Whys no one using ds anymore?

Most games I've played today had no one using ds

Is it because of pyramid head?



  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's really not that great of a perk. Can't remember the last time I was hit by it as killer

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    You know I’ve been wondering the same thing I thought it would be cuz of ph yet when I play survivor since release ive only ran into about 5 maybe even less so like if he was being run every match I could get it but I see more of everything else still then him

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I never used it. I still see people using it. Probably not as often though.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I noticed some games with no obsession and therefore no DS (guess what? Yeah directly tunneling from hook was in every of those matches) but I honestly didn’t think about PH..

    if it is the sole reason, the usage will come back to normal. There are not that many PH players and if it is a match against him, it’s rare that tormented comes into effect...

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I see 2-4 DS's in every single match still, nothings changed for me. Similar numbers of Unbreakables and BT's as well.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    It is absolutely rampant at high rank. I get hit with DS most games tbh, or at the very least need to slug someone that clearly has it. Before anyone accuses me of tunneling, the problem with DS now is that it can be used aggressively to great effect. If you get downed shortly after being hooked and are also running Unbreakable it's a guaranteed escape. If you jump in a locker it's also pretty much a guaranteed escape, because the killer is forced to either eat the DS or leave you. So, what happens is the people using DS play crazy aggressive after getting unhooked because they know they have a get out of jail free card.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    i see 3 to 4 every game

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    The problem with this is the stun is so minor that if you're not really close to another loop it's not saving you from anything. It's just delaying your hook by a bit. Every time you eat a DS that saves it from being used end game for a guaranteed escape, and you still get them, only a few seconds later.

    Also if they use it aggressively to say, unhook someone else, then you're still going to get another free hook regardless, because the stun isn't long enough to prevent you from hitting one of the two. It takes some of that time to unhook someone, and then you just need to walk a few steps and bam one of them is down, unless they have SB. If they have Borrowed Time, you can just hit the DS user and it doesn't matter.

    I only use DS when I'm being tunneled a lot, but even then as soon as I start using it they either stop the tunneling, or they slug. I haven't had a DS skill check in a long ass time honestly. It's only good to show an obsession so they think about their actions. If no one's using DS and there's no obsession they're free to tunnel to their heart's content, but as soon as there's an obsession in play they're more careful about it. This is why there needs to be an obsession every game regardless of if there's an obsession perk.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Sadly I seem to be the only one using it.

    Game does not end well.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I consider DS to be nothing more than a perk to piss off a killer and be guaranteed to be tunneled after successfully using it. That's been my experience at least.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Like ive said on another thread im a long time DBD player and i think ive used DS maybe twice possibly three times in all that time, ive just never ever got into it even when it was op before the newest changes to it.

    If a killer doesnt catch me its a wasted perk slot, i'd rather use perks that help me not get caught.

    Just my opinion but i see a lot of solo bad loopers use it and thats fine, use whatever perk you need to try survive. Its probably used a lot by swf bully squads also, that i dont like and understand killers frustration with that.

    For me theres much better survivor perks in the game than DS, maybe some survivors are finally relizing it recently.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    It's a five second stun. That's massive. If the survivor just holds Shift and W, they're 20 meters away in five seconds. Assuming the survivor just keeps running in a straight line, it would take a 115% movement speed killer 32 seconds to catch up, and that's including Bloodlust. If you're not playing a highly mobile killer like Billy or Spirit they may as well be on the other side of the map.

    DS players will try to aggro you away from other players. I've seen injured DS users straight up take hits for people in the late game because they also have Unbreakable and it doesn't matter to them if they go down.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    The animation itself cancels some of the time, or did you forget that? A terror radius worth of movement isn't that far, as there are plenty of dead zones currently for there not to even be a pallet within that radius, and then there's Midwich and it's maybe 6 unsafe pallets and one safe(if even that many).

  • thottiepippen
    thottiepippen Member Posts: 98

    I never run it. I play to have fun. Not make people miserable online. Try it sometime.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I used to play that way. Then I got tunneled off hook repeatedly. So I use DS ONLY when they try tunnel me. I cannot stand people who make the killer chase them to a locker to get a free DS.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yea I'd say because of Pyramid Head. Ino I stopped using it for a short while because of him.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't know what kind of teammates and/or opponents you deal with, but the DS stun is five seconds. That's huge. Any killer with low mobility is completely screwed. And, interestingly enough, that's almost every killer. If you cannot get somewhere safe in the 10-15 seconds it takes for a 115 killer to get back into hit range, that's on you. Maybe dont complain about being in a deadzone that you likely could have escaped from if you had a better sense of direction. Or, better yet, just don't mess around in deadzones in the first place.

