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General Discussions

Hatchet Hitbox Is Ridiculous & Getting Old

I’m tired of Huntress’ hatchet monster hitbox. Like seriously, she’s been out for how long and hatchets haven’t been fixed or even adjusted. You guys don’t wanna make hitboxes “miss an earlobe” but at least make them fair. And don’t give me that “latency” bs cause when I play huntress I see my own hatchets explode from hitting absolutely NOTHING. I have 60-64 ping constantly btw. Haven’t spent money on this game for months, and with the way this game is turning out to be for both survivor & killer, you’re damn right I’m not spending a single cent.

“Outplayed” by the way.

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  • Member Posts: 94

    Well considering they have much more others things planned to do and even more bugs to fix, this might take a long time until its being looked at.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    This isn't a problem of hitboxes but rather latency on the killer side

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    They changed the hatchet hitboxes some time ago but it caused all sorts of problems when they did (hatchets phasing through survivors pretty much all the time).

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    You also gotta take into consideration if they're VPN'ing.

  • Member Posts: 27

    i doubt its “latency” which is a sorry excuse the devs made up for everything. As I said, I play huntress and my hatchets explode when they hit nothing when the survivors perfectly “dodge” my hatchets.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I highly doubt all the huntress’ I played against are all on a VPN. I also play huntress and I use an Ethernet cord with 60 ping more or less and my hatchets hit/down survivors which visibly don’t even hit them

  • Member Posts: 159

    i mean i played huntress the other day and i couldnt event hit someone who stood still infront of me, my hatchets just went through them... its very much the connection between both players and not just the hitbox, while it is bigger than deathslinger the issue is more on connection and latency. i know some hits looks complete bull but then others have just gone straight through when it should of been a hit...

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    The thing with huntress, is you don't play against her like she throws a hatchet. You play against her like she throws seven fridges lined up top-to-bottom, or a bus. Since her hitbox isn't a hatchet, it's a beachball.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Then you're reported.

    Banned. Done.

    I'm kidding, but in all seriousness the more people complain about VPN the more people are going to do it.

    Ever since streamers started crying about VPN killers more and more have been using it.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Hitboxes are bullshit both ways. I can't tell you how many times I have lunged for a 360s survivor, have aim dressing lock on the survivor, and .... not get a hit awarded ... or hit a hooked survivor behind them ... or some rock or box 2 metres to the side.

    This is only get much worse with the upcoming hit-detection changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Tell me about it. A huntress threw a hatchet at me and it hit the pallet I was looping and my character model at the same time. The pallet even made a noise as if someone swung at it.

  • Member Posts: 169
  • Member Posts: 1,776

    Cosmetics take priority.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Part of the issue, I'm pretty sure, is that most characters lean forward during their run animation and this isn't reflected in the hitbox. (Similar to how, until somewhat recently, Survivors hitboxes did not get shorter when they were hunched to heal or do a generator, which allowed for hitting them over the tops of gens they were completely behind.)

    I might be mistaken in that, but I heard that was the case- it makes sense, since your screenshots mostly show hatchets hitting an area above your legs, which is probably near where the upright hitbox is centered. It also presents the opposite frustrating scenario- a survivors arms or head can be leaning out of the hitbox as they run, and a hatchet just flies through it.

  • Member Posts: 98
    edited June 2020

    Imagine a development team that goofs on their own 4 year anniversary. Do you really think one of the most busted and abused killer mechanics is going to be fixed anytime soon? Nope! I have been hit completely out of Huntress LOS so many times. I just have to roll my eyes.

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