Blood Pact created one of the new best builds

Trust me it works in Rank 1 Survivor games like a charm. The Blood Pact build is universally useful and really doesn't have any real weaknesses.
- Blood Pact (tells you where to get heals with Leader anywhere on the map. creates an obsession. shared information can prevent gen interrupts and give you more awareness in chase or while the obsession is being chased. essentially gives the obsession a 5th perk slot because all effects are shared. also the speed boost and tendency for you to meet eachother in the middle because Auras are shared helps make up some of the time lost healing)
- Leader (speeds up heal time to get even more mileage from Blood Pact. helps with double heals as well. unhook speed prevents hook grabs. anti-slug because you get picked up faster. clutch for exit gates-provides the fastest gate opening boost in the game)
- Iron Will (one of the best perks in the game. helps mindgame Killer in chase. allows you to be more safe while injured so you can be comfortable without heals if the Obsession is being chased or you need to rush a gen)
- Dead Hard (one of the best perks in the game. like Iron Will it allows you to have a higher level of safety while being injured. also amazing for extending loops, baiting hits etc.)
The reason why this build is so dang good is because its centered around increasing your survivability and helping your teammates. It has healing built into it, but gets value even against Killers like Plague and Legion because, unlike perks like We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Self-Care and Inner Strength, the perks have value outside of pure healing. Leader and Blood Pact are both multi-purpose. And Iron Will and Dead Hard give you options to work with if you can't get heals right away, so you shouldn't be afraid to stay injured for periods of time.
If you've got Heather (Cheryl) unlocked and want to try a new build, give this one a shot. It's extremely consistent and you'll get value from every perk, every game, no matter the Killer or Map.
I don't know how you consider Deadhard to be one of the best perks. It works about 10% of the time due to dedicated servers and is predictable.
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Seems interesting, need to drop some points on Heather and give it a go.
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Seems pretty good actually, but just personally i prefer sprint burst
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If you think Dead Hard is one of the worst perks in the game, you're using it incorrectly. Dead Hard to dodge a hit sucks. Dead Hard for distance to get to a vault or window is arguably the most powerful and uncounterable perks in the game.
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In it's current dedicated state? No.
I don't run any exhaustion perks because they are all terrible.
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How do you play around someone 5 feet in front of you dead harding to a window?
And exhaustion perks are the strongest in the game for consistent use, you're definitely wrong on them being bad. I'd argue that even Balanced is better than perks like Unbreakable or DS because it's multi use.
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If you use it for distance rather than the actual intended I-frames then you can run an extra loop and even make it to the pallet/window before killer has a chance to swing. That's why it's a very strong perk. If in the near future they sorted out the activation time and I-frames then it would hands down be the best exhaustion perk.
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Dead Harding for distance to get to pallets and vaults saves my butt so many times. One well timed Dead Hard can easily be the difference between getting downed or making it to the next loop and continuing the chase, which can buy ridiculous amounts of time.
If you're using it for the invulnerability frames in the middle of nowhere, it works once before the Killer knows you have it. Afterwards they just bait it and it doesn't do much.
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Pretty much this. I usually get baited into a swing once, but once a survivor reveals it, I won't fall for it a second time. It's pretty much a 1 use perk for most survivors once a killer knows to expect it again.
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Blood pact is good with Autodidact too, I recommend it with a friend with OoO or MoM :)
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I dunno how well it works, but it seems like basically a more selfish version of Empathy + Botany Knowledge. See anyone injured and heal them 33% faster (And 33% efficirncy with medkits), versus one guy seeing you injured and healing you 25% faster. It's trading off some effectiveness for the fact that YOU recieve most of the benefits.
I know Leader isn't just healing, but the other speed boosts are very situational at best.
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I don't run any of these perks ever. I should run iron will but eh.
This is not my kind of build at all.
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It's actually a LESS selfish, upgraded version of Empathy+Botany Knowledge.
Blood Pact works both ways so you can come to them for heals, but they also come to you. And you share the speed boost. It also always guarantees your team an Obsession so the Killer has to respect Decisive
Leader cuts down your time being healed, which frees up teammates so they're not tied up with you. But it also buffs your other teammate when you're double healing, helps with exit gates and most importantly being unhooked faster keeps teammates from being grabbed if they're going for risky saves and it makes getting picked up off the floor less risky for the one picking you up