThird69Lumionestybm33ChloeJodieMyersPoorfu 13 votes


  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    Man YES I hope they consider adding him in the future. Now that we got Pyramid Head, Springtrap is the killer I hope for the most :(

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    we dont need the cringe fnaf in this game

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    how many don't want makes me want it more.

  • Yes

    Do it BHVR!

  • Poorfu
    Poorfu Member Posts: 47

    No, sorry. It would be cool I guess. But seeing him in DBD would just end up making me laugh. I'd see it more as a meme than a badass new killer.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    I would honestly love a fnaf chapter, but the fanbase is what makes me not want it

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think people forget that the fanbase has grown up in the years. Sure, they were obnoxious toward the beginning, but now they are probably around mid-late teens by now... and probably have left most of the cringe behind.

    About the subject itself... I think it could absolutely work. It has the right aesthetic, the body horror is there, and there can be a wide amount of things one could make for their power.... It absolutely fits within the realm of the entity.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Screw it, why not?

  • Pseudo
    Pseudo Member Posts: 2

    I did not come up with this. I found it in a YouTube comment section for a fan made spring trap chase music video by Semimatic. The chase music combined with this comment really sold me on the idea of Springtrap. The idea is not perfect, but I think it could be cool.


    DLC: The Forgotten Horror

    Killer: The Revenant

    Survivor: Mike Schmidt

    Map: Fazbear’s Pizzeria (A map similar to Lery’s with party decor everywhere along with larger rooms etc.) Killer Info: Tall Terror Radius 32m Speed 115%(normal)

    Weapon: Hand opens to a mess of sharp mechanical parts

    Killer Lore: William Afton wasn’t always this way. He’d been pushed, his mental state failing, but he did not regret his choice. Growing up William had always had an affinity for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. All his birthdays all his parties, he’d spend there. His first job was there, and he never quit. He worked his way up and eventually became the manager for his local restaurant. But even he had noticed how things had changed; none fore the better. He knew what to do bring attention to his pizzeria; murder. His desire to make his pizzeria grow, expand and flourish caused his mind to break. He lured children, customers, to the back where he slaughtered them. 5 at first. Then more and more. Yet his restaurant did not flourish. It was shut down and reopened, losing quality every time. Already broken, his mind filled with one emotion; rage. Taunted by the apparitions of the children he butchered, he fled to a back room, where he found the disguise he killed them in: a golden bunny suit. Fearing for his own skin, he fled into the suit, unaware of the moisture within the suit that caused the mechanisms within to collapse, crushing him within. As the spring locks penetrate his skin, his blood flowing out, a cold fog gathers around him. He felt no pain from the locks, only rage. Rage that the fog desired. An unspoken agreement was passed, and William Afton was never found.

    Power: Haunted Rage The Entity has chosen you, but even it is not free from your anger. Special Ability: Untamed Wrath Hold M2 to charge untamed wrath. After 15 seconds(addon can reduce the time) you become unrestricted from the entity for 30 seconds, increasing noise made by your footsteps, reduces terror radius to zero, can down survivors instantly, vault faster, and suffer from reduced stun duration, but cannot break doors, pallets, damage generators or pick up survivors, and movement speed is reduced by 3%. After the duration of Untamed Wrath, the entity punishes you, blocking movement and sight for 10 seconds. Untamed Wrath has a cool down of 45 seconds.

    Special Ability: Mechanical Fright Press the Active Button next to an unregressing generator to apply a spring lock guard to it. The next survivor to begin repairing the generator has the spring locks attached to them. The next time they would leave the generator the spring locks fail and the survivor is faced with three difficult skill checks. If any are failed the survivor enters the injured state. If the survivor is injured the deep wound stays effect is applied instead for 6 seconds. If all three skillchecks are successful, the spring locks deactivate and the generator gains a bonus 5% repair. This effect is not applied if the generator is completed. A spring lock fail will cause the survivor to scream and reveal their location to you.

    Perks: Determined Spirit: Your rage has pushed you towards a single goal, one after another. You become obsessed with one survivor. That survivor suffers from the oblivious and blindness status effects. A successful hit on the obsession grants a bonus healing speed of 15% for survivors for 30/20/10 seconds.

    Childish Temptation: Your previous killings have made you skilled at preying on the weak. Your terror radius is reduced by 10m. Injured survivors in your terror radius suffer from the broken status effect. Survivors outside of your terror radius gain a bonus 5/3/1% repair, sabotage and search speeds.

    Trusted Employee: The manager seemed so determined to improve the place, nobody would have guessed that he was the reason it was getting shut down. This perk starts with 2/3/5 tokens. When your aura would be revealed to a survivor, this perk loses a token, and the auras of all other survivors are revealed instead. You gain the undetectable stays effect for 4/6/10 seconds. Add ons decrease entity punishment and charge time for Untamed Wrath, and decrease repair bonus for Mechanical Fright.

    Red add ons:

    Bloody hand crank: The original hand crank used on the golden bunny suit. It’s covered in blood. Disables the Untamed Wrath ability. When a survivor is affected by the spring locks, they are faced with a tremendously difficult counterclockwise skillcheck. Failing at any causes the generator to explode and all survivors at the generator to become injured or if already injured, the deep wound status effect is applied for 3 seconds, and the survivor with the spring locks to instantly enter the dying state.

    Clean Purple Uniform: The uniform worn at the time of the murders. No blood is left on it, all on the suit. Disabled the Mechanical Fright ability. Reduces movement speed to 100%. Once Untamed Wrath is active it does not deactivate for the duration of the trial. Scratch marks are not visible to you. The volume of grunts of pain are increased by 25%. You gain the ability to hook survivors during Untamed Wrath. After a survivor has entered the struggle state, you can kill them.