
Personally i'm more of a killer player than I am a survivor, but when i play survivor all people do is camp, I know this is a touchy topic, but personally i feel like camping should be removed from the game or it should be bannable or something, it kind of ruins the game. People will say survivors are already OP, but personally idc what way a survivor playsd, its never worth being a camper.


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Let me give you a word of advice, RUN.

    Your username has Twitch in the title so for some benign reason, most killers will be less receptive to you. Secondly, camping has been accepted by the developers so there is nothing that will be done to punish it. Lastly, there are perks that can be used to counter this tactic as well as common sense. You claim that you don't care "what way a survivor is played". Well if you're true to your word you'll grab Borrowed Time or Kindred and be done with the complaint.

  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    I hate campers as much as the next guy and I'm a killer main. It's a skilless tactic that I feel people who can't play the game use. Though there is even a killer perk that promotes camping and perks that promote tunneling. It's the nature of the beast... kinda have to deal with it. 
  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    camping is a strategy and is allowed in the game, devs have said so many times.
    does it lack skill?, that's subjective. would say it takes skill to use a strategy that works, which is where the issue arises, camping DOES NOT works vs good players, it's a bad strategy.
    If you are losing to a bad strategy then it is in fact you that lacks skill and not the camping killer, simple. Rank 1's never lose to campers, ever.
    basically man up and make camping a bad strat by doing gens and leaving, killers will soon stop doing it.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    "I am a killer player"... but I complain about survivor issues and CAMPING.
    Yea… sounds legit.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    They don't need to stop camping, they need to fix the REASON killers want to camp, which is a result of how unbalanced the game is.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @TwitchXen_Ryan said:
    Personally i'm more of a killer player than I am a survivor, but when i play survivor all people do is camp, I know this is a touchy topic, but personally i feel like camping should be removed from the game or it should be bannable or something, it kind of ruins the game. People will say survivors are already OP, but personally idc what way a survivor playsd, its never worth being a camper.

    They already tried to punish camping and it ended horrible because survivors abused the fook out of it.
    As long as it is possible to extent chase for several gens due to that broken loops, camping will always be a good strategy becuse this way you avoid the looping

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2018

    Sometimes when im playing nice...(90% and they notice that good intention.) they still teabag me every time.
    I guess im tired to be nice....maybe its time to punish child actions with tunnel and camping (zone).
    Im rank 5 now...

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    @TwitchXen_Ryan said:
    Personally i'm more of a killer player than I am a survivor

    Going to stop you there. You have your twitch in your name, (your twitch proving otherwise, survivor only gameplay, low/mid rank meta perk SWF)...

    Honestly if you're a survivor player just say so. It doesn't mean your opinion isn't valid, but starting off with a big ol' lie does make it seem like you're just trying too hard to validate your opinion, in turn making it seem like a weak argument off the bat.

    Getting camped sucks. It's boring gameplay for the survivors and the killer, but it is 100% valid and shouldn't be bannable at all. Sometimes it's the best strategy (gates open, survivors rushing the hook, etc) and that would always make it a gray area. Killers needs to be able to play optimally just as survivors should.

    Learn to play around it. Flail to indicate camping or run kindred if you get camped often and not in SWF.
    If you know someones getting camped, pop gens (my favorite is popping on a gen in clear view of the killer and finishing it while they stare at me afraid to leave the hook cuz campers gonna camp).
    Also a good reason to run Borrowed Time (forever in my load out).

    It sucks, but it's not the end of the world. There are less campers than there are hook it and book it killers (unless you remain under rank 12), and if you have a bad match, well that sucks but the next will probably be better.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    Don't feed the camper. If you reward the camping by trying to save your teammate, they'll continue to camp. Ignore them, let your teammate die, and the three of you finish those generators all the while. If the killer only gets that one camp kill, maybe two camp kills, they'll soon learn the errors of their ways. It's bad gameplay. Low rank gameplay.

    I would like to hypothesize on potential nerfs to camping tho! :3

    Maybe the entity feels negatively about camping because it means the killer doesn't believe in it's ability to collect survivors. If the killer remains within 10-20 meters of a hooked survivor for more than 10 seconds, their sight is blurred or speed decreased.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @scumrrado said:
    If the killer remains within 10-20 meters of a hooked survivor

    If your idea starts like this and ends with some sort of punishment for the Killer, it's automatically bad. It's already been tried and abused by the Survivors.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2018

    @Orion said:

    @scumrrado said:
    If the killer remains within 10-20 meters of a hooked survivor

    If your idea starts like this and ends with some sort of punishment for the Killer, it's automatically bad. It's already been tried and abused by the Survivors.

    Hahahaha Killers have it too easy! Most killers don't even have to use abilities to confirm kills. They have almost no form of punishment in the game. They need to be reminded of who they work for: the Entity! hahahaha

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @scumrrado said:

    @Orion said:

    @scumrrado said:
    If the killer remains within 10-20 meters of a hooked survivor

    If your idea starts like this and ends with some sort of punishment for the Killer, it's automatically bad. It's already been tried and abused by the Survivors.

    Hahahaha Killers have it too easy! Most killers don't even have to use abilities to confirm kills. They have almost no form of punishment in the game. They need to be reminded of who they work for: the Entity! hahahaha

    Yes, ignore the fact that such an idea is inherently flawed and dodge the issue altogether.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @Orion said:

    @scumrrado said:

    @Orion said:

    @scumrrado said:
    If the killer remains within 10-20 meters of a hooked survivor

    If your idea starts like this and ends with some sort of punishment for the Killer, it's automatically bad. It's already been tried and abused by the Survivors.

    Hahahaha Killers have it too easy! Most killers don't even have to use abilities to confirm kills. They have almost no form of punishment in the game. They need to be reminded of who they work for: the Entity! hahahaha

    Yes, ignore the fact that such an idea is inherently flawed and dodge the issue altogether.

    It was just a hypothetical! Ya know, fun ideas to talk about and not take so seriously. Relax! lol

    If we rewarded the killer for leaving the camping zone, it would reward them for already doing the more advantageous thing. Killers do inherently have an advantage in this game, so that would be incredibly unfair.

  • bob_bobber
    bob_bobber Member Posts: 54

    It can be solved easily.
    Hang the survivor once on the hook, so that the survivor should die.

    No camp, No tunnel. Its great idea. dont you? lol

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    holy crap another thread.

    Hey devs... Tell everyone exactly how the game is to be played so we get no more variation in the game. You must play a specific strategy ONLY. OR YOUR BANNED!

    Oh wait... They actually sort of do this with the emblem system.

    BUT, now it has to be put in to penalize people just for playing the game how they want!

    Come on DEVS.. Seriously... EVERY GAME NEEDS TO BE EXACTLY THE SAME. Either hook everyone 3 times each before you get ANY points!

    Seriously.. come on.

    Let the devs tell you how you need to rank up, but the varied playstyles and the ability to play the game the way you want, is why this game is fun. We don't need the Devs to hard code in no camping rules and the such or this game will begin to get boring way faster. Not everyone is playing this game to make the opposing side have a good time with rainbows and sunshine.

    Why would there be an insidious perk if they didn't think camping was a strategy?

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited September 2018

    Camping is caused by survivors not doing what needs to be done to discourage the behavior.

    I guarantee that if all survivors did was do gens when somebody was being camped, you'd see less campers.

    Why should a camper leave the hook when he knows nobody is doing gens? You're literally giving him no sense of urgency.

    Remember, first hook takes 120 seconds to die on a full struggle. You only need 80 to solo a generator. Do the math.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    I camped my way to rank one only using Michael on the old system. I had a camping strategy. My inbox would get flooded with messages lol. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Typeminjmal points so you know
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    I camped my way to rank one only using Michael on the old system. I had a camping strategy. My inbox would get flooded with messages lol. 

    Camping works because Survivors feel entitled to unhook.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    mhm. sure.
    lets make looping bannable then, k?

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited September 2018
    Camping to you is what looping is to the killer... Maybe don't loop so much and you won't get camped.
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Orion said:

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    I camped my way to rank one only using Michael on the old system. I had a camping strategy. My inbox would get flooded with messages lol. 

    Camping works because Survivors feel entitled to unhook.

    ^^This exactly. A Killer has no reason not to camp, due to the 90% of Survivors going for the save. Why run around after three other Survivors, when you can just hook one, and wait for the others to come to you. You want to beat camping, gens, it is that simply. Sure, you are the one that gets camped, it sucks, and I am sorry. Otherwise, go gens, open gates and get the fk outta the game. The Killer hardly gets a decent outcome and you do the whole Survivor thing. It is really that simple.