Devs, could you fix only the stacking problem with the cakes ?

I mean, 104% is nice but that 140% is also pretty sweet. What about fixing only the stackable bug and keep the 140% bonus BP bug. You know, more BP the merrier and it's rare event offering so making it really good wouldn't be a bad idea considering you can obtain it only during event.
And it would be a nice compensation for the offerings lost in the past 2+ days and the disappointment and trouble in addition.
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Yes please.
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140%x5=700% more bp. I mean...i dont see why not but we might break the bp economy.
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Just for 1 anniversary each year. No biggie
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The grind is unreal, breaking the bp economy for a while is not a bad thing.
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What do you mean a "rare event offering"? I get at least 2 cakes per bloodweb!
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How long does it take to fix such a small bug its sad im waitng for this event and then it doesnt even work.
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Right? I don't even think there is a bloodpoint economy, we can't trade anything, there's no exchange on anything. As far as progressing an account to everything p3 this is basically a single player game.