can We consider The Huntress as a LGBT character?

With All these posts talking about LGBT characters, etc etc, i was wondering how much difference a LGBT character would contribute for the game development, i usually think that this kind of idea would be great for the creation of new killers and their lores, perks and appearance, and somehow i thought about Huntress and her lore, I know that is a bit out of the contest of what i was saying but, isn't she a LGBT character? She only captures girls and always kills men only, and now the title question, can we consider she as a LGBT character
I don't think she's capturing those children because she's attracted to them. She captures girls because she wants to raise them like her mother raised her. Since there were never any men in her family, she sees no use for them other than hunting them for fun.
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Yeah, but on her lore, she capture girls to keep then safe, she do this because of her mother that always protected she and was basically the only contact that she had
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.....she has the mind of a child. She throws fits. She throws tantrums.
You decide.
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idk, that seems like quite a jump. She could just save girls only because she might see herself in them, and that could of been written to make her more human. As far as killing dudes.. I mean men are usually just stock cannon fodder in video games so I wouldn't take it to mean anything.
It kind of reminds me of when Overwatch first said that there was a gay character and people immediately thought Zarya. When a women is absolutely built like a tank, it doesn't reflect anything about her other than she like to lift weights. And the same can be said about people who are LGBT and don't fit that "gay mold". Otherwise we just end up with token stereotypes.
As a gay dude, I really don't care about the sexual orientation of any of the cast. People are more than what they are sexually attracted to.
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That... doesn't describe anything about her sexuality. Unless you're calling her a Pedo who likes young girls, that ain't it chief.
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This actually made me laugh.
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I would simply like to remind you she has the mindset of a child, Im not saying children can’t determine their sexualities but just saying
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Seriously? Huntress is a lesbian because she kidnaps girls?
Tomorrow’s topic: David King is gay because he touches men with his fists.
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As much as I'd want this for my Neatress ship fanfics, I think she captured those girls more out of a maternal instinct, to "protect" them like her mother protected her. They're looking to add LGBT reps, not pedophilic kidnappers.
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I'm pretty sure she captures girls because she wants to recreate the mother daughter relationship thing. I don't know why we need to apply labels to the characters.
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So you would like to label her as a homosexual pedophile?
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I find this to be far more compelling of a character.
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I mean if you wanna say she's asexual, you might have an argument there because her immediate solution to wanting a daughter is to find and take someone else's. Rather than acquiring a child the... uh... "usual" way.
(Obviously the counter to this theory is that she supports herself - so if she became pregnant she'd need to rely on whatever food and supplies she could store up, since you're not exactly going to be able to hunt dangerous game during your second or third trimester)
But if you're trying to say she's a lesbian, well I just don't see anything to support that.
Of course, there's nothing to discount that theory either, just like there's nothing to say she isn't straight or bisexual.
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This is what's great about limiting lore in characters. You can make them out to be whatever you want.
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Idk about huntress but Angela from Sleepaway Camp woild make a great addition 😊
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As a bi woman, I'd say claiming she's a lesbian because she kidnaps children is an EXTREMELY bad thing to base an LGBT+ headcanon on. There's nothing wrong with thinking Huntress is a lesbian, of course, but basing it off of that has a lot of disturbing and gross implications that not only contradict actual lore, but kind of perpetuate the stereotype that "LGBT+ people are pedophiles."
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The answer to your first question? No difference. This is a game about killing and escaping. Sexuality has no place in it. Why it's suddenly a big thing is just odd.
Second, she wants a daughter, like her mother and her, so she kidnaps girls. How that translates into 'o, she's a lesbian!' seems a bit twisted.
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Does it really matter?
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Why does it matter what their sexuality is? It literally doesn't matter and has no place in this game.
People are so obsessed these days with giving everything labels and group identity..while simultaneously not wanting to be defined by those things. It's all contradictory.
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Why make her a lesbian child kidnapper? This sounds all kinds of wrong to me! And didnt her mind, like, not develop past her adolescent years, making this idea even more disturbing? This is on levels of horror and wrong that i dont think the developers intended ... You would be better off picking the Spirit, or Hag ... but Huntress? This raises all sorts of no-no concern. Do not lewd the (mentaly underdeveloped) Axe Loli.
Post edited by SilentChill on3 -
She's got mental issues...What does that have to do with lgbt?