    I seriously have no idea what magically terrible people you play with, but I want some of them as opponents when I'm playing killer. Being able to punish DS abusers? Shite yeah! Idiots that somehow cannot get to one of the extremely common pallets or loops with an enormous stun and catch-up time? Morons that watch their teammate eat a BT and just hang around so the killer can down them, eat the DS, and magically down them again? Why can't I ever face such terrible survivors? Every person I go against uses pallets, and windows, and avoids empty deadzones til they get completely forced, and never, ever goes down quick after hitting me with a DS because they know to run to a loop.

    The best part is that people use DS to get in my face all the time, then claim I was tunelling them. Bonus points if they try to force it by sitting, injured, in a generator, or go for an unsafe unhook.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    Again, the animation cancels out some of that stun time, because the player has to be dropped off the shoulder in the animation before they can move. In essence, the survivor is also stunned for a time. As for "dead zones", if you were chased by the killer, you likely dropped pallets, which were likely broken in the area you were chased to, creating a pallet-less area. Don't see how that's hard to imagine.

    Btw, if you're saying that players claim you were tunneling them, then you killed them, so I don't see what you're complaining about.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i actually just equipped it, because i noticed a lack of them in my survivor games.

    not having at least an obsession can be really bad for your team, as the killer is free to tunnel whoever he wants - and he knows it.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    everyone uses DS, killers just slug, everyone stops using ds, killers start to tunnel, everyone uses ds, killers just slug......

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I still see many DSs. Got DSt today after i hooked 2 other guys already. Pure pain if something like that happens.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798
    edited June 2020

    That was just some napkin math, but I'll bite - let's say it takes you a second and a half to fall and start running. That's still going to give you 14 meters on the killer, which will still take them 22 seconds or so to make up if they instantly beeline in the direction you ran off in, which they won't, because you're almost certainly off their screen for the whole stun animation and they'll need at least a fraction of a second to figure out exactly where you went. That's more than enough time to find a pallet or a window to loop around, and it's often enough to discourage the killer from continuing to chase you. Midwich has very few safe pallets, true, but most maps aren't like that.

    Even if you assume the worst case scenario, though, where you're in a massive dead zone and the killer just runs after you and hits you, you still wasted probably 30 seconds of their time. They might down you in like 20 seconds, and then take roughly 10 seconds for the pickup animation + walking time + hook animation. That's 30 seconds in which all of your teammates get to do objectives without the killer pressuring them. That could be more than a full generator's worth of progress, or maybe it'll cost you two heals and a hex totem instead. Thinking about it another way, it's the equivalent of a non-DS user running the killer for an extra 30 seconds. That's a huge benefit to your team.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    A lot of the time I don't end up getting the chance to use it, so I've stopped running it. I'd rather run something else.

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2020

    I'm Gonna skip most of the discussion to answer the first question here. Because at pretty much purple up every killer knows Dstrike. So if you PRETEND to have dstrike. Killers will slug you and wait (or just leave you in a locker if you can manage that) rather than pick you up. The threat of the perk is more valuable than the perk itself at this point as any killer worth their salt will NOT trigger dstrike intentionally.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Truth is I hardly ever used it or noed. I felt if I needed ds to escape then I shouldnt have escaped. If I needed noed then I wasnt applying enough pressure before the egc.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    Except people don't pick up survivors on most occasions who have DS. They'd rather leave them on the ground which negates that 30 seconds entirely. Btw, there's no way most of a generator will be completed in 30 seconds. It takes 80(or maybe 90 now?) for one survivor to power a generator and most don't use toolboxes because now they're pretty crappy, there's an increased penalty for multiple survivors on a gen, and a great skill check nerf for a while. It's not even half of a generator unless multiple people were on a gen. If all three were on separate gens, MAYBE it'd be a full generator's worth of progress separated across all gens, but then there's PGTW. If someone has DS, they've been hooked once. As for the "take you a second to figure out where they went" there's something for that already that gives you plenty of info on exactly where they went, it's called scratch marks, and as far as off their screen, the only way you'd be off their screen is if they had sprint burst and it came up, unless there were walls around.

    If you as a survivor FORCED a DS to hit, via grab or whatever, then there was a reason(Being tunneled into a locker, can't survey surroundings as well because you're being chased to a locker and if you couldn't get to a pallet then, there most likely wasn't one there to begin with or you would have ran to it), unhook(you're already in an easy spot to get hit again and it takes more time to unhook, meaning less of the stun time is used on gaining distance and the killer can get you both down easily at that point if he wants), just to be a jerk(killer will leave you on the ground and go after the person they were originally chasing). DS is just an inconvenience. The threat of DS as someone else said is it's only practical use and that keeps killers slightly more wary of survivors. The only time I could see DS as any kind of thing more than an inconvenience is if there are multiple people with it, or at the end game.

