Is tunneling off the hook really that unfair?

As a survivor main whos trying to be less terrible at killer, Ive been avoiding tunneling or camping in order to try and be fair, but is tunneling really all that bad? (In most cases where there was an unhook, I was at least 24 meters away and I think the survivor definitely could've gotten to a pallet.)


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It’s definitely not fair. But what if I don’t like the guy?

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Tunneling is fair in the dev's opinion.

    However what people consider tunneling is so varied its nearly meaningless.

    Ps: Punishing bad unhooks(Like survivor's trying to unhook before you can even leave the hook) isn't camping nor tunneling its just survivor's misplaying.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Maybe so.

  • thetaRama
    thetaRama Member Posts: 22

    Survivors have one goal: escape

    Killers have one goal: sacrifice the survivors

    You can go about those however you want

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes, it is that bad because the killer tilts the game into his favour early by turning it into a 3v1. It actually all depends on how much the team got done in the meantime.

    On the other hand, i kept stats for 222 games i played as solo survivor, and there were very few 3 and 4k that didnt involve camping, tunneling and/or a mori. Its hard for killers to keep up.

  • microwavablefootball
    microwavablefootball Member Posts: 62

    The thing is that I wanna take the game seriously and try to get good at it, but I also wanna not have an annoyingly unfair advantage. I realize the whole "its unfun because youre gonna just get hooked again" philosophy because I play a lot more survivor. I just wanted other people's opinions on the matter so I could decide on whether or not its #########-ish

  • microwavablefootball
    microwavablefootball Member Posts: 62

    thats precisely why Im asking, it seems almost impossible for me to play well (Im pretty bad which is part of it) when I avoid tunneling. I get 4ks against brown/yellow rank 4heads but against red/purples I get 2ks or worse

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2020

    While its not unfair I'm in complete agreement with Mister_xD

    Its just not fun for the hooked person and rather infuriating as there are a specific set of perks one must buy/run to counter this. And if you don't want to buy Dstrike then you have to hope and pray whoever unhooks you has BT. Generally a good tip to avoid tunneling is to, if easily available, (due to a bad unhook or some such thing) slug the unhooked survivor then go for the one who unhooked them. Not only is this generally considered less toxic. It also pulls a minimum of 3 survivors off gens, as one is in a chase, one is slugged, and one has to go heal the slug. Of course if they DONT heal the slug it is fair to hook them after you catch the person who unhooked. Thats on the survivors to work better as a team.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    "Fair" has nothing to do with it.

    People might not LIKE it, similar to how people might not LIKE a weird, cheesy Photon Cannon rush in StarCraft, or a Ken player that wins online by hitting wakeup DP every single time.

    But there's no "fair" or "unfair" involved. It's just a strategy someone might not like you to do.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i handle it like this:

    i try to avoid tunneling, unless im forced to. if the unhooked is the only one i find / if they force themselves on me with their BT and DS, they get tunneled (and when they do the later, i will tunnel them even when they already used their DS up later on, as they really seemed to enjoy it and really want me to do it), until i eigther find an easier target and drop the chase with them, or they get rehooked.

    however, when they give me the opportunity to down both, i will take that.

    when is it tunneling though?

    i have this wonderful saying i go by "when they get back on the gen, they are ready for the hook again". as long as they dont push the objective and heal up first, i wont go after them. but once i see them on a gen, its fair game to kill them.

    other than that, once they are healed its no longer tunneling.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    For gameplay, is it smart? Usually not, unless you practically know a survivor has DS and just want to eat it early.

    Is it more "fair" though? I'd say almost definitely. I can't tell you how many times I've been playing survivor and had a killer legit just tunnel the ######### out of me even though I didn't do anything to them that would've pissed them off. I'm talking like, only get to earn like 2k bloodpoints, being tunneled that hard. I don't like running DS so in a situation like that I really don't have a choice but to just eat it.

