Really.... killers??

So... now that the killes have proven they are NOT going to play fair during this event, I Think We should agree That during the next event there is no reason to make things easy on the killers. I swear to God this is the worst event ever. Killers bringing in Their worst builds, Moris, tunneling and camping. You do realise They made it easy for you to get the crown so there was a chance you would play fair?
i Think during next event you should make it so all 4 survivors need to be hooked for the killer to get the event-item. i really Think it’s a ######### behavior and it kind of shows who the real toxic people here are.. Think about that next time you sit and whine about how toxic survivors are.
Maybe its the toxic survivors now playing killer who collect all the crowns and make miserable games for everyone else ;)
Because its always "ALL KILLERS" and "ALL SURVIVORS" nothing inbetween ;)
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Do not speak in absolutes because I have been playing as Bunny Legion and letting people go.
Don't lump all killers in your litte rant, as mentioned, its often survivors playing killer during events that are extra toxic.
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How can a killer not play fair?
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So you want me to believe that it`s survivors playing lvl 1-5 rank killers with all purple perks? Yeah right
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You accused ALL killers of playing a certain way etc,... I am here to tell you, you are wrong. If you don't think survivors play killers toxic you havent watched enough streamers.
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I can`t even count the amount of matches I have played during this event and not ONCE have a killer let me or any of my teammates go. It’s tunneling, camping, bleeding out, Mori, NOED, Iri hatches ect. The toxiticy during this event is insane.
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You do realise it's extremely easy to get all the crowns right? I got all of mine on the first day for survivor. Played from 4-10 and escaped nearly every game.
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I play normally and sometimes that means I will get a 4k. First 2 days I let people go and got trashtalked so if you can't get out with crown, tough luck.
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I know there are toxic survivors out there playing killer during this event. But I am rank 2 survivor, I doubt that players who normally play survivor, has reached rank 1-5 of killers with all meta-perks for this event.
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Welcome to every event ever. Where both side are as toxic as humanly possible.
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I mean, I've been letting people who are trying to get crownd go the whole event, even if it means missing out on my 3k or 4k and I've only ever gotten respect and gratitide messages for it, and this is on ps4 where we don't have egc do you have to directly message the person.
Definitely isn't all of the killers like you're crying it is and definitely isn't that survivors are always toxic when you let them go like other people cry they are.
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If you are referring to me, I'm not claiming all survivors are toxic. But I put up with toxic survivors every day and if they can't show appreciation during event and getting crown, I see no need to let them escape anymore.
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I got all the crowns on survivor and had no extreme problems doing so. Also Playing in Red ranks.
Also Its easy to get crowns against campers. If you really have a hardcore camper you can finish the gens fast because you have no pressure.
You know, If the event favoured survivors they also wouldnt give a ######### about the killer getting his crown. You know why i think that?
I have seen killers gift hatch to the last survivor many times, but I never had a survivor gift me a hook/kill at the end of the game.
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When exit gates are open and I have downed glowing survivors that I can kill, I have let them go all event. I very seldom do this otherwise.
Sounds like you had 1-2 bad games and needed to go full "dbd racist" and say all of them are bad. No and there are even non toxic survivors in this game..strange huh?
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I let people go during the event when I was getting my crowns. Once I got them all though then I went back to playing normally.
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That's fair enough, I wasn't referring directly to you btw because I know you didn't say every survivor in fairness but seeing it was what reminded me to add it along with the killer bit because I have seen some people complain about survivors like that. I absolutely wouldn't judge or trash talk a killer who doesn't let a survivor trying to get a crown survive the match if they were being toxic and bming, I know how immensely frustrating that is.
Even saying that, I don't think killers have any obligation to let survivors go in a match anyway if theyre trying to get the crown, there's plenty of time to collect them, but i do think it's scummy for killers to play in a poor sport way by bleeding out, camping etc solely to prevent someone from escaping with a crown.
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how dare the killers to use certain perks, addons or offerings.
Also you know other events or things were made easier for survivors too? Did they played fair ? Nope. Its both sides, not just killers.
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And that's completely fine, killers aren't under any obligation to let survivors go at all, there's plenty of time to get crowns anyway.
I think a lot of people appreciate just playing normally anyway, it can take so long to get matches sometimes that it can be very disappointing to get farming matches if you just want a good game so even though i let people who are trying to get crowns go, I'll still play completely normally for the match until the end or until the person with the sparkles is on death hook, in which case I'll just ignore them for the rest of the match.
(Also when i say trying to get crown i just mean if they don't have it on but have the sparkles after collecting it in the match, otherwise everyone is treated the same whether theyre wearing the cosmetic or not)
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Why the actual hell would a killer let you go? If you cant deal with NOED you clearly need to reevaluate whether or not you should be still playing.
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I agree that it is scummy thing to do.
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Idk, I have def had some very toxic killers, but tbh I found more nice killers playing survivor than I found nice survivors playing killer.
Like, in the short timespan I played killer for the sole purpose of getting crowns, as a survivor main, I had the worst possible experience with the survivors and ngl? I ain't even mad at killers anymore. Honestly? I let people with the crown sparkles go IF they didn't t-bag and spam blind me for hooking one of them. (Literally had a SFW group just surround me with flashlights once and tbag and flash at me the whole time.) I have six killers total, I only need the crown for huntress left, and of the 8 games I played cycling through them (I just can't seem to find the pedestal as huntress) survivors made it so miserable, I made a rant thread about matchmaking in feedback. I ended up only letting two go in 8 games because they were, for the most part, awful, and they'd rage in chat after.
ESPECIALLY low-rank survivors. They are SUCH toxic trash.
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Aww, sorry. Want a tissue?
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I love how you only Pick NOED out of all the stuff i mentiones. It’s not about NOED it’s about people bringing in their most toxic builds and do everything in their power to prevent survivors from getting crowns. I am not asking killers to let me go, but at least stop playing so god damn sweaty and purposly doing everything they can to be as toxic as possible. I have had several killers carrying me to a crown, dropping me on the Ground right in front of it, waiting till the crown dissapears and then carrying me to a hook or mori me right next to a crown. I don’t mind killers playing like they normally would, putting up a fair fight, but this is just too much....
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How mature
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You do not speak for good luck with that thought process
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Playing rank 10-4 you should be able to do that lol. Playing at rank 1 for every game when some survivors only have ######### perks, is another story 😀
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I don't play toxic as a survivor, and most killers are not scummy. The event has been really fun. I don't teabag, DS, flashlight spam, and I actually try to help my team mates.
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I believe the only way to not play fair is to break TOS, cheat, or team. So already, this is invalid. Moris are in the game. Camping permitted, Tunneling permitted. Survivors have been bringing keys into my games more. Just been dealing with it but saying w.e. It's not everyone and its not unfair. May be unfun, but until BH does stuff with keys and moris and literally starts sucking away BP for camping well, I don't know what to tell you.
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I deranked from 2 to 8 and stopped cold there because I've been actively letting glowing original survivors without a crown escape. Rank doesn't matter, obviously, but it does also decrease my point gain and therefore hurts me to do it. But please, continue to push the narrative that all killers are being complete ######### during this event.
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then few bad survivor ruin for all of us i mean i just going try on my 4 main survivor and stop and for killer i got it on one because playing killer pain even tho we get the crown no matter what.
btw 2 crowns i got were from killers that let me go both time i said thank you but tho match are few and far between.
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And i think everyone should get items for log in to game, like in Hearthstone or any other better designed game. You know, because we all should be able to have fun and celebrate without any disturbance in gameplay. How about that?
Devs are to blame here, because they will not give us even crappy looking turd crown for free.
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I believe that the killers that played fairly stopped playing once they got their crowns, simply because of the ridiculous amount of bugs and server stuttering atm.
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I don’t understand where you get those Nice killers, I haven’t had a single one.. only ######### try-hard toxic russians match after match.
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i know they are some cool killer but if what they said really happen that messed up no matter what
what they said:I have had several killers carrying me to a crown, dropping me on the Ground right in front of it, waiting till the crown dissapears and then carrying me to a hook or mori me right next to a crown.
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Sorry I didn't make that clear lol I played from 4 o'clock to 10 o'clock. Been rank 1 survivor/killer for a few years now.
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It has been quite ridiculous lately since the event started. Any hot fox for it yet? Not played since thursday
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So not letting survivors go is now considered toxic? Really?
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Ive hd a killer slug me. Everyone else got out. Puck me up and drop me next to the gate and let me leave.
Sorry your experience has been worse, but saying ALL killers suck for playing the game is asinine.
Want the crowns? Earn them.
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The next hotfix is to fix the cakes not being the correct amount, no word on it containing any bug fixes.
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Stereotypes get you nowhere. You could try playing killer instead if getting ######### by TOXIC killers is so damaging to your mental state.
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Follow these rules, if any.
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And I think that's part of the problem. It's so easy to get the crowns on Killer. It took me 3 and a half hours total. During that time I happily let people escape, farm, goof around, what have you. Afterwards I just wanted to go back to playing killer normally. It only stays entertaining while you get something out of it.
I still have 5 survivors to go but I haven't been able to play as much the last few days. I'd say for the ones I've gotten maybe 5-6 hours total. I have met a lot of nice killers, but of course there's plenty who don't care.
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no i think it targeting only sparky ones is toxic to make sure they don't get one no matter what.
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No one is forced to play the event or let you escape stop being entitled
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Am I supposed to let survivors escape until the absolute end of this extended event or get branded as toxic or is there a point where I get to play the game before then?
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you can do absolutely whatever you want there is no rule.
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Obviously - I'm just referring to yet another snowflake excuse to have expletives hurled at me in postgame.
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If you can't escape once with your main in 3 weeks time then you have bigger problems then toxic killers
I know Killers have it easier but can we stop pretending that survivors have to do this insurmountable task to get their crown. You just have to escape once. Hatch included
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I have noticed I've faced literally nothing but tunneling Legion that use their power for a first free hit and then cancel to insta-down, Huntress with iri-head and ebony, and a slugging, camping Leatherface for the past week.