dude honey butter is so good

No but it sound that it could numb my tongue just from tasting it
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I love honey butter.
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Theres this restaurant that my grandfather loves to eat at which has the most abominable food ever, but the rolls with honey butter? i like me a roll with honey butter
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I hate honey 🤢
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Exactly what my parents said.
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The food is just so you can throw up to get more space for honey butter rolls. Also honey is considered raw by the fda whatever that means
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Honey butter is amazing ❤️
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I prefer peanut butter😀.
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I have never even heard of this honey butter but now, I know my mission.
Also, honey and peanut butter on toast is delicious.
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Cinnamon butter is also really good.
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absolute legend I never thought of that, I feel really dumb right about now
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There's a chain restaurant - Texas Roadhouse - that serves cinnamon butter with their rolls. It's half the reason I ever go there (the rest of the food is good too, but that cinnamon butter is irreplaceable)
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I would go there if there was one nearby but Im 200% sure there isnt
on a side note -- are you going to start streaming again this august or what?
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Most of them seem to be on the east coast USA. There's a few scattered towards the west coast.
And the side note - probably not. I've been too busy and haven't had energy as far as streaming goes, but that's not exactly something for this thread ^^
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I make a mean pineapple spread from my moms side of the family Japanese Hawaiian but if you want to go more fancy try my dads Italian Portuguese bread with cinnamon and honey😀.
Post edited by NinjaDette1 on1 -
Bro, I love honey butter. I could eat it straight.
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You should try honey beer. Delicious.
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