    If I were to run in a straight line after hitting a killer with DS he'd be on my ass in maybe 7 seconds after he was stunned. That's how much distance you gain from it.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    30 seconds * 3 survivors = 90 seconds of gen progress. That's more than a full gen's worth of progress if they do separate gens. If they all work together they'd still finish the gen before you can reach them after the hook. Scratch marks will of course tell you which direction a survivor went, but my point is you are going to need a fraction of a second to spin, read the scratch marks (this can sometimes be hard to do quickly - hello corn), and adjust your direction. That might seem like a useless piece to focus on, but even if it takes you half second, that's 2 more meters of distance for the survivor, which means over 3 more seconds before you close that gap.

    Slugging DS users is a decent idea in theory, but it's often still not effective with how ubiquitous Unbreakable is at high rank. If a person has DS and Unbreakable they are guaranteed not to get hooked while DS is active. Either you pick them up, they use their DS, and they waste your time, or you slug them, they quickly rez themselves with Unbreakable, and they're right back off to do gens. If it's DS only they're vulnerable to being slugged, but those players are more likely to hop into a locker and leave you in the same position.

    People may try to downplay how strong the perk is, but it's just not tenable for DS's only utility to be making the killer more wary of survivors. If the effect were weak, killers wouldn't have any reason to be wary of it. They're not dumb; they're wary of it because the effect is extremely strong. I think the effect is totally fair for people who are being tunneled, but that's not how the perk is used at high rank. People use it offensively more than defensively.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    That's because it doesn't work defensively, also 2 meters does not give you 3 seconds. Killers travel 4.4 to 4.6 meters per second. 2 meters would give you less than a half of a second. I trusted your math originally without actually looking at the numbers, but now I'm starting to doubt.

    As for the argument killers wouldn't worry about DS if it didn't have any useful effect, the effect is that it annoys them and impedes their progress, however small. It doesn't matter how good or bad it is, killers hate stuns. Flashlight blinds for example are considered "toxic" by killers. I've even seen killers call me toxic for healing mid-chase. This is why they avoid it, they don't want the punishment, regardless of how much of a punishment it actually is. That's why people are always arguing for DS time to be shorter, or not work when someone is hooked, or whatever other thing that goes on. The nerfs that are always called for are ones that allow them to ignore the perk altogether. That said, it's a perk. If it were made to not work on most occasions, it wouldn't be a perk. I've only seen one suggestion to change the perk that I thought was good, and that wasn't even a nerf but more of a change. That was to make the timer 30 seconds, but if the timer is still going while you are downed, the timer freezes, forcing the stun regardless of whether they waited to pick you up or not.

    I never see DS used because I tend to avoid it and try not to go after people who have it. If they purposefully get in my way I'll down them to make them not be a threat, and go after someone else. If they continue to try and annoy me, I'll slug them constantly until they die on the ground. It's just how I work. People will generally try to heal them annoyances like that so I also have bait as well.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I stopped using it because it was getting kinda annoying trying to run a perk that I hoped I wouldn't have to use, that and when I used it FOR IT'S INTENDED PURPOSE, people still targeted me anyway.

    While I also hate tunnelling with an absolute passion, even respecting DS without an obsession as practice and respect for my fellow players, if someone abuses the power of it like someone did on stream against me by going for the risky save, then I will go after them for it. I will punish them.

  • thottiepippen
    thottiepippen Member Posts: 98

    That's a really good point, and I agree with it. For me, the moment someone starts tunneling I go straight scummy survivor mode.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Why should I run DS so my farming solo experience can be prolonged!

    I swear people be unhooking me right as the killer be all up in my grill with no bt or anything.. Why should I punish the killer for your actions?! Be better DS is not needed if you play smart not all killers camp and if you experience campers run kindred it's healthier for the team.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Its sort of dying out. Actually skilled survivors have no need for it.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Killers are at 4.6 m/s, survivors are at 4 m/s. Each second the killer gains .6 m, so 2 meters takes 3.33 seconds to make up. About to join a lobby lol, no time to respond to the rest :D

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Except the survivor has to already be ahead of the killer in that case, they don't just immediately start a full sprint, it also takes a survivor a second to readjust. You might be moving as soon as you're able but you're not going to know exactly where you need to go the moment you land on your feet and are able to move. I'm just not sure that even would make the slightest difference.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Strongest perk in the game, you don't even need to equip it to get use out of it.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    From a killers perpsective

    It's not a very good perk and to really get use out of it most of the time the killer has to either A: forget who was just hooked and down you again for pick.

