Just got tunneled with a mori

How is this fair
If an offering cuts a game in half, then the boundries to pip should also be lowered to compensate.
The fact that survivors depip when a killer tunnels them with a mori is ridiculous.
Rework moris or lower the boundries to pip.
A Mori makes it so the killer only has to win, at most, two chases, as opposed to three. That's not "cutting a game by half". If you're having problems with Moris, I recommend stealth.
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It sounds exactly like keys... don't you think?
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if someone is tunneled off the hook, its bypassing DS, AND its 3 hits (2 for 1st down, and 1 for 2nd) instead of 6 hits (3x 2 hits for down) so yea its cutting game in half
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so let me take key vs those moris, oh wait i dont see when mori is taken but killer can take mori vs key xd seems fair, but tbf both should be nerfed
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Since we're speaking in hypotheticals, if the killer decides to use it on their death hook, it's not cutting the game at all.
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Ebony + Ivory Moris are terribly unbalanced. No one can deny that.
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Keys are a different topic, but I do believe they are also unbalanced.
I could not agree more, i just feel like de-pips are undeserved for survivors when this happens.
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Who tf cares about rank for DBD in 2020? You know how easy it is to rank/pip up in these games? You have to sweat just to derank.
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You say this because you are a survivor main
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Imagine only crying because of depip.
Who cares for pips?
Also keys exist too.
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You could always gitgud and run the killer for 5 gens. If his tunnelling, you have enough pallets, loops and windows to do that.
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I honestly believe that a small change to both keys and moris would help a lot. Not regarding the balance, as, at least for me, they are not common in my games. But regarding the toxicity.
Mori: Just work on death hook. We get a cool animation, killer can kill, we are all happy. See PH
Keys: Should only open for the key holder and instantly close after the escape again
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I care about playing a game. If I am in a Queue for 3-4 minutes and then I am out of the game after 2 minutes, this is not really fun at all. Keys are Bullshit as well, but at least the Killer will have a game.
Let alone that Ebony Moris are not rare at all. I watched Umbras Stream today and she has almost 1000 Moris on her Huntress (and 1500 Iri Heads, another thing which is "ok because it is rare", lol). This is 7 Million BPs just in Moris. Luckily she is a good Killer and does not use them.
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Ivory mori isnt unbalanced
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Cutting out 25% of the opponents team basically instantly? Yeah, totally not unbalanced.
You can compare Ivory Moris with old BNPs.
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Dude I run mori's and still pip and earn plenty of BP's. It's called not being a dick when you run them though. I don't mori Till death hook unless I get a toxic a-hole, and BOY do they get a surprise! Lmao. Sometimes people have bad games too and just wanna destroy everyone the next round. It is what it is man. Survs do plenty of toxic things also. You gotta think, something pissed this guy off to make him single me out to tunnel and mori...
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To be fair. The tunnel off the hook and Mori is far more common.
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Well i didnt really defend tunnlers or moris i just said the thing with the pips.
But when we are at it, even if the killer brings a mori the surviviors also will have a game.
Believe it or not but as long a the killer doesnt play scummy i love it to face a killer with a mori.
I just let me play much more carefullier und makes the game so intense for me.
But yea its crap if there are killers who tunnel with a mori.
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yea and i dont mind that use of mori(i would like to see Mori reworked to be on death hook), but problem is, almost noone is using mori like that ;/
when im using mori im doing it on death hook or after getting 4 stacks of bbq (and not by tunneling off the hook)
and with mori rework i would see key rework, remove green key (or make it brown), purple for 1 surv, red like now BUT add 8sec animation xd and when animation is starting it should give killer notification (and one of add ons that makes you save key make into not making noise, because those add ons are stupid)
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I just had 3 survivors escape with a key.
How is that fair?
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You could just ya know... ignore them if they bother you.
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To be fair! all 4 red mori is a black pip, unless you mori after the second hook, you might be able to fake 1-2 into thinking it's a green mori. By the 2nd kill surv should start checking chests for a key and or not getting caught doing it. It's a known strat.
Same as basement bubba if you enter is basement/area with out proper perk your the new bait, Don't feed the troll, work on gens, open exit gate and leave. You win.
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So in what scenario can survivors cut their objective in half by bringing in a key? At least think once before spouting such nonsense.
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For every game you get tunneled and morid, how many did the killer 0k? How many did you escape? How many haddonfield or ormond offerings were used?
One bad game and its crying on the forums. Think about your career playing this game and tell me how often this really ever happens.
Like someone said Umbra has 1000 ebony on huntress alone. If killers really wanted to, survivors would NEVER escape. Take the loss and move on.
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ngl every game I play brings me closer and closer to being one of those mori and tunnel killers.
The game really erodes that sense of fun for others after a while.
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Why do you care about pips? It's meaningless and with upcoming MMR system you can totally forget about it.
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You can never accept that you wrong lmao, you always have to add something to have the last word.
Moris cut the game in half. If you can't see that you need to some math class maybe.
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Explain to me how keys are the equivalent to a mori.
For a key to work you need amount of survivors alive + 1 generators to be completed for hatch to spawn. For four survivors to escape by key, all generators need to be completed. At that point they were going to escape through the gates anyways. It's not have a key = instant hatch spawn.
Mori? Hook one person and tunnel them off hook.
You people that think keys are the same as moris are neanderthals.
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Am I supposed to have sympathy?
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i think mori already fair since it's (RARE) offering lol, and if we look back then when mori don't need hook to kill, it's already balance imo, at least dev already try to nerf it
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How is the Ivory mori unbalanced? Is it unfun for the survivor? Sure, but it is by no means unbalanced.
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I tunnel people off the hook and Mori them because it removes a player from the match quick and evens the odds for me. There's lots of times where the odds are too far stacked in the survivors favor so its one of the few things I can do to make sure all the gens aren't done in the first 5 minutes if the trial.
I feel bad for that one person, but at the same time I don't because there's 50/50 odds they or their teammates would just infinite loop, body block, and t bag me.
It's not a strategy I'd choose against someone my rank (green) or lower as they tend to be fun to play against and less toxic but there's no way to tell what skill level of players were playing against so it's just safer to do the most aggressive thing right out of the gate rather than wait to see if I get humiliated or not.
When it happens to me as a survivor I don't really care anymore. It's easy to just move on to the next match.
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Ok, I get it, first ignore other side of the game, then insult people to convince people about your point. Got it.
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Survivors dont even need offerings or items to skip up to five gens, and a door ~
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I mostly play survivor, but it's really annoying to see so many survivors being crybabys about everything. Oh this is not fun, that is boring or unfair..and still you play the game lol