Is We'll Make It a meta perk now ?

Judging off how much I see it, I wouldn't say so. It's a great perk, don't get me wrong, but I don't believe many others recognize that.
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no its not, but its really good perk, its just it depends on the playstyle.. its not meta, but for example when im playing surv I love healing people, helping them etc so this makes healing really good thats all. but for general playstyle and current meta there are much better perks but its a good perk
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I rarely see it. I personally prefer autodidact though, it's unreliant on saves and give you a great healingspeed-boost at five tokens. ^^
Although I doubt that neither of the two are considered meta.
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Autodidact doesn't technically increase healing speed, though.
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Nah. Borrowed Time is meta. We'll Make It is more of a preference pick.
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in my opinion is a great perk, but it’s not meta.
it also depends on your play style..
I personally prefer botany knowledge
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i tend to find we'll make it more of a swf perk if anything as the main issue using it solo is some survivors run off in a different direction before you can heal them
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Tell Me that when I fully heal a slugged survivor from downed to healthy in less than 10 seconds against a killer with sloppy, thana and dying light.
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When I play solo I almost always run it. I just assume the unhooked guy is going to run to the far corner to self care if I dont heal them immediately.
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The problem with autodidact is the chance of skill checks sometimes you never get skill checks and it bumms you out lol, I always run autodidact and we'll make it so they go hand in hand
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This, I would think the aura icon popping up would cause people to stay but NOPE. Unhook Claudette to watch her run off and self-care hmmmmmm that’s why I stopped using it
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agreed. It's only 33% increase, but has no condition to activate. Plus you heal yourself faster and increased item efficiency (12 charges instead of 16). I really think botany is an underrated perk for survivors.
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Yes that is a problem. You can be slowed down by Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Dying Light etc and not get a single skillcheck. Rarely happens though. But I really enjoy healing someone to full health in almost an instant, it's just a satisfying experience lol.
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Thanks for making me laugh (no irony) !
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It's not perfect, i forgot to fill the blue circle with the DbD logo or smthn.
But glad it still made ya' laugh. 😁
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Which is why I used to run Botany, Self Care, and We'll Make It. Now that was some stupid fast heals.
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Not only that but Survivors like to rush unhooks in solo queue, so even getting it to proc can be an issue sometimes.
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I currently use it as a (admittedly not high-ranked) Survivor. Works well when paired with Kindred.
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I've had many games where someone is unhooked and healed extremely fast so I'm guessing it's becoming more used as time goes on because of how much time it can save you.
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No, because a solo survivor needs to unhook to use it, if other survivor unhook first his perk is wasted and time from the rescuer is wasted too
Yes, because against swf they're always healthy if one survivor do the task of the healer and unhooker
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I love We’ll Make It but it’s definitely not considered a meta perk. Most people would run Borrowed Time as the altruistic unhook perk over We’ll Make It.
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My farming build is we'll make it, bt, wglf and an exhaustion perk.
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For players trying to bait the killer around the map into a long chase? No. For players who are stealthy and altruistic? Probably.
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I use it all the time. It definitely smokes the whole "OMG WHY ARE PEOPLE HEALING WHEN PLAYING LEGION" etc....
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It doesn't increase speed. it increases the progression bonus for your skill checks. So if you heal someone without ever getting a skill check, it does nothing. If you have 5 stacks and get a skill check, you immediately heal them by 50%. I apologise for arguing syntax.
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I definitely wouldn't say so.
I used to always run it, but now I've switched to botany, since it applies in more contexts.
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I spent months with kindred and we'll make it as my go to perks. It's biggest weakness is it's dependence on unhooks. So many times in solo play other survivors run in and snag the save so your perk ends up wasted if they don't know better. But I gotta say after all that testing I think plain old botany is better than we'll make it. Healing someone with botany is almost as fast maybe a second or two difference. On top of that any medkit you find or bring becomes way, way better. I find the games are smoother with botany because it works on my team and myself passively whereas we'll make it is dependent on unhooks. Which is why I say it's good for swf because you can coordinate who unhooks for best heals. I play solo only though which is why I paired it with kindred.
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At max level, it's 90 seconds after an unhook, and you can get more than just 1 heal from that depending on the situation. It's quite good, but people use BT more.
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It's quite good against fair (=good) killers, but underwhelming against (proxy)campers.
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I got one guy on stream, who was saving me next to killer, so is not surprise that I was dead, but when I was reported him for so awful save, he said that I must use DS because it's meta... Shame, because when I was playing against him (he was killer) he just slug me down and tunnel me till death and abused me, that I'm gaming girl and must use DS (facepalm)
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Sure, it doesnt increase healing speed in a passive way, such as we will make it or botany, but it does increase it in average. The more severe debuffs to action speed the more value from autodidact.
The amount of heals with no skill checks is so miniscule it is not worth mentioning.
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I've gone entire trials without healing skill checks while running Autodidact. Which is why I generally pair it with spine chill in hopes of final healing when the killer is on their way.
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It really is, it also helps you guarantee a we'll live forever stack if you can heal them before the killer hits aside from the obvious and meta borrowed time
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It's not meta, only top tier altruistic players would even use it. For it to be meta, the mainly useless potato survivors , that frequent the forums complaining about ebony Morris and iridescent killer offerings would need to use it. As rescuing survivors safely and effectively isn't something those players are even capable of, it's not going to be meta
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They said "technically increase healing speed" they're 100% correct. Botany we'll make itfor example increase healing speed. Autodidact doesn't, it works around skill checks and tokens and doesn't increase speed just if you hit the skill checks.
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Yeah it's meta. I use it on many characters. That healing boost and how long it lasts is insane!