Ok, this is my first post here, actually i just made a account here because i think this is serious

Today i was farming blood points for my Jane playing as a Pyramid Head, thats why my nickname was Red Pyramid Thing (who is SH fan will get it) but i decide to do a mission, kick 20 gens, so i pick up Michael Myers since he is my main, when i started the game i found a Neon Nea, and when i stalk her to level 3 my knife got bugged, it was raised all the time, and when i got close to the Nea to hit her all the generators pop up in the same time activating the endgame and the timer finished in 1 second, killing all the survivors

At the end of the game I noticed that for some reason the myers icon was the replaced by the ghostface, I was extremely confused, and the other players thought I was the hacker (Probably they report me)

I didn't know where to go so I came here, I think this hack method is extremely dangerous, because it makes survivors think that the killer is a hacker and the killer may have the account unfairly banned because of that, even I am afraid of this because I deposited a lot of time and money in this game, unfortunaly it was all so fast and the only thing i could do was to screenshot this, look the Ghostface icon in a MYERS, look the points, and the chat of course

I dont know if the developers will see this, but i really hope they do something, because is very unfair you be banned for using custom survivors and killer icons but dont get banned for making other players been reported


  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I thought thread said ‘Me, That Ho Over There’ at first.

    It says ‘Method’ just ‘t’ instead of ‘d’


  • Bunnyman
    Bunnyman Member Posts: 31

    The result page cannot show the right information that is 4.0 bug and so many people already report that on the first day of silent hill released.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    the icon thing is bug and for the rest... i can't explain it maybe it's hack

  • Missingno54
    Missingno54 Member Posts: 8

    For the typos, i was to lazy to check this but it ended up a little funny

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I can confirm the power icon mix up, happens to me aswell lately

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I actually think you should worry and submit a ticket to their support system.

    Let them know the survivors accused you of hacking, and you are worried they may have submitted a false report against you. Because someone was hacking in that game, and because of the bug they have a bit of reason to think so since they evidently don't know about it. Give them the Steam ID of each one if you can and any screenshots / video evidence you might have. Always report via the end game as well if you didn't.

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    This happened to me earlier I was playing the oni and it said I had the redeemer but I didn’t get messaged about it I think it is a new bug maybe

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah dude you gotta report this and fast because right now you might be in seriosu trouble and I don't want someone to get banned for something like this, on another note I really think BHVR should work on countering hackers because if someone could do this than holy crap.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Is this actually a bug? That's a horrendous bug if so

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The end game tally screen showing the wrong killer is a bug, the 4 survivors all dying randomly is not

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Typically if someone's gonna hack, theyre gonna do it in a way thats benifitial for them. In this case, OP brought 9k worth of addons, so why would they hack to end the game before they got at least 9k back? This game is buggy sometimes so I think people should REALLY look into things abit before yelling "hacker". I could understand if they wanted to send in a report to the devs. If it's a huge gamebreaking bug, the devs need to be made aware of it. When the new patch came out though and the icon bug was first noticed... ppl were quick to start accusing me of hacking.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    It’s a bunch of green ranks ofc they would cry everything is hacked even what is quite obviously a bug not anything by hacks that whole menu is buggy it will remove perks addons etc and even randomly put images of the wrong ones like gf when you are shape now yeah on pc there is hackers so if the gens did just immediately go off it could be by that but the end screen thing wasn’t hacks

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Hacking has been increasing a lot lately. Ran into my own a few days ago (mild though, they were trying to be sneaky about walking through walls and teleporting away at least) and I've seen a bunch of videos popping up on Reddit. Same stuff OP claimed and more.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    as everyone said icons are bugs wich been there since latest update, the myers bug with the knife it was tehre but i thought they fixed taht seems they didnt yet (it happened to me aswell) the game shoutdown? it happened to me agaisnt an spirit i didnt understand what happened we did all gens egc started and somehow i got downed when the kilelr wasnt near me by any means we all got down and the game crushed somehow but it gave us the escape isntad of killing us all i still dont understand what happened. probably hard lagging or the killer did something, back in the day was possible when the killer was host now i dont know.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    The endgame situation was one of the survivors hacking. I saw this happen in a Hexy stream. He came across someone that he'd faced before, said they were hacking last time but his chat wanted him to go through with the match. He finds the person and then suddenly the endgame starts and then the timer rapidly drops and everyone dies.

    The endgame screen showing you as a different killer is a known bug courtesy of the latest update.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    You need to cover the survivors names. It is a forum rule

  • Gamerpoop
    Gamerpoop Member Posts: 34

    Nice to see a fellow Michael main