Anyone else really liking Clown after his buff?

I've been having a blast with him lately whereas before I constantly considered him the worst killer in the game. This was a match against abunch of rank 2s (couldve been rank 1 before the match, i dunno). Was basically a perfect game point-wise as well with me only missing out on 100 points in sacrifice. In all fairness though...I HAVE been using his UR addon Tatoo man's middle finger which grants some aura reading to any survivor who steps in his gas. Since I've been lvling him up, Ive been able to get plenty of them as well as black wards.
I dont like even doctor anymore, what about clown that still very week
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The only thing I don't like is the slowdown bug after reloading bottles
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Its abit annoying, but It doesnt really affect him in nearly the same way slowing down from bottle throws did. Bottle throw slowdown affected ya during the chases, which could result in chases lasting alot longer. Slowdown from reload typically happens outside of a chase, so sure...youll get to the next gen 1 second slower than you would have otherwise, but its not typically a game changer.
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No, slowdown bug makes him horrible to play as
Red ranks are full of garbage players. Wouldn't be surprised if you get a 4k with him
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I played Clown, but I didn't experience this bug. What's it like, exactly?
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I always used to use feathers but this slowdown is harsh especially when you are forced to reload mid chase
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The buff was a nice change and it makes me enjoy Clown far more but his overall weaknesses still aren't adressed.
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Immediately after reloading theres a harsh slowdown for about 1 second.
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I rarely have to reload mid chase, and when I do... its at a time where the survivor is zoned and cant just run away anyway.
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How much have you played him since his buff?
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Since the map changes I dont typically have as many maps I dread getting anymore, coldwind maps included. Its really easy to claim though that EVERY team I beat was potatos while every team that beat me was the super sweaty SWF nightmare teams.
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I liked him before his buff 😎
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Unfortunately I still haven't run into a clown since his buff. Although I am glad to hear he's more enjoyable.
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Until they remove that one (what I'm assuming at least is a) bug where he slows down after reloading, I'll still think he feels about the same.
Although it might just be me reloading more than I should, because I don't like being caught with only 1 bottle to throw. I just personally don't notice a difference between now and before, because it feels like either way I'm being slowed down after using my bottles, just at a different time.
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It was a minor QoL change, nothing more, nothing less. Nice, but not game changing. The Clown is still the Clown with all his known flaws.
Also the fact that they managed to screw his reload animation at the same time is a bit disheartening.
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I love him and really do think he's not the worst Killer in the game anymore. It's surprising how much that of a difference that tiny change makes.
I don't think he's good, but I don't think he's at the bottom anymore. Probably on par with Trapper or Wraith.
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"No, slowdown bug makes him horrible to play as"
Sometime when i try to reload bottle at loop/pallet they'll run away and i still have to move slower than sloth humping on tree
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Probably next midchapter or chapter 17 depends on how long it takes for the devs to get everything they want to add or change they basically already said multiple times they're looking into him this was just a quick fix for the time being
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His removed slowdown when throwing bottles feels quite nice and i will be playing him more once the reload bug if fixed.
I cant dance anymore T.T
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This guy
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I tried him for a few games after the buff, and while I absolutely agree he's a lot more effective and a heck of a lot more lethal from the buff, I still don't find him fun. No offense to people who play him and enjoy him, but for me he's just not that engaging to play. That being said, as someone who doesn't play Clown often because of this I was certainly effective in the games I tried, more than I would've expected.
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Ngl I'm kinda glad big boy is getting a change for once I like clown always wanted to main him but I always was in the clouds with Billy but now that hesgetting reworked ima main bubba and clown I hope they rework him while they're at it maybe buff his amount of bottles and belly physics.
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He seems pretty good atm. I like playing him.
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What did they change for him?
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No longer slowed when he throws bottles
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Hmm. Might give him a try again.
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So to get to red ranks, I need to be a bad player?
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Is that it?
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id probably play him a bit more if he didnt have the reloading bug
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Yes and No.
Yes, I like the buff to movement while throwing.
I don't like that they changed the reload so that I can't "jiggle" anymore. One of the things I enjoyed, and often got lots of laughs from end game chat, was spamming the reload button while running Santa Clown. It made the Clown jiggle around and looked like he was trying to dance. It was really funny to see. I actually lured what would be a 4 escape back in for a dance party and after a few minutes, got a 3k out of it. They were laughing their butts off in end game chat and said it was worth it.
No more jiggle though. Not sure what they changed, but I can't seem to get it to work anymore. :(
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I don't find his bottle fun or rewarding to use. He does feel a lot better though. Not my play style i guess.
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I believe so, but not 100% sure they're might be something else
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I played a few games with him, but regardless of the buff, he's still a boring killer to play as. I'm not a fan of his power.
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He had a buff? He is still not good. Yeah i like his laugh when he hits somebody, but he has literally no gen pressure. And you just need the addon that hinders / slow down the survivor when hit by the flask or the exposed finger.
He is just too bad to dual hit every survivor, you need to down em with one hit or they will just gen rush you.
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Have you played him recently?
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He’s still kinda weak but he definitely feels better than he did before the buff.
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Every locker should have three color potions beneath the axes for the Clown to opt between.
Yellow: Immediately begins gen regression if generator is within cloud without the need for kicking. Regresses at 150%.
Red: Causes Hemorrhage until cured and broken status for 20 seconds.
Green: Blindness on target(s) for 45 seconds.
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^Those effects in addition to regular effect.
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Wouldnt the red basicly be Pinky finger on crack since all survivors affected by the cloud would immediately be 1 shot? You wouldnt even need to hit them with the bottle directly.
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while it is a nice QoL buff, it's not enough to bring him up from one of the worst killers in the game.
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One time since the buff, but i did not see a difference. He can not hold up to my freddy.
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I don't feel any big difference to be honest, but that may be because i played the feather before the buff. The slow down after reloading is terrible. Maybe i have to try him with the feather again to see any difference.
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Id say try him without the feather if anything. The feather only affects how fast you can chuck one bottle after another, which isnt really that important now.
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I played Clown consistantly before his buff. Enough to say that it's not even a real buff. I consider it fixing a mistake that shouldn't have been there in the first place. This also created another bug with the reload animation that makes Clown irritating to play now without Thick Cork Stopper equipped.
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I actually kind of like this idea. I would say that the clown should have a bottle table that spawns, like Freddy's clocks or pigs traps, that allow him to change bottles out with other type of bottles. (I think the lockers would look weird with axes and bottles in them).
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But could you imagine the fanart people would make of Dwight going into a locker, then you just see pink smoke coming out?
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Otz figured out that the feather (at least before the buff) also reduced the movement slowdown after throwing. Thats why the feather was one of his strongest addons. I don't know if it makes that much difference now with the buff. I'll try that next time.
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They completely removed that slowdown though...
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It only affects them if they're already injured. There's so many self heal options good teams are rarely injured unless running No Mither- and they don't care about broken anyways.