The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What Killer do you least enjoy to play against and which one do you enjoy most to play against?

Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

For me I would have to say that I dislike playing Freddy and Spirit the most. Freddy to me is just extremely boring and tedious to play against as almost every game against him is the same (Snare, Down, Hook, Teleport, Pop, Repeat). Spirit is just a guessing game with very little counterplay, and if they have ears then you're more than likely dead.

Favorite killer to play against though I would have to say would be Demo. His aesthetic and music is very well done for both sides, and playing against a good one is always a fun challenge.


  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I enjoy playing against my main, Billy. I don't enjoy playing against Legion. It's just oh great, here he/she comes again with frenzy, oh wow, time to mend for the nth time.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    The shape leather face and Bubba because their notorious for camping.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    I’m positive that they do I’ve been camped by Bubba😒.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,734

    My least favourite would definitely be spirit, even more if she has stridor. I find her incredibly bullshit to face, and very briandead to play. Even Freddy takes more skill. After that would be slinger, I just don't find being quickscoped at pallets particularly fun.

    Favourites would be either Billy or huntress on good ping. They're very balanced and incredibly fun, pallets are a mindgame, and Huntress trying cross-map snipes is both terrifying and hilarious. Billy yeeting across the map to get a down or curving at a loop is amazing to witness and it's so much fun. They both test mindgames, positioning, and skill, and I love that about them.

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    Least fave is probably spirit, only counterplay off the top of my noodle is staying healthy and not running everywhere. Cool design, and idk if id call her broken, but god i hate playing survivor against her.

    Fave, I'd have to say most of the stealth killers, when played well. Nothin like a pig rounding the corner in total silence while you're working a gen lol

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    I hate everything about the Doctor, all the other killers are fine.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,886

    Least favorite to face are Freddy for obvious reasons, and Ghostface because of his broken reveal mechanic and most GF's just stealth camp around the hook.

    My favorite to face is the boogeyman himself, Daddy Myers. Always a fun match for me when its him. Still the only killer in the game who is legit creepy.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    I like against the legion they make my empathy or bond not just sandbag perk, i like to play the pig 'cause i'm always forgot to kick the gen and i like to give survivor 2nd objective

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Myers is for sure still the creepiest character in the game. Nothing like doing a gen then hearing that breathing right behind you.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,983

    Least, Legion by FAR. Especially if they have sloppy butcher, hex ruin, thanataphobia, and pop WITH Pink Add ons AND an ebony mori (that was the sweatiest match I've ever played) but even just normal Legion builds without the Ebony Mori are so boring to go against because they slow the game down to a crawl and you spend 10+ minutes in a match.

    Favorite to go against in the Huntress as long as the hitboxes aren't complete bs (which if we're honest is rare). But there's something about a good Huntress chase that gets me hyped, even when I eventually get caught.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187

    Favorites are Nurse and Billy. They take skill to play and require specific chase mechanics to avoid. Actual play vs counterplay.

    Least favorites are Legion, Deathslinger, and Doctor. I think Deep Wound is the worst mechanic in the game. In general, I think mending and snapping out of it are super tedious, annoying, and not very consequential in high rank play.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    For me I love playing against and with everyone since that’s the point of the game. Things that annoy me more than killers are playstyles so I hate a camping bubba but love anything that I recognize as a meme build even if it’s a meme build that makes them win like jumps are Myers or impossible skill check doc. I love playing as every killer but I will say I just can’t play nurse as often as the rest. I’m actually good with every killer even after her update but my problem has Always been the stun after blinking and after so many times I just die inside when I play her. After awhile my skills deteriorate with her and then I’ll go back at her again but her stub after blinking is just obnoxious for me.

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    Lets see... I love playing against nurse. Considering I play on PS4 a lot of them suck, but shes super fun to play against in my opinion.

    Hillbilly too, mainly cause he looks stupid. Lol but dodging his chainsaw is fun and gives me a challenge.

    I hate playing against any jump-scare killer like pig, ghostface, michael etc. Cause I hate being jumpscared like ill be working on a gen and they will pop out of no where and i literally jump out of my chair.

    And I also hate playing against hag and trapper because I have anxiety the wholee game about stepping in a trap. I hate ittt. It makes the game less enjoyable for me.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I love going against a Nurse. It's more fun to predict her blinks instead of running in circles and pressing Space at the right time.

    I hate Trapper & Hag, because i get paranoia with the traps. And during a chase you're not only need to check what's around you, you also have to check what's below you.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Spirit is by far least favorite - just because every chase is an annoying guessing game. Plague is a distant second - no healing, so you are left with just rushing gens.

