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Pyramid Head is affecting DS usage overall.



  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220
    edited June 2020

    I personally run into quite a few tunneling killers.

    Not exactly in the sense that they will chase only that survivor until they're dead all the time, but even last night, about a quarter of my games had a killer chasing a survivor just recently unhooked, same with me. I saw many DS's going off yesterday, and not even ones that are almost done or they chased a different survivor. After DS, I would also see a few survivors continue to be chased.

    I myself got to experience this a few times. Was hooked in the basement (second hook) and then unhooked and the Legion immediately came after me. I ran him around the best I could with a poor map layout, but went down. He didn't even try to wait out my DS. Just picked me up immediately and got stabbed.

    You don't have to tunnel a survivor out of the game for you to be tunneling a survivor in the game itself.

    Think of it like dedicated window hits. Dedicated hits used to happen SO often on windows, killers would just go for swings they knew would miss, this is because they were conditioned to know it will hit enough times to be worth the chance.

    Same goes for DS. You've ran into enough tunneling that even if a killer isn't a tunneler, you run the perk just in case. You've ran into too many that it is worth the perk slot, even if you don't end up using it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited June 2020

    What's adorable is relying on DS. What's the matter? Can't respond to the whole thing?

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I won't argue that some killers do, but I personally don't. I'm not out to ruin anyone's day or deprive them of a match. I'm out to have a good time and that's what I aim for, regardless of what side I'm playing.

    When I've hooked you, hooked two other people, and then find you and get DSed, I am suddenly more inclined to put you back on the ground and up on a hook because it's just a little infuriating that, because I don't have four timers around me while I'm gaming and assign each one to a survivor so that I can ensure I slug for 60 seconds if I happen to encounter that person again, I get "outplayed".

    I don't run DS because I hate going against it as a killer (and I don't use survivor teachables and I don't play Laurie). Just like I haven't brought a mori of any color other than Devour Hope into a game in years because I know survivors hate it. I still have fun and feel like I got to play the video game in 90% of my matches as survivor.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Played 6 games this evening, didn't get tunneled once at green ranks where tunneling is more prevalent than at redranks.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    Almost every time I get accused of tunneling the following happened:

    Someone unhooked in front of me or close enough for me to hear so I of course turn around. The guy dosen't take a protection hit so the easiest target goes down first. I mean I';m going to down the both but without BT or protection hit the unhooked is doomed.

    The person I "tunneled" literally runs into me after getting unhooked. Like, literally right up to me then acts shocked that I didn't follow some unsaid rule to not down them while I was getting gen rushed to hell.

    Undetectable causes the freshly unhooked person to stumble into me. In which case I need to down them to capitalize on my limited undetecttable status while I got it. I can't be picky.

    They never heal then act confused and insulted as to why I went after the loudly groaning, one hit down, bleeding target and not anyone else even if they had ample time to heal.

    They had more than a minute to do whatever and get away. But they still call it tunneling even though they literally had a period to do whatever.

    Almost in every case for me tunneling happens because of number one. No respect for killer radius or even killer presence in front of hooks then they expect me to act like a bot and hit them/follow them into a safety shack loop.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    How do you tunnel someone that plans to use DS if they haven't used it? How would you know, and in order to find out you'd have to tunnel? Sounds like you tunnel regardless. No need for anyone to agonize over perks.

  • GoblinBoi
    GoblinBoi Member Posts: 13

    It's pretty easy to tell when someone has it. Almost everyone runs it in the higher ranks, you can also tell when someone has it if they're your obsession and you don't have any obsession perks, it's more of a gut feeling or a guess and most if the time I'm right.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Really not a good thing since it's just a free game for any tunneling killer.

  • Zane
    Zane Member Posts: 75

    Lowkey don't understand why people stopped using ds and bt, don't hit the traps, sometimes its hard but its not that bad

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    If you say so, but the obsession is random now. The person with DS might not be the obsession at all. I don't run DS but I am often the obsession and now with perks like Blood Pact there can be an obsession in the game with no DS at all.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm glad to see the meta has been changing.

    I've personally been running Quick and Quiet, Lithe, Iron Will, and Spine Chill. So far I haven't been missing DS. Though having friends watch me slow vault a window gives them mass anxiety.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You'd think that be a good reason to nerf DS/BT/whatever. That way any newer perks they release would seem stronger by comparison

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The Obsession isn’t always running DS. I’ve had matches where I was the Obsession with no DS, and ones where I was the only person running DS and not the Obsession. DS makes the Obsession random precisely so the killer can’t tell who has it.