Flashlight question

is it just me or does flashlight seem inconsistent? Where do I aim to blind the killer? On their face or their body? I’ve had a couple times where I get BP for getting a killer blind while they’re carrying a survivor but nothing happens. I’ve also had this happen while playing killer where I clearly got blinded mid-carrying a survivor but nothing happened aside from from white screen. Does it bug sometimes or was flashlight used incorrectly?


  • SrxErick
    SrxErick Member Posts: 13

    Debes cegar al asesino en un momento predeterminado en la cara después de cargar con el superviviente

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Aiming like at their neck is a good idea.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Flashlight are the most inconsistent things in the game, besides Dead Hard, sometimes I get a blind when I clearly shouldn't, and sometimes I don't when the beam is right in the killers face. Just get used to it.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Flashlights require timigs to use correctly- I’d suggest you search up on youtube some up-to-date tutorials on how to use them since the pickup change way back (2 years ago, I think?). You wanna aim roughly for the eyes/head, but learning where to aim comes with experience.

    As per forum rules, please use English in this section of the forums. If you’re not comfortable with speaking English as a main language, please use the International section of the forums.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Survivor Movement and camera is buggy atm, FL is affected by it

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2020

    You have to aim to the face, youll notice you are blinding him when the Flashlight beam starts getting narrower and narrower until the "Killer blind" score event appears, as killer if you get blinded but the survivor didnt drop is because it wasnt completed, you were very very close to get the fully blind effect and drop it but either you avoided on the last fraction of a second or the survivor messed it up.

    To blind a Killer when they are picking a Survivor you have to time it so he gets blinded once they regain control of his character, you can do it when they are animation locked but they wont drop the survivor. If you are trying to blind a killer when he is already carrying a survivor and moving around is very hard and only works on very new people since you only have to look up to avoid it.

    There are several videos on Youtube teaching when to start blinding during the pick animation to ensure a save.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    So, you got to aim for their face. The beam narrows when you know you have the right spot and it'll flicker and expand once its fully blinded them

    As for blinding someone whilst they're picking someone up. Its a matter of timing. From the sounds of it you do it too early, where the killer is still animation locked and so can't drop the survivor. Instead you need to time it so ghe blind hits the moment the killer can move. Best way to do that is to start blinding once the killer has hefted the survivor onto their shoulder, and is bending back up

  • Jujubeetch
    Jujubeetch Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the replies, I’ll try what y’all said. Also can you get blinded from the side of your face? I noticed that I picked up a survivor near a wall and got blinded from what I assume the side of my face. Was that lucky or is it working as intended?