    B: aggresively tunnel you.

    Most of the time when I see DS take effect is that survivors will blatantly stop in front of me, attempt to straight up block the killer for a down so they can use DS or DS locker. And out of all that they get...like...what...1 second stun plus 1 second attack cooldown and the time it takes to pick someone up.

    Not bad...but you know...you use it once and its gone, you might as well pick a perk that will help you get away like dead hard or sprint burst. If you want to stun killers...any means possible-even if its got a long cooldown- or better yet...head on. Head on basically has no counter because of the janky hit boxes and it recovers reasonably fast.

    DS used to be big daddy perk when it had unlimited time and didn't need a hook requirement. It was so OP that being obsession meant a survivor would basically never get chased in the past. Most survivors would complain to me for not chasing them because veryone assumes when they're obs they got DS-and almost every time they did- but while DS has its uses it really out classed by many better perks. PH nerfed it even more..but really, there are just better perks out there to use now.

    I suspect you're seeing less DS because more people are unlocking more useful perks from shrine gradually over time or getting to the "expirementing with builds" point of their plays.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    If a killer picks up DS, they'll just tunnel that survivor anyways.

    "Wahh, I tunneled you and got punished. Now I'm gonna focus you."

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    That or the survivor went into a locker which forces a grab or the killer to leave? Either way the survivor gets away because of DS.

    Also you speak as if DS isn't one of the most easily abused perks in the entire game.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Same can be said about bt or noed since you need to play around them even if there not being used

    Atleast with ds you know that someone has it

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I doubt its because of pyramid head. I saw fewer and fewer survivors using ds weeks before pyramid head. I think its partly because for most people ds isnt gonna be used in like 9/10 games without the survivors "forcing the killers" hand. For example running into lockers in front of the killer, working on gens/unhooking survivors to try and force the killer to grab them. And a lot of killers have either grown wise of this or tired of it, so they just slap them or ignore them if possible. Making ds fairly useless as a perk because most killers dont actually tunnel.

    Thats ofc my personal experience and thoughts on the matter. That the more the perk got abused the more killers refused to play into the survivors hands, making survivors either have a "useless perk" or use more consistent perks.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Just off the top of my head let me see:

    Forcing a hook grab(Getting grabbed while unhooking a teammate. Easily able to be done with sprint burst + Borrowed time) so you can not only stun the killer but get both you and the person on the hook away from the killer.

    Going into a locker and staying in against anyone but the trapper sense the killer has to eat the DS, leave, or stall anyway you put it its a free escape or prolonged stall.

    Working on a gen during the time after healing so the killer has to lunge twice(Letting you rush the gen and get time to get away) or do a gen grab which will get them DSed.

    At this point I mainly play survivor but these situations aren't hard to think up of and if your paying attention in games with perks like kindred you'd see these stunts being pulled in about ~ once every 3 games even in the current chapter.

    Also keep in mind that a single DS can cost the killer the game at higher ranks so any of these situations can out right win the survivors the game from DS.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited June 2020

    I've noticed a slight drop in it's use but not much. If it's early game and I think someone has it I'll just eat the DS but if it's late game I'll just slug.

    As survivor I've only used DS twice and both times was blatantly tunneled after using it so I bring better solo perks like Self Care, Lithe, Kindred, and I'll switch up perk 4 for Spine Chill, BT, or a "meme" perk depending on how I'm feeling or what the Tome challenge requires.

    The problem with the meta, imo, is people get "tunneled" (sometimes it's actually tunneling but quite often it's just they were the only person the killer found) so they start bringing DS. Killers get tired of DS destroying their momentum so they slug to apply pressure. Survivors are tired of being slugged so they start bringing in Unbreakable as well. Killers can't really avoid DS anymore by slugging so they do everything in their power to avoid it and only slug after chases have gone on a while so survivors start trying to force the use of DS so it's not a wasted perk slot. Killers get wise to that and start immediately tunneling the person who forced the use of DS on them so people stop bringing it as much. Killers notice there's less DS use and start "tunneling" more and the cycle starts all over again.

    Personally I've noticed a wider use of Adrenaline lately since it can often give both Unbreakable and Hope effects to the survivors and still works if you're already exhausted. As long as you aren't dead already lol.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Except everybody respects BT and DS but nobody does totems.

  • Nikotiini
    Nikotiini Member Posts: 77

    That's weird because when I play killer my shoulder constantly gets demolished by all the decisives

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    I honestly can't comment, STBFL is one of my favourite killer perks so there's usually an obsession and I don't think I've taken off DS since it's rework back last March. Though I haven't seen much less of it since I'm not usually hit by it.