What video game characters should we have in dbd?

With silent hill being a thing we should get more video game characters
My picks would be these guys
Tell me what ones you would want
The chick from that game FEAR might be cool
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Tyrant or Nemesis from Resident Evil would be awesome and for Survivor you could bring in one or two of the top 4, Claire, Leon, Chris, or Jill
With the abundance of Alien games it would be awesome if they could do an Alien chapter and bring in the Xenomorph for killer and Ripley as Survivor and you'd also get that movie license too.
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I think Springtrap from FNaF would make for a cool character, and I would sell my house to have a Clementine DLC.
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The redeads from Zelda ocarina of time. Scary things. Imagine a lumbering zombie that can freeze you in place temporarily.
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Stefano from Evil Within 2, with some kind of time stop power. Throw in Sebastian or Kidman as survivor, and give Trapper a Legendary costume for The Keeper.
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I’d love to see Ellie from TLOU, but I know that would probably never happen since Sony is all about that exclusivity.
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Marta and/or Chris from Outlast. Preferably Marta.
I really want a huge Killer that will call Survivors "little pig" and attack them with their bare (non-claw) hands; but I want to pick ax Survivors' in their crotch even more.
Also The Keeper from The Evil Within.
The Keeper is basically made for DbD; he has a "The" name, a pre-existing set of powers that would fit perfectly into DbD (sets Mines filled with barbed wire to temporarily trap victims in place, teleport between Safe Heads in the environment to get around obstacles in his environment, and he has two weapons (his hammer and his hook filled sack) and he looks incredible.
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Jacket 100%. He needs to come to this game.
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Joel - TLOU
Sebastian - The Evil Within
Alan Wake - Alan Wake
Aya - Parasite Eve
Sam/Mike - Until Dawn
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I think an insidious theme would go great!
Killer - Lip stick face
Survivor - Elise Rainier
Map - The entire house (including garden) of where it all started and include a door way in the attic which leads to lip stick face's lair.
I think it's be so cool
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Edward carnby and one eye jack from alone in the dark 2 :D
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Lo pan
Jack Burton
Big trouble in little China..... C'mon everyone over 30
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While I was browsing DBD's comment section. Someone has account that's literally about Clementine, They want her to be in DBD.
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Alma from FEAR would be fantastic.
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Springtrap or scrap baby from FNaF but i want Sidney Prescott from Scream franchise before anything else.
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Slender Man
And I started a discussion about it and what it would be like in the game:
(The following image is an edit)
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*picks up Outlast and Outlast 2 gently*
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Dude. Dude. Woah
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A big daddy would be awesomely awesome
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Sam Elliot.
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I would love Claire and/or Leon from RE2 for survivors. And I completely agree from above that I would sell my house for Clementine. That would be epic.
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There's a ton of those "Put (character) in DbD" accounts on Twitter. Actually, I'm pretty sure the Clementine account reposted an older post of mine.
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Ellie and Joel from TLOU would be cool but I doubt it would ever happen.
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Video game?...MANHUNT.
Survivor: James Earl Cash
Killer: Piggsy
Map: Carcer City
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Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies. As a singel survivor chapter just like Bill and Ashe, With some lobby voice lines too. I think the chapter will fit no problem and he is so popular character.
You can bring Kino der Toten Map too.
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I'd want Dr. Mario to counter vile players not get sick against Plague or slowed by Freddy snares.
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This would be so awesome. You got my vote. Jack Burton always says.........
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Alma from FEAR.
Candyman from Candyman. Just rewatched it and I still call it a masterpiece from the directing style to the unique story. One of the greatest twist endings too. I'd honestly give to 5/5 Stars. He would be perfect in this game. Candyman is like Scream where it is one of those rare and unique horror movies that isn't by the books. Plus Candyman loves hooks.
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I pray for the day until dawn appears in this game
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What about G-Birkin from RE2? 😀
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I was waiting for someone to say 😁.
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I guess Resident Evil is (next to Silent Hill) one of the biggest horror games, so that would def fit (even though I have not played it)
Then I want Alien: Isolation. Best option would be a tied movies and game license with Xenomorph killer, Ellen Ripley survivor, Amanda Ripley Legendary skin, and maybe even an android killer.
Alice: Madness Returns was also mentioned some time ago, don’t know anything but it’s possible.
And I want a Don’t Starve Together chapter, the art style is not fitting since its cartoony, so there would def be some design work needed to translate the chars to DbD style. I made a killer concept for Charlie aka The Darkness a while ago on these forums..
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a abyss watcher or blood borne killer
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Any character from until dawn, BioShock or dead space would be cool.
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Give me your best shot pal I can take it
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Would love a bloodborne chapter with Gehrman, The First Hunter as the killer. Nemesis or The Keeper are also good choices.
Not in a million years will this happen.. but if it did I would be extremely hyped.
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Are you both over the age of 30? I doubt anyone younger than this even knows how absolutely tremendous that film is!