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The plague, might have been bisexual she was a priestess so when she was alive she could've been with either sex. As a priestess of Aztec royalty (so to speak). The huntress captured girls to force them to be like her, it wasn't a blessing. It's a killer game for a reason.
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Huntress is asexual. She is frozen in a childlike mind. She doesn't even get what attractions are all about. Let's ask her....
Would you rather kiss a girl or a boy on the mouth?
Ewww, I hit you with hatchet now!!!!
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Fanfics are so gross
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Her not killing little girls has absolutley nothing to do with her sexual orientation.
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You realize she kidnapped all those girls and they were probably not very older than 12, right? They also were either choked to death by the rope she used to keep them or they starved to death. Probably not the best candidate.
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You clearly haven't read her lore properly. Anna captures little girls to have a daughter of her own, not because she's a Lesbian. Also being attracted to children would make you a paedophile not a Lesbian.
Maybe think before making such stupid claims.
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"Like a mother" has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
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Posts like this are gross, not to be rude.
The Huntress is, i'm pretty sure, canonly autistic and has the mind of a 8-9 year old.
Sexuality, preference, and all those other topics, when talking about Huntress, is just gross to me.
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I wouldn't say she's autistic. I would say that she is just socially inept. Think about it, would you be well mannered and have good social skills if you grew up in the woods alone after watching your mother get killed by an animal?
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This has got to be bait. Right?
In theory you couldn't come up with a WORSE way to include LGBTQ representation.
Oh yeah, the lunatic women is a pedophile who kidnaps little girls because shes sexually interested in them and ends up killing them. PRIDE YALL!
Maybe we will get a surprise chapter during pride month. The first gay male killer. Jeffrey Dahmer....
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We cannot conclude her sexuality from anything we currently know yet. So no. Kidnapping the girls is kind of her maternal instinct..
if anything I would assume she is asexual, but we can’t say for certain and in case of huntress I think it wouldn’t make sense to include it in her backstory because that would be kind of retconning the existing lore: she lives alone in the Forest and kills everything and everyone but young girls. No point in adding sexuality/relations in this backstory.
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They can be whatever your imagination wants them to be.
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she captures girls because her mom died, and I'm assuming she kills only men because a father was absent in her childhood. I don't know though.
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I think people let into you enough, and you deserved it, so I was thinking:
If any killer should be a lesbian, probably Plague. Assuming she's Babylonian since that's what she speaks, she wouldn't have been against homosexuality as it was a civilization that didn't find it taboo.
And lemme tell you, a lot of us "women loves women" like the tall power lesbians. 👌
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She doesn't have 'the mind of a child,' her lore doesn't say she has any sort of intellectual disability like that, only that she is more animalistic from growing up alone without socialisation. She raised herself and is an adult and behaves as such with maternal instincts trying to find a daughter, her mind didn't hit pause just because her parents died.
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Look into the effects of social isolation (not the kind where people just reject you, the kind where you're 100% alone) and children who were raised by animals or just on their own. Animalistic for humans is almost never growing up -- you don't develop any social thinking and run fully on instinct. Some can never even learn to speak. And yes, animals have innate maternal instinct. Due to what she does with the children and how she acquires them however, points to something being defunct in her mind. Even a cat can grow fond of say a puppy and not hurt it while doing the few weeks it would take to nurse it. Huntress just starves them to death.
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pedofiles are part of LGBT now? who knew
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I like Samination's canon where Huntress is dating Tapp lol
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Pretty sure Huntress's name is Abby.
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I'm not a fan of developers and writers changing anything about a character for the sake of appeasing a group of individuals, and not for any other reason. Or better yet, in this case, introducing something completely irrelevant to the character for the same reason. If BHVR want to make a brand new character that is LGBT I'm all for it, but don't change the stuff that's already there just for that reason because it doesn't need to be changed.
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It wouldn’t change anything though. Just add something to the backstory, which they do with the tomes, no one had a problem with that though.
i agree they shouldn’t add it to characters where it does not fit, huntress for example isn’t a great fit for the introduction of her sexuality or relationships.
but what if they want to write a backstory bit about Adam where a relationship is relevant? They wouldn’t change him if they mention a girlfriend or a boyfriend. But I guess there are other threads for this topic.
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Her name is Anna, very common name in Eastern Europe.
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I don't think you got the reference :p
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Oh that Abby ;)
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Ding ding ding, we have a winner :D
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How about no?