Do something with the tunnelling killers

 today in 3 games I got 800 points for that xd


  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    do something about the ######### broken matchmaking first

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Tunneling killers lacks so much context considering the looseness of the accusation that I've experienced. Somehow when I 'tunnel' everyone ends up with 15k+. Getting 800 points, or less than 10k, in any trial is a travesty though.

  • Tigrex1
    Tigrex1 Member Posts: 3

    when they are waiting to get you off the hook to hang up again and ######### quickly

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Do something about survivors tunneling gens. I had a match earlier where four gens popped in under four minutes!

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Not even the same....not even relatable.

    Literally has nothing to do with a killer tunneling, targetting a survivor and ending his match in the first 2 minutes.

    Want help with gens? Use Corrupt, Pop, Thrilling, Surge, you have perks to help with gen rushers but you don't have as many perks in the survivor arsenal to help with a killer who's tunneling a survivor down.

    And before you say "bUT HE hAS DS!!!!!"

    Yeah....DS, BT and what else?

  • Tigrex1
    Tigrex1 Member Posts: 3

    I don't want to have to spend money to take more time running from the killer so he wants to kill me for wasting time

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Why aren't they the same? Doing gens and getting out is an objective. Killing survivors and stopping them from escaping is an objective. Why is it okay to dictate how killers handle their objective, but the same can't be said for survivors? It is NOT the killers job to make sure survivors have an enjoyable match, be it by the survivor rule book or their own.

    Besides, we all know that at least half these 'Killer tunneled me!' posts stem from bad teammates, bad looping, and being outplayed. Which can also apply to gen rushing posts.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I've thought it over quite a bit. At five gens, I am a proponent of letting the game 'soft reset' if I have game winning success with five gens left. Literally turn my back. Ignore survivors unhooking and healing. I'll pop some gens and give them a break.

    After two or three gens are completed, survivor rule book goes out the window. Everyone has had enough time to enjoy the match.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited June 2020

    As a killer, one of your main jobs is to stall the game. If four gens pop in four minutes there's no one else to blame besides you for not applying your pressure. Though its not always gonna be your fault, most of the time it is.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    @Kellie Same can be said about tunneling, then. If you're tunneled out of the game, half the time it's down to your own skill failing, or your teammates making bad calls.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    Clearly not doing a good job then chase a Survivour hook them and chase another 1 on hook 1 chased 1 goes for save and 1 gen (if they r even coordinated)

    The Devs could make it 90s per gen to stop gen rushing or even 120s and I'm a survivor main. There as so many games that are so fast because I'm in a swf and the killer had no chance

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    That's why you're teammates are here to support you. Its different when you need to rely on yourself.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    funny people say but you have DS i play both side 50/50 and with DS i feel make the killer want to tunnel you more after getting DSed why i don't use it.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    And that's my point. If they pull you off the hook while the killer is near, without BT or body blocking, who's at fault if the now rescued survivor is slugged and/or hooked? The killer, for doing their objective, or the rescuer, If they sandbag you, or SB to a nearby pallet, or, again, leave you to your own devices, why should the killer go out of their way to play 'fair,' when an easier target presents itself?

    I'm not saying real cases of tunneling don't exist. I know they do, happen more often than I'd like, and dislike it when it happens to me. Yet a lot of times, I know that when I'm tunneled, it was on me. I'm not the best looper, I have terrible luck against stealth killers, and run tilesets wrong. That's on me. The same applies to everybody else.

    Again, I'm betting at least half these 'tunnel' threads weren't actual tunneling, just the survivor being played wrong by the team or themselves. It's not up to the killer alone to make a 'fair' match.

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174
    edited June 2020

    Sadly there's not much to do about it, you have to use ds and bt because of killers like that.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I will say this most survivor run DS and BT if this is not enough i think you have a problem with the way you play the game and you should get a bit better with practice

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Most of the time 2 gen pop in the first minute if survivor ignore a hook survivor for a while they can do another gen in a minute just like that you are 2 or 3 minute into the match you have 1 hook and survivor already have 2 gen to go they can let him die do another gen and escape with a key those scenario happen a lot against swf

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Unbreakable, Soul Guard, any exhaustion perk, Styptic...survivors got many second chances nowadays.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Make DS base-kit and allow the survivor to use it an infinite number of times in a chase if they are focused off hook.

