An Open Letter to the Dead by Daylight Developers (Long Post)



  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195


  • Avarice
    Avarice Member Posts: 65

    I'd like to start by saying that I completely agree with what you've stated. I feel like Dev communication is something that needs to be adressed, and that they need operations rework and bug fix. One thing I think keeps them from doing this is that they have this idea that there will be a point that everyrhing will just be balanced, and that with each patch things will get closer and closer and closer until it is balanced. Personally, I think this is impossible. Six new perks are introduced with each chapter, and a new killer power as well. They need to realize that balancing every killer and perk so that it is just so is absolutely useless. They need to embrace a more active role in balancing things. I honestly don't care too much if they break perks as long as they're within reason. What I want to see is the meta shaken up.

  • Kall
    Kall Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2020

    "More gore and actually having the state of character models be affected and altered by a memento mori instead of killer weapons just clipping through the bodies"

    This to me is one of the most disappointing, immersion breaking things in this game. I hope it gets addressed in the graphical update otherwise it will never get addressed. All the sharp objects and ripping just going through the characters looks terrible and honestly extremely outdated. But to be fair, I remember thinking that graphically this game looked outdated even 4 years ago. It doesn't even look like it was developed in Unreal Engine 4

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    You did an amazing job here, I agree so much with your points, I hope the developers really sit down and consider your thoughts, thanks for representing the community in this letter.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    I completely agree with you, but you understand what the point is - this will not help. People wrote a million posts, a million messages over the years, and that doesn't help. I am sure that none of the BHVR will answer this letter, and will not even read, the maximum is a moderator. And if he does, he will simply ignore it, because the community is not in the first place for them, and this has been proven many times. And this is sad.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    I sent it to him on his profile but I doubt he'll read it.... Thank you all for your kind words, I'm glad I was able to represent the community somewhat and list our grievances :)

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    Love how devs don't respond to a well thought-out post but they respond to various useless bs posts. feelsbad

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Unsure if anyone said this, But i also would love to add them changing the requirements of the tomes with grabbing. Its too buggy to be effective. and how to acquire adept killers. I feel a 4k should be enough, not a drawn out game with mediocre perks against red rank gen jockies or runners who can run you for like 3 gens.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Don't worry the devs will most likely never respond, and if they do it will be some smartass comment.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    As I've said previously, I like to remain optimistic. I'm being realistic, but I'd like to hope the developers have some shred of decency in them to respond or acknowledge some of these points.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    An "Operation Health" equivalent would be really great for this game. It needs a top-to-bottom onboarding and UX/UI pass, lots of bug fixes, and a rethink of how currency is distributed and spent (in other words: fix the perk grind).

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190
    1. Operation Health - yes, thats always a good idea.
    2. Toxicity- ever head the expression "blood from a stone"? You cannot blame devs for the behavior of killers and survivors . "Barking up the wrong tree" is another good one. In comparison, if you can recall the level of toxicity in the days of games like Modern Warfare, the level found in DBD these days would be pretty safe to drink
    3. Communication - it has been pretty great in my experience. I have now reported multiple bugs in the game, and every time I got multiple responses from the QA team etc.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020

    Meta perks exist because of how RNG based the game is in many aspects like map/playstyles/built-in mechanics/lottery survivors.

    Here are some scenarios for perspective:

    ..........From the survivor side...........

    Survivor : Doesn't bring DS, but gets tunneled because the killer knew there was no obsession.

    (next 3 matches the survivor gets tunneled again)

    Tunneling Killer 1: 😈

    Tunneling Killer 2: 😈

    Tunneling Killer 3: 😈

    Survivor: "Next Time I am bringing DS."

    Non-Tunneling Killer: Get's DS'd and didn't play 'scummy' nor did he deserve it as much as that other tunneling killer did.

    ...........From the killer side...........

    Killer: Doesn't bring Pop or Ruin while playing Trapper.

    Survivor A: Brings DS/Unbreakable combo into a match along with a map offering to Haddonfield.

    Killer: Gets bad map set up, and efficient survivors who get all gens done not giving him enough time to get all his hooks. Gets one kill.

    (Next 3 matches, killer gets the same type of teams)

    Killer: "Next time I am bringing Oni with an ebony mori and a slugging build."

    Non-DS Survivors: Get camped, Sluggged excessively. All they had was perks like Quick n Quiet and Dance with Me. They all die and never once try to play reckless.

    So you see, this is how the game works. It happens more than often because players start to get competitive. Does this mean there aren't things that aren't balanced? Sure there are. I just don't see how they would ever be able to balance something like perks without making something else weaker/stronger, and especially when you built-in mechanics and when you have no clue who/how players are going to play in your next trial.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    I would like to clarify what I meant by toxicity since many individuals here keep commenting about it. While I do think Flashlight spam and teabagging is toxic, I don't think there should be any punishment for it. It just makes you look like a crappy person but if BHVR starts punishing for that they could effectively punish you for anything, so I don't think it's necessary.

    Toxicity as defined by me is players who suicide, get their teammates killed, don't try, and of course, are toxic in the post game chat. For post game chat, I define toxic as just being a rude hateful person. "You're a terrible killer. You're trash at the game. You're a [Insert offensive slur here]." Stuff like that. Don't treat people like crap is my point really. Hopefully that clarifies it, if you want any additional details about how I define toxicity be sure to ask specifics and I'll do my best to clarify. Thanks for all the comments guys!

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Bumping til devs respond

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    When you said "There are bugs for a long time not fixed" I was surprised when you put as examble the anniversary event cake. This offering is pretty new. And you went on saying they don't communicate with us, not sayin if they are doing sth to fix that while they already stated by the ingame news that there is gonna be a hotfix at the end of this week (wed/thurs) with a fix for the event offering.

    Then you listed a bunch of perks that needs to changed while also talking about bad game balance. Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike and BBQ are doing very much passively and actively so that the quality of games is way better. For survivors killer tend to tunnel less, unhooked survivor get a real chance to escape instead of dying instandly and killer gettting hints where they have to go instead of camping the hook.

    And now the plot: I agree in some aspects with you. But not all with the problems you have. Yea I don't like it at all that BHVR doesn't talk about new stuff. If you ask anything interesting you only get "Maybe; We're are looking into, We are discussion thing, Yea we have an idea but wont talk about it" <- They don't talk about anything because they are so scared that the community takes for real and blame them if nothing happened or sth different from what they were talking about at first. I hate it. I also donÄt like the lack of status update regarding changes, balance changes, perk ideas, killer adjustment ideas and so on.

    I also agree with you that sometimes there are bugs which needs years to get fixed. Every 3 months we get a big patch with tons of bugfixes and maybe 3/50 are sth I noticed. Most bug fixes are like: Ok, and you couldnt fix that und that instead?

    Vaults had for over a year a hickup. It took over a year to fix sth that frustrating for everyone... But hey at least they fixed a texture from a cosmetic.

    So yea I agree in some aspects you brought in here but not at all with the details.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    about a casual mode:

    "Splitting" the community is fine as long as the proportions of killer:survivor is the same, which if casual play doesn't favor one side or the other, will be constant (eg. 20,000 killers and 80,000 could split to 10,000 killers x2 and 40,000 survivors x2). And anyway, this is only the case if the ratios are correct rn, which they are not necessarily, so I doubt a casual and ranked split would make much of a impact on queue times. It could even be beneficial for queue times if some players don't care which gamemode they play (this is all in theory, ofc).

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Well written.

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