    Favorites - Myers, of course, and Deathslinger.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220
    edited June 2020

    My least favorite is Doctor, he has too much going for him and I never have fun playing against him no matter the outcome of the match. He will always be an adversary to me. I like playing him tho, it's usually an easy 3-4k.

    My favorite to go against is probably Spirit.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,983

    Also forgot to add my other least favorites. Close 2nd goes to Deathslinger because of his bullshit tiny terror radius for how much area control has, as well as Hag for how purposefully campy her playstyle is

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Give deathslinger some delay on his shot so it's not a No warning shot over the loop. It's nothing special to be able to do such a thing and I'd barely consider it a skill shot since its instant shot just after you center your screen on them.

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    Most: Michael

    Least: Doctor

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Least nurse

    Most huntress

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,925

    I don't really like vsing Billy. He isn't op or anything but I just don't like him, especially now because sometimes his Chainsaw doesn't make a single sound while he is sprinting which is kinda stupid.

    I like going against any Stealth Killer, Deathslinger and Huntress. I play them often too but chases against them are usually fun imo.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I hate facing a spirit mostly cause she is tough to play against, wraiths because they tunnel mostly, but I hate huntress literally she is painful to go against.

    I like to go against Billy and demo, usually they try to hit me with a their special attacks and I hate to admit but its kinda funny to see them try I still respect good killers.

  • Papayarng
    Papayarng Member Posts: 73

    Most - Nurse, Huntress, Spirit (I used to main spirit so its easy), Oni

    Least - Doc, T1 Myers, Bubba

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Least favorites

    • Spirit - Like you, I hate guessing games. If you're injured without iron will there's basically no counterplay. You just have to accept your fate.
    • Legion - Ah yes, I love playing mend simulator.
    • Hag - Mainly due to teammates. I dislike crouching everywhere and usually if I'm hooked or I'm saving someone else on the hook, the other player will just bolt through the traps like it's nothing, getting me or themselves killed.
    • Ghostface - Sometimes I feel like I've literally stared into his soul and I still get exposed.


    • Pyramid Head - I'm still happy that they actually added him to DBD. His sound design is amazing and it's seriously creepy hearing the knife scraping against the ground when you're oblivious. Overall chases can be pretty tense and I thoroughly enjoy being hunted by one of my favorite monster bois of all time.
    • Myers - Especially a jumpscare Mikey. His chase theme also never gets old and I still yell out for a pallet whenever he's in tier 3.
    • Billy & Bubba - I love both chainsaw boys. Dodging billy's chainsaw is fun. As for LF, ignoring the players who use him to facecamp, I genuinely enjoy going against a decent Bubba, especially ones that mindgame with the chainsaw.
    • Demogorgon - The goodest boi. His chase theme is epic and like PH, his sound design is great. Chases against him are fun, especially if you manage to dodge a close shred.
  • GonTakuma
    GonTakuma Member Posts: 24

    Favorite :

    I don't really have favorites. I believe that even the killers who are on the bottom of the most tier lists can be better when played by a good player, than a killer who is on top of the tier lists by a bad player.

    A killer, Survivor or character in any game will be as good as the player controls it.

    Least favorite :

    -The Doctor.

    He always Drives my team and me crazy, disrupts everything we are doing and keeps the pressure up the whole time its really painfull to play against him and a challenge to get through. But then again, I like the challenge. Winning against a doctor gives more satisfaction.

    -Chainsaw killers (Billy/Bubba)

    I think their 1 hit move is just insane and unfair. People say they may be dodged "easely" So i may be doing something wrong.

    -Any killer without a terror radius

    (Michael myers Tier 1, The Wraith, ghostface)

    I hate to get jumpscared. (The hag!!)

  • NeoFTW
    NeoFTW Member Posts: 5

    Bruh i love playing against leather face but Bubba no sir re Bob

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220
    edited June 2020

    My least favorite to go against are the following:

    Freddy - for the reasons you also gave. He just gets way too much free value, and if you're going against Forever Freddy, that just makes it all that much worse.

    Huntress - her hit boxes are so janky. One moment you get hit from a mile past the corner and downed, Iri Hatchets are ridiculous and need to be reworked already and the hatchets that SHOULD hit you just don't at times. She makes no sense and is just all around broken and not working fully as intended. I see more dedicated hits than misses, which is what annoys me the most, but I know just how annoying it is for a Huntress to hit some and see the blood, but it doesn't actually hit them. She just needs fixing and then I probably wouldn't hate her.

    Pyramid Head - God, his design is AWFUL. Just like Deathslinger, but I don't mind Deathslinger all too much. Let me be able to freely tunnel you because I'll hook you, then cage you and then tunnel you for the final kill because you get no hook benefits AND your exhaustion doesn't come back. I have seen ONE PH not hard tunnel people from the cage. Not to mention, "Oh, you want to drop the pallet? Let me tap M2 quick so you can't and I get a free down with literally no counterplay but DH if you actually drop the pallet. Windows? Lmao no. Yay!"

    Favorite killer to go against:

    Nurse - while a great Nurse can destroy you, there is just something so fun and satisfying about juking her around LoS, both of us playing guessing games, we're both on a fairly even playing field due to no BS pallets, windows or mechanics. All mind games. It's a lot of fun to me. It is especially crazy to see Nurses who put hundreds of hours into her just guess Blink locations so well, know how to bait DH, etc.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220
    edited June 2020

    My least favorite to go against are the following:

    Freddy - for the reasons you also gave. He just gets way too much free value, and if you're going against Forever Freddy, that just makes it all that much worse. Pallet Freddy is fine, though. Those are wholesome boys.

    Huntress - her hit boxes are so janky. One moment you get hit from a mile past the corner and downed, Iri Hatchets are ridiculous and need to be reworked already and the hatchets that SHOULD hit you just don't at times. She makes no sense and is just all around broken and not working fully as intended. I see more dedicated hits than misses, which is what annoys me the most, but I get how frustrating it can be for the Huntress to get a hit, see the blood, and it not register as an actual hit. If they actually fixed her, I probably wouldn't hate her so much.

    Pyramid Head - God, his design is AWFUL. Just like Deathslinger, but I don't mind Deathslinger all too much. Let me be able to freely tunnel you because I'll hook you, then cage you and then tunnel you for the final kill because you get no hook benefits AND your exhaustion doesn't come back. I have seen ONE PH not hard tunnel people from the cage. Not to mention, "Oh, you want to drop the pallet? Let me tap M2 quick so you can't and I get a free down with literally no counterplay but DH if you actually drop the pallet. Windows? Lmao no. Yay!"

    Favorite killer to go against:

    Nurse - while a great Nurse can destroy you, there is just something so fun and satisfying about juking her around LoS, both of us playing guessing games, we're both on a fairly even playing field due to no BS pallets, windows or mechanics. All mind games. It's a lot of fun to me. It is especially crazy to see Nurses who put hundreds of hours into her just guess Blink locations so well, know how to bait DH, etc.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Most: Nurse, Spirit, Huntress

    Least: Billy

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    For my most hated, it's a tie between Freddy and Spirit. Both are just Urghhh. But Freddy defintly takes the cake. Teleporting and PGTW a Gen? No thank you.

    My favourite has to be either Ghostface or Scratched Mirror Myers. Both just scare the crap out of me when they pop up from nowhere, and I love it. Ghostface will one day kill me in real life from an actual heart attack!

  • Cius
    Cius Member Posts: 86

    I like to play with Billy on both sides before the change

    least favorite trapper and slinger

  • TheLegionMain
    TheLegionMain Member Posts: 7

    My least favorite:Spirit, Freddy and Trapper in some maps

    My favorite to play against: Demo Deathslinger and personally I like to play against PH

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Least favorite would be spirit and freddy (for obvious reasons) and anyone else with on screen effects and disgusting sound effects, ranging from them making me nauseous (clown and plague) to being annoyed (any killer with deep wound in their kit)

    favorite would be any killer without one sided anti-loop

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Enjoy the trapper as he's my main and I find a lot of traps lying about which I can disarm. Also like ghostface as you need eyes in your backside against him.

    Dislike the doctor and freddie

    Most camping is Wraith and Billy.

  • Lunaaris
    Lunaaris Member Posts: 1

    I hate having to play against Spirit, Wraith and the Doctor.

    I love when I get to play against Myers, PH and Ghost Face. Myers has to be the spookiest and funnest though.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Least enjoy: Hillbilly

    Enjoy most: Leatherface... I like people giving him a chance. He's fun to play as haha

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    I love playing with Bubba cuz he is the worst tier and very cute. I hate spirit cuz I have no idea where she is...

    My favourite killer is legion and least favourite killer is da naurse.

  • microwavablefootball
    microwavablefootball Member Posts: 62

    Least enjoyable : Legion (obviously)

    Second least enjoyable : Clown

    Most enjoyable : Huntress (Without iri of course)