    Delete ebony moris and change ivory moris.

    Delete Pyramid Head.

    Delete Freddy.

    Delete Doctor.

    Have BT be given an infinite timer until the survivor leaves chase. Then the 15 seconds starts, but stops if the chase is resumed. Stealth doesn't work to leave a chase anymore.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Those are for slugging, buddy. Not tunneling.

    Give me some Anti-Tunneling options, not anti-slugging builds. Even though I agree, they work hand in hand, they are different.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Bad teammates: Don't force the killer to target you. That's entirely their choice.

    Bad Looping: If the killer targets you immediately after the unhook it doesn't matter how good you are at looping.

    Being outplayed: As I said above. No matter how good you are. You will be caught eventually. What god tier play are they supposed to make? And if they do killers will then complain more about how terrible the balance is.

    I don't disagree that games go too fast. But your attitude of survivors having a miserable game is part of the problem. Just as the survivors who go out of the way to make the killer miserable is part of the problem.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    This honestly reeks with bias. Both tunneling and gen rushing ends the match for the othes side prematurely so they are very relatable.

    Yeah there are quite a few perks that are based around protecting gens but only like 2-3 have any real impact just like main antitunneling perks are DS and BT. There are many perks on survivor side that help with losing the chase (poised, quick&quiet, urban evasion, dance with me) thus preventing killer from tunneling you so yes there are other antitunneling perks on survivor side, just not as impactfull as DS & BT just like Thrilling / Dying light / Thana for example aren't as impactfull as Pop or Ruin.

    I wonder why do you only consider ending the match for survivors early is bad but ending it for killers it's ok ?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Bias towards? I have no issue pressuring gens, I'm a killer main? What bias do you speak of?

    I absolutely hate tunneling with a burning blood boiling rage, I don't do it and I absolutely hate it when it gets done to me.

    Pressuring gens is the easy part, I run Corrupt, Pop, BBQ and Stridor. I use the same build on all my killers, Huntress, Nurse, Spirit and now Billy.

    You stating that I "reek of bias" already tells me you have nothing good to say, you want to end the discussing by invalidating my argument by stating that I have a "bias."


  • Eh, Tunneling is a problem caused by Survivor mistakes.

    Ehrm.... Make a Score Event for hitting Unhookers?

    Its a wrap folks.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I talk about bias that you don't consider ending the match early is a problem for both sides but only for survivors.

    From what I've gathered (correct me if I'm wrong) you seem to think that tunneling is a bad strategy (if you even consider it one) that needs to be in some way fixed. It seems to me like you think that a tunneled survivor has no chance to survive the match if even just mediocre killer decides to kill him. Basically for whatever reason you may have, you consider it a problem in game's design and not an intended feature/playstyle.

    Yet you seem to claim that pressuring gens is easy and a good killer should alway be able to pressure gens to the point that his match won't end early. You don't seem to think that it's a problem when even a good killer who's doing well is losing gens left and right in the first 3-4 min of the game.

    Overall I see you as someone who considers killer's problem of short matches (gen rushing) just a lack in killer's abilities meaning you don't consider it a problem that needs to be fixed while a problem of short matches for survivors (tunneling) is something that they don't have any control over and couldn't have prevented by playing better.

    To me that is quite biased approach since I see both as issues that need fixing not just one side. But I may just have the wrong impression of you so by all means if you have different view on these issues then what I've described be sure to share it if you want.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You need to be more specific. I was called a tunneler and camper because I hooked someone in the middle of the last 4 gens. So since I didn't see anyone I had no reason to leave the area.

    Also when they were saved I used Pyramid heads ability to hit them both and got an easy down. Not my fault if on Ormond no one brought DS, I'm not going to just be nice for the sake of it lol

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I mean Sprintburst and Dead Hard work quite fine against tunneling and a hardcore tunneler that protects the slug gets screwed over by Soul Guard plus UB. Every second chance, except for deliverance, works against killrushing in a way.

  • SeekerOfSouls
    SeekerOfSouls Member Posts: 48

    It isn't fun for the person being tunneled, sure, but at the end of the day it is the Killer's objective. To secure kills.

    Just as it is the Survivors objective to do gens.