Getting camped

I never get mad about killers being a little bit campy as i play killer and survivor so i understand you want to secure a kill, maybe patrol around the area and keep a close eye (i dont think you should and i dont do this but i get it) but this guy was face camping and was hitting me over and over again as if he thought he was a god. Got me frustrated and needed to vent lol
I had a few of those yesterday. I just send them a gg and move on, mostly we just joke about it .
But 1 guy kept trying to egg me on, calling me baby and the such. I just wished him luck and left. But I realized he was doing it strictly for salt.
Some folks you just can't understand.
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Thats usually a newbie doing that. Older players might give you a love tap then move on
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Or did you do something toxic to piss off the killer?
Most of the time it's better to hook and go hunting. Literally unless the exit gates are open and the killer has no noed, there's not much reason to face camp outside of that situation. The majority of killers who camp are playing poorly or they are hoping the survivors get over altruistic.
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Yeah it was a rank 20 with no perks or add ons so rip
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Yup. Nailed it. Theyre just enjoying the fact they got someone. Theyll realize why its a bad move later on. Dont take it personal