More benefits for prestige

Neamy Member Posts: 359

I think it would be great to have small passive bonuses when you prestige. For example, the trapper.

Prestige 1: Traps spawn slightly closer together

Prestige 2: Traps are slightly darker

Prestige 3: Available trap carry limit increased by 1

And for survivors it would slightly increase the base perks that the survivor uses. Like claudette

Prestige 1: empathy also reveals allies that are suffering from a status effect

Prestige 2: Botany healing speed and effeciency are increased to 40%

Prestige 3: Self care now increases speed based on the number of status effects applied to you(Mangled, Blinded, exposed, etc).

I know that prestiging increases better rewards in the blood web, but the better rewards are still more expensive too, so there's a small constant increase in points needed all the time.


  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I'd like if it affected bloodpoint gains instead of perks. And stuff ingame to, like chance and luck.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    The whole point of prestiging is to give no-lifers something to do so they don't quit, not to give you an advantage over other players.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    It's more of an advantage to prestige, instead of the current reasons. I don't think that your idea was the reason it exists =p

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2020

    I hate these ideas. Prestiging should not increase gameplay. The game is already grindy enough.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Well maybe you could get a % increase to blood points depending on your prestige level?

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    No prestige shouldn't give a gameplay advantage

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That would be horrible. You are just punishing the people that had no reason to prestige - how is that fair?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146

    Nah, no in-game advantages, that'd be uncool.

    The ability to sell back add-ons/items/offerings/perks for a percentage of the BP after reaching P3-50 with a character would be nice. That functionality feels long overdue.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i was tossing around the idea of selecting items, add ons or offerings of a certain rarity to appear in your next bloodweb.

    the way that was supposed to work was, that each time you prestiged you obtained a slot where you could select one - slot one would only work on common, slot two on common and uncommon and slot three on common, uncommon and rare items / add ons / offerings.

    while i do like your idea, i feel like that would be a lot of work for the devs, as they would have to reprogramm a lot of perks and powers just in the case someone did prestige these characters.

    this would not only be a humongous amount of work to do, it would also lead to many many many bugs with that system - and it would indirectly punish casual players who dont have the time to prestige / those who maxed out their characters without prestiging by giving them a competetive disadvantage.

    imo you shouldnt get a competetive advantage with prestiging, but rather get some more utility based boni from it, such as the currently existing higher chance of items of a higher rarity appearing in your bloodwebs.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    It should have no gameplay effect as its up to choice and it's for the Grindy people anyway but a cool idea I had in mind is

    Prestige 1 = 10% more bloodpoints with this character

    Prestige 2 = 15% more bloodpoints with this character

    Prestige 3 = 25% more bloodpoints with this character

    This encourages players to keep playing and grinding as they have a way to get more bloodpoints. I think these numbers are correct because the first time u prestige is special and u should get a base amount .P2 is a little boost but it's for those just passing by as most players either don't prestige or go to p1 or straight to p3.Prestige 3 is whst people will strive for as its a decent bonus. If u get 32k bloodpoints in a game u would leave the trial with 40k 8k more than normal and it adds up.