Cakes still not fixed on the 3rd day of the event?

I'm disappointed to see that on the 3rd day of the event the cakes have not been fixed. Could the devs possibly give us some sort of eta to when they expect them to be fixed by, and if they're thinking of extending the event by a couple days?
Maybe not extending the event but rather give us double bps to compensate for the loss?
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They probably won't fix them at all. They don't think it's broken if it still gives a bp bonus.
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Let's see. They were aware of it day one and admitted to knowing where the issue lies, they just didn't know how to fix it.
Day two was a holiday for them and nobody was in to work on it because BHVR actually treats it's employees like people,
So here we are, day three. Yeah I'll be happy if they extend the event/increase BP gains, but also it shouldn't be too much longer now.
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Surprised it's taking this long to change an offering. But don't worry, we can take "advantage" of the bug!!!
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First of all, it was a holiday yesterday in Quebec.
Second of all, it's more been 2 1/2 days, considering the holiday yesterday it's been 1 1/2 days, and not even that considering it took them some time to discover it's a bug.
Have patience with the devs.
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Wasn't it pretty much pointed out immediately that cakes weren't working right?
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Or they just don't want them fixed at all because they want the BP grind to stay intact, so they just pretend it's bugged this year and then next year don't have them at all.
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Why should they extend the event?
The bug jas nothing to do with getting the cakes.
And if they knew how long it would take to fix the bug they would have already announced it.
Just be patient.
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Fairly quick, but bugs don't go away just like that.
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Well, we could have been through so many more bloodwebs to find items. That's why it should be extended.
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Do they know that the cakes don't work on other survivors? None of the cakes have been giving me blood points when other survivors use it.
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Normally I would agree, but this is just...I mean, it's almost a literal carbon copy of existing items. How in the world do their data structures work that they can't make this item work when it's not a new effect?
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They already admitted on a post Day 1 they knew of the bug, then today admitted on another post they found the issue. How hard is it really to fix the number, and to make it stack? It's a literal copy of Bloody Party Streamer. It's really not that hard. It just seems they're dragging their feet because if they did work, P3 would be everywhere pretty damn fast.
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Isn't that just the nature of bugs though?
Like they can appear even if something got barely changed.Super annoying but i guess the devs aren't happy with that either.
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Sadly just farm your cakes.
Use them once their fixed.
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Yeah, when changing mechanics or coding, sure. Change how X works and you realize that Y and Z also somehow depended on it and so on.
But this is just a new item. An item that's a copy of existing items. So no new systems added or changed, no dependencies, no nothing. And all those previous similar items still work, so it can't be an unintended effect from a different change that affects this particular mechanic.
How is that not just an entry in a database? How in the world are their systems set up? 😮
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Twitter is also roasting them on the cakes, they're well aware.
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Yeh I've seen it lmao 😂😂
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My best guess is they somehow messed it up and copied the values of survivor pudding instead of party streamers and also messed up the percentage value where its 140% instead of 104%.
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Honestly, most likely this
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Just dont use the cakes until they get fixed. They won't disappear after the event. If they do fix them use them at that point. You're not really out anything cause the cakes will remain in your inventory.
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I completely agree ;)
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not completely true, if the cakes worked we would have gotten more BP and we could farm up more cakes to use in a positive feedback loop. cant really do that now
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Yep exactly the problem
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Trust me, it's not as easy as copy and paste it over.
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Don't bother me none.
Whenever they do get fixed, I'll have a stockpile of them for the next 2x BP event.
No big deal honestly.
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honestly I think fix is already done, but they are waiting for consoles authorization. So definitely it will be next week... awesome having an event and without main event item for a whole week... hopefully they will reward us with 2 x bp or something
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You're okay with using them next year? Maybe a full year from now? You know how little they give us Double BP events. We wouldn't have had the 3 Weeks Double BP if it wasn't for Covid and the people literally begging them for one.
And it wasn't even double BP, it was like...+75%.
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Yeh but the problem with them not stacking during the event is that we cant use the cakes to get even more cakes
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3-4 months and it'll be fixed don't worry.
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Dont even say that aha 😂
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Now its been 3 days lol.
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So many people defending devs here and yet they are treating us like #########. 3 days to fix a ######### offering are you for real? Bugs that are in the game for god knows how much time and yet they didnt put some patch out? Waiting for patches more than a month they must be joking right? Random disconnects from the lobby, movement bug, invisible walls, no sounds on survivors, optimisation. Probably the worst dev team after the Gun Media of F13th. I guess those assymetric horror games are cursed from the start...
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That's not how this is supposed to work maybe? Its an event and why would we have to wait to use what is supposed to be used right now while the event lasts? Im sick of this dev team.
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This around the campfire stream today is gonna be a mess because the comments will literally just be fix cakes, and I really hope they give us more info on them
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I love this game
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And it wont be fixed till next Tuesday.
Like, how... how do they not know how to fix it? xD as my brother in programming said, "Its like they dont even know what their job is in there as this was an easy thing to avoid and/or fix". Aware of it from the beginning yet still launched anyhow ("cause why tf not" in their head).
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I wish i have a boss like you. Just take it easy, it's not like it affects significantly all of your players.
Personally i'm not mad because of the bug (at this point is the most normal thing to expect), i'm mad because of the lack of updates. Just keep people informed. Hey, it's taking longer because of "insert whatever", once or twice a day. This is unrespectful for the whole community and BHVR should feel ashamed.
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Still zero mention in a game news... This is truly pathetic not to even mention it or blovk it for now so.people will not waste them... Its not about ######### event or offering its about respecting your playebase and customers bhvr
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I mind a lot, that it is not working, as I had assembled a team for mass-farming tuesday night. Ok, things happen. But as you say, at least keep us updated, or give us an estimate. And if there will be a prolonged timeframe in the end, as we can fully enjoy the item now. Just be frank, and upfront, instead of "We already told you guys, we would do it ASAP" it's lack of respect for the playerbase. Happy Anniversary, well Anniversary i guess, aint much happy about it so far
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For the hundredth time, they don’t stack multiplicatively with double BP. If you used a cake during the double BP event you’d get 100+100+104, not 204*2.
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Using your logic and math. Would you rather get an increase of 140% BPs that don't stack with other cakes or ANY other offering like Streamers, and is only for you?
Save them when they're fixed, give the appropriate 104% BP increase, to everybody, that stacks with other cakes an other offerings like Streamers, up to 5 times if everyone uses such offerings, with a possible 2x double BP event on top of that?
Now if you don't see the difference in value, I really don't know what to tell you. Just, I really don't know. Lol
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As you probably know by now if you've played the game, the cakes are going to be fixed on Tuesday.
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Where are people getting Tuesday? The official post/announcement says the hotfix is coming "late next week". Tuesday's only a few days away. Am I missing something?
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Been hearing the same, but don't know the actual source either.
Time will tell.
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@OogieBoogie when I saw “ late next week” on the news screen I laughed.