    If all you care about is winning then sure tunnel all you want. If you care in the slightest about having fun though, and wouldn't mind letting some other people play the game (usually how I try to handle it,) then there's no problem with just letting people go. I'll personally "tunnel" but just knock somebody down after being unhooked but leave and slug them, so I don't have to deal either with a DS, or another survivor running around.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I personally despise it, and while on a technical level it is "fair" to target an injured person it isn't exactly an enjoyable experience for both sides. If you are really that desperate for some damn pressure, then it either isn't your game and you're about to be destroyed anyway or you may as well slug and waste either the team's time or the other person's Unbreakable.

  • Nineball
    Nineball Member Posts: 28
    edited June 2020

    Tunneling is extremely un-fun for the survivor that's being tunneled, and makes it harder for the rest of the team to complete their objective. But survivors have a number of techniques that make it harder for the killer to achieve their objective as well, most notable being comms and second-chance perks that allow them to make any play with almost no consequence. If you cannot outsmart or outplay your opponent when they have all these backups and information, you have to break them somehow.

    Unless you're goal is not to win, in which case, no tunneling is bad.

  • Easilyshot
    Easilyshot Member Posts: 11

    It depends on your current mode of play. I like points and I feel other do also, so I generally don't go after the hooked person unless they're flying through gens and even then just to slug and force someone to heal the slug. That being said if I'm not looking for you but you present yourself to me it's fair game imho. ######### happens, I've been there as well. ######### happens it's a game move on to the next board.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, you should realize that the devs view a balanced match as a 2k. For me as a killer, personaly, a 0 or 1k is a loss, a 2k is an even game, a 3 or 4 k is a win.

    It all comes down to what you enjoy, and what kind of killer you want to be. If you see yourself as a player in a multiplayer game (as you maybe should), then you dont ignore the survivor side. And not camping/tunneling makes for way better games. But only good killers can afford it.

    When i play killer, yes, i camp and tunnel, but thats because i am a bad killer. I suck at chases, because as a survivor, i love stealth and juking the killer instead of outrunning him. But thus i dont have enough skill as killer. (Part of it is matchmaking. From time to time i am in a "fair" matched game, and then i neither tunnel nor camp. I dont need to, and because i don´t feel helpless all the time i dont care how much people i kill. The game is the goal, not the outcome)

    So you have to decide which kind of killer you want to be. Successfull while low skilled and boring, camping and tunneling is your way to go.

    Willing to accept those 2ks as a win (or at least a draw) and trying to get better at the game, so even your opponents enjoy your wins (because they feel fairer): Avoid moris, avoid tunneling (unless he runs straight at you), avoid camping (and its not camping if 2 survivors are already around the hook or a survivor you saw with bbq just runs you all the way back to the hook. Punish them so they will learn). But it will be more frustrating.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    It's technically fair, but it sucks really hard for the unhooked survivor, especially if they don't have DS.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2020

    Just tunnel mori'd someone who brought in a green key, whoops.

    Is it fair? Sure. At red ranks you get games where 4/4 survivors will all have DS/Unbreakable + an exhaustion perk . The games last like 4-5 minutes. I think survivors have enough second chances. Personally, I start tunneling hardcore at around 3 gens left because that means the game can be over in around a minute.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited June 2020

    It's like when a survivor is finishing a gen and then go straight to the next one. Unfair? Not really but adds to stress and frustration many feels. Me I don't care whatever because winning or losing I just want to have fun. If I get tunneld in this way I smile at it and go to the next game.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Sniper killing you anytime you leave the spawn.~~~

    Its fair, even if your teammates scrw up the unhook. Honestly, the killer did a good read on your team if he can get you as you're unhooked.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Injured survivors make a ton of noise, run super distinctively, and take half as much effort to go down. Targeting an injured survivor isn't toxic it's literally what the game says you're supposed to do.

    Tunneling isn't a real thing. It either refers to a survivor that lost hard or a survivor that got farmed by their teammates. Neither of these scenarios are fun for the survivor but neither of these scenarios are somehow the killer's responsibility to alleviate.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's kinda iffy. On the one hand you are cutting a player out of the game really quickly for something that isn't really their fault. On the other hand if you never punish the bad play they never are going to stop doing it

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Its situational. If the surv is toxic, tea bagging and ######### i punish it. And he goes out of the game.

    If he get farmed off hook i usually go for the unhooker. (Since DS and BT its the smarter play anyway).

    But intentionally right after starting the game to just tunnel one guy off, camp or proxy camp the hook and go after him no mather how much easy hits the survs give me after the unhook? Thats just bad play, in my opinion these killers dont deserve to play this game and are one of the reasons why this community became so toxic.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    My main issue with getting tunneled off hook is wait times and lack of opportunity to earn BP. I'd call it unfun, but not unfair; it's a smart move to tilt the scales in killer favor when you're playing killer.

    It also depends on if I'm playing solo or with a friend. It SUCKS getting tunneled when I play with my friends because we do our best not to do ######### saves, so getting tunneled means the killer is truly tunneling for wtv reason and not just tunnel by chance (it happens), but then the person who got tunneled out in the first two minutes just has to sit there and wait for us to be done, after we've already waited a decent time for a lobby. Sucks to be that waiting person. But if I'm playing solo, I'm not as bothered because I can just leave the game and hop right back in the queue.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No, it's not. At least, not in most cases.

    A scenario earlier. A Meg pulled a Claudette off hook near me, while I was chasing a David. Three gens were done, number four was nearing it from what I heard. I switch targets to the Meg, as she would be closer. Except, she runs for shack, which still has god pallet and a jungle gym nearby, while the Claudette ran into a wall looking behind her. Of the two choices, which would make more sense to a killer on the clock?

    I understand the instances where a killer will tunnel each and every person out of the game. There, I can get behind. That's crummy (unless it's a 4 man teabagging SWF). But a lot of cases where tunneling is screamed, it's either A) Not your fault or B) the more logical choice.

    Killers are on a clock. Survivor players, at least a lot of them that scream and rage over playstyles, don't seem to understand this. If a killer wants to win, they need to play as effectively as possible. If 'tunneling' is involved, within reason, then go for it. Why spend an extra 45 seconds in a chase that you might not win, when the easier target is making mistakes near by, that you CAN deal with?

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    I would say that tunneling is unfair to the survivor that is being tunneled, however that doesn't mean that it is morally wrong to tunnel. There are going to be unfair situations in an asymmetrical game and the survivors accept that by queuing up for a game.

    So my advice would be: Don't be bothered trying to be a "nice killer", just do your job and try to kill survivors. The game wouldn't be any fun if both sides would just cooperate constantly. Just tunnel when you feel like it's a good choice.

    If a recently unhooked survivor repairs a generator right in front of you, down them. If the unhooker hides and you can only find the unhooked, down them. If you just happen to find one survivor more commonly than others, down them. You might also want to consider actively tunneling if the survivors are quick on generators and you need a kill ASAP.

    However, be aware of Decisive Strike. Getting hit by just one Decisive Strike might lose you an otherwise perfectly winnable game. Only pick someone up within a minute of being unhooked if:

    1. There is no obsession and therefor no DS
    2. The survivor seems new and is unprobable to have DS
    3. You need a kill so desperately that you're willing to risk losing the game to DS

    Hope this helps and good luck against survivors who know what they're doing once you reach high ranks.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    It's not unfair, but it's obviously not very fun for the survivor so it's understandable if they get annoyed. Annoyed, not a rage monster saying horrible stuff to the killer mind you. And well it can be fun if it simply means a chain of good chases right after eachother, but it's not very fun if you're just downed immediately after every unhook.

    All I'm asking for from a killer that wants to tunnel is for them to not be the sort of clown that does genuinely tunnel and then cries when they eat a DS as a result. Even if we ignore the whole "anti tunneling perk?" discussion that is the situation where it's most likely you'll get hit with DS that